All disclaimers are on the 1st chapter.

Please read, review and I hope you are enjoying the story.

Seth leaned on Cheetor as he lead him to the wash rack. This place was so much bigger then what the television series and videogames had showed of this place. Oh gods how he wanted to ask how everything work and go crazy about all the high technology here. "So Seth, what do you think about all this?" Cheetor suddenly asked pulling Seth from his thoughts.

"What do you mean, Cheetor?" Seth asked him as he looked confused, even though he was currently memorizing ever single detail to the best of his knowelege in case if he ever had to find his way out of this place.

"I mean about us Maximals...and your situation. I mean you humans aren't normally so calm." Cheetor said.

"To be honest with you cheetor, I'm honestly freaked out...worried sick about my friends. I was taught how to stay calm in most situations, and just between you and me, I could really go for some coffee to calm my nerves right about now. I most likely will freak out later." Seth said sighing.

"What's coffee?" Cheetor asked.

" a drink we humans enjoy drinking and helps some of us humans, to function in the morning to become more active. it's kind of like your energon only it's a bit more complicated to exsplain." Seth said as he tried his best to exsplain what coffee was, since he never had to exsplain it before. "Tell ya what...i'll make some coffee if I have any in my bag and let you take a taste of what coffee is, then you can decide for yourself."

"Cool...and I can let you try some energon." Cheetor said grinning. Insteantly all kind of warnings went off in Seth's head at that. Besides all kinds of images of him suddenly ending up dead, because he did something stupid.

"Uh Cheetor...I think energon, would most likely kill me...if I try drinking it." Seth said softly. "Thanks for the offer though."

"Oh right...I forgot organics...can't drink energon. Hmmm...I time when I go hunting, you can try whatever I catch." Cheetor said smiling.

"Sounds fine with me, and maybe once I recover...we could race or something." Seth said with a slight smile.

"Ultra gear...sounds awesome...though I most likely would win, after all i'm the fastest cat alive." Cheetor said grinning.

"True but I happen to be a fast runner. Let's just wait and see shall we?" Seth said smirking. However his smirk then slowly turned into a frown. "I really hope my friends are okay."

"Hey don't worry...big bot and the others will find your friends if they are here...also we will be doing everything we can to help you get home and keep ya safe fom the Preds." Cheetor said as they reached the washing rack.

"I just hope the Preds don't have my friends...or know about me yet." Seth said as he looked deeply concerned before he stared up at the ceiling. I hope you guys are safe. Seth thought as Cheetor lead him inside the room.

Meanwhile back in Seth's dimension.

Seth's friends were in total horrified disbelief while they kept running. They had just witnessed their friend get struck by lightning, before he just simply vanished into thin air as his body was engulfed in a blinding light.

"Holy mother of gods! Seth...he...he just...oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Max screamed as he started to freak out. More lightning was coming down violently and more angrily making it impossible for any of them to stop, and go back for Seth if he was even there.

"Keep running...we got to get out of this storm...we'll wait for the storm to pass, before we can help him, it's too dangerous to go back for him now!" Kenny yelled even though he was frowning as every fiber of his being, was screaming at him to go back for Seth. There's nothing more we can do right now, for ya Seth...damn it you better still be alive.

"He's dead! Oh gods, he's been disinagrated!Oh fuck, oh fuck!" Max screamed as they continued running.

"I'm going to kill your brother, if he doesn't shut the hell up soon, Jim! No one's dead yet, MAX!" James snapped in irritation as he continued running.

"Bro shut the hell up! This is Seth we are talking about...knowing him...he's alive and fine somewhere. He's like that transformer from beast wars known as dinobot, he's a fighter and he wont go down with out a fight." Jimmy yelled as they reached the cave and went inside.

"Hey Jim, You forget he's also like Rattrap...and doesn't know when to keep his big mouth shut at times." James said with a small smile even though he worried sick about Seth.

