"I want to see lots of explosions."

Steven's hand came unstuck from the pink platform, causing him to stumble back. The hand structure shrunk away, and a large robot came out of the ground in return. It turned to face the two children. They gasped in fear as triangle-shaped spikes raised from the ground, threatening to hurt them.

Connie, back to back with Steven, asked, "Should we be worried about this?" Steven looked over to Lion, who yawned and put his head down.

"Lion doesn't seem to be worried."

The raised triangles began to glow white, and the robot yellow. Steven and Connie could hear a crackling sound as a ball of yellow electricity fires from the robot and towards them. The boy yelled at Connie to run, and they bolted in opposite directions as the ball exploded where they were standing. It changed from yellow to blue, turning its lower half. Steven shouted Connie's name as they were both running from the robot.

"Steven, look out!" Connie yelped, causing Steven to stop running and look up at the robot in front of him. He screamed as the robot shot a ball of ice, catching his foot as he tried to hide from it. The robot headed towards Connie's hiding place, leaving Steven to attempt and get out of his frozen trap.

Connie shouted his name, then inquired, "What do we do?!"

The robot turned its lower half again, changing its glowing color to orange. An intense look of fear overtook Connie's face, and she screamed. Steven, terrified as well, tried to pull his leg out of the ice. "Connie!"

A ball of fire shot at Connie, and Steven could hear a scream of fear and pain. The robot turned its lower half and stopped glowing.

"Connie!" Steven screamed as the fire behind the raised triangle intensified.


I'm mean.


SpaceWonder368 - Thank you! I'm trying to go back to my darker tone that I had in some of the first chapters.

Hornetzilla78 - Whhhhyyyyy, thank you.

TheButtercupPrincess - Thanks!

Bon3Chill - :o never thought of it that way.

Serena Summers - Aha, thank you! I try.

LadyOfThePetals - Gruesome is my specialty.

Guest - Too bad you cowardly anons can't say this to my face, huh?

The Dimenssionalist - I'm glad to hear you like my AU! I'll work on fixing the dialogue.

IAMCHEEZY - There should be a separate aftermath fic for these . . . hm.

Good job - My, my . . . more cowardly anons!

StevenFriday - I'm trying to get better. Yeah, Cat Fingers was a little forced. Getting these chapters out quickly can be a little tough.

Dalekz universe - my specialty.

8Bitstudiosfanfic - Be careful with those clones, now.

MarcelineFan - Heh. ye.

Dalekz universe - Thank you eue

meme-asaurus - Yeah. I guess these /could/ be a little impossible, but oh well. We have fun around here.

TheRainbowPyro16 - yYAYYayyAya

FriendsWithBears - Oh my.

Okkusenman - That sounds cool, though. rAH

packman23 - o3o

The Cold Mage - sAME

Guest - I can't make any promises *heuhueheu*

spiderwilliam13 - That's basically my goal here!

Darugo - I'm glad you enjoyed my bad endings :D

Guest - *heuheuheue*

Skeleboner - *inTENSIFYING*

Elemental-756 - *hUEUhEUhUE*

TheDraconianCommander - Once again, I can't make any promises!