Riolu and sableye where playing dares, and they where having fun. "I dare you to lick my paw" Riolu said to sableye

"Ok that's not to hard of one to do is it" He said giggling and he bent over and gave the riolu's pawa one big long lick.

"Hmm my turn now isn't it" Sableye said thoughtfully. As he looked around for something to do. Then he had a great idea "OK Riolu follow me" and he led the Riolu into a nearby cave where they used to play together "Why are we here sableye" Riolu asked he's sableye friend. Sableye just turned to face the Riolu and giggled again. "Because my next dare has to be done in secret" He whispered. This made the Riolu smile and start to bounce about a little with excitement. "What is it? What is it?" Riolu asked

"I dare you to lick my penis" Sableye said with a smile on he's face thinking he had won the game.

"OK then" Riolu said as he knelt down in front of sableye. Sableye was shocked to say the leats but he didn't do anything. The Riolu gave the sableye's penis a long slow lick then another and another. "Hmm this taste pretty good do you want to taste mine?" Riolu asked between licks. The sableye hesitated for a moment then he nodded and the Riolu rolled on to it's back exposing its penis to the sableye's gaze. The licking of the Riolu started to get the sableye excited and he started to thrust into the dogs mouth as well as start licking himself. The Riolu became very aroused much quicker than the sableye and its knot started to throb. The pari had now started to thrust in unison. Both moaning with delight and pleasure "Riolu I feel a tingly sensation in my dick"

"Me to sableye" Riolu responded while still sucking the penis in hes mouth. Moments later the pair came in unison into one anothers mouth. Sableye rolled of off the top of Riolu and smiled. "That was really tastey can we do this again tomorrow Riolu" Sableye asked panting.

"Yeah sure I liked the taste as well" Panted Riolu in response.