"Wait...Dinobot died in beast wars! Oh fuck, oh-" Max started as he began freaking out all over again.

"That's it! I'm really going to be killing your brother!" James snarled as he started towards Max only to be held back by Jimmy.

"James, you can't kill my brother!" Jimmy yelled.

"Watch me!" James snarled as Max was obvious to what was going on. Kenny was looking back at the storm that was still happening and was deeply worried about Seth. Eventually his temper flared up and he lost it as he listened to the arguments happening around him.

"No one is killing anyone!" Kenny yelled as he was glaring at everyone.

"Seth's d-ACK!" Max squeaked as Kenny gripped his throat slamming him against the cave wall hard. Max stared up Kenny with terrified eyes.

"Seth's not don't you dare, keep talking as though he is. He's a damn fighter, and I know he's alive. The jerk is too damn stubborn to die. So calm down and be quiet or i'll knock you out cold!" Kenny snarled before he released a very terrified looking Max. Max wisely stayed quiet and just sat down.

"Okay...Now that's...uh...settled. Let's set up camp in this cave, change out of our wet clothes and just wait for the storm to pass, since... that's all we can do besides pray and hope our friend is okay." Jimmy said looking uneasy as he released James who crossed his arms and leaned against the cave wall.

"Right...Sorry about roughing up your brother, Jim." Kenny said softly.

"It's fine...I was going to go slap him across the face...but your method seemed to work a lot better. Never seen him this quiet before." Jimmy said looking concern.

"I still say we kill your brother. This camping trip was his idea." James grumbled.

"No one is killing anyone, James." Kenny said. James threw his hands up.

"Fine!" He snapped.

Back in the Transformers Beast Wars dimension.

A certain Predacon known as Waspinator was patrolling the area where the Maximals were searching for Seth's friends. "Waspinator sick of getting blasted all the time, Waspinator gets no respect. Waspinator go do this...Waspinator go do that! Me sick of it!" He yelled to himself as he was out searching for energon crystals for Megatron. That was when he noticed the maximals and paniced as he quickly landed behind some rocks and transformed as he took a defenseive position. He was out numbered if he enganged them.

Why maximals ,way out here? Why does universe hate Waspinator? Waspinator wondered as he began to eves drop on them.

"Is this the location where you found Seth?" Optimus asked Dinobot as they were looking around.

"I'm pretty sure it was here or was it by that tree over there." Dinobot said frowning as he was trying to find the exact spot where here he encountered Seth.

"Great...Lizard lips, forgot where he picked up our wannabe Pred." Rattrap said.

Maximals have new maximal? New Maximal more like Predacon? Waspinator wondered as he moved slightly closer as he held his blaster closer to him.

"Be silent rodent! I know we are in the right area...the exact spot where I encountered Seth...I'm not really sure. I was too busy trying to get the human, back to base so the predacons wouldn't find out about him!" Dinobot snarled at Rattrap.

Waspinator must inform Megatron that Maximals have a fleashy bot! Waspinator thought as he transformed and took to the air air just as Rhinox had turned and saw Waspinator flying away.

"Too late...for keeping Seth a secret from the predacons." Rhinox said as he noticed Waspinator and he most likely over heard everything as he took off as fast as possible. Most likely to go report back to Megatron.

"That's just prime." Optimus said shaking his head. He wouldn't be able to go after Waspinator, right now due to energon build up at the moment. He knew he shouldn't have flown to the location. It was just just one of those bad timing moments. No one had noticed Waspinator until it was too late to do anything about it.

"Nice going lizard lips! You just told the preds, we have a human!" Rattrap yelled.

"How was I suppose to know that Waspinator, was right there, vermin!" Dinobot yelled at him.

"ENOUGH! Let's just keep looking around, a little while longer...then we will head back to base and just wait for Seth to recover...he knows his friends better than we do" Optimus said sighing.

"I'm starting to think this human of ours is gonna get us all killed." Rattrap said groaning.

To Be Continued...