Chapter fivah! Don't forget to please leave a review!

Oh! I changed my account name so some people would stop harassing me through twitter -.-, but I'll still be known as BlackHeartIce secretly around here ;3

Love you, people! Let me know what you think :3

xo BlackHeartIce ~

Hermione took a few steps back.

"What do you mean 'me'?" she said nervously.

"What you heard, Granger." He said tired.

She tried to formulate comprehensible words, but nothing came out of her mouth.

"I've dreamt about this. About you and me meeting here, at this hour, but I don't know why."

Hermione started pacing, her mind running through this new piece of information.

"I've dreamt things too, but only related to… death. I see Harry dying… and Ron, and Ginny… and I see us both dying too."

Malfoy's expression changed to one of concern.

"Okay, let's think about this. What could have happened that triggered these dreams, and what do they mean?" said Hermione with authority

"A curse. There's no other way. Someone cursed us and now is having a very good freaking time knowing we're in this mess."

"Could be… or maybe we ate something? Have you eaten anything out of your usual foods? Or something enchanted!"

"Granger, when is food here not unusual or enchanted?" he said dryly.

Hermione drew her hands to her temples trying to think and make sense over all this. She then turned to Malfoy, with a careful expression on her face.

"Ok, Draco…" she said warningly, getting a stern look from him. "I know you might not like what I'm about to say, but you I need you to tell me absolutely everything that happened in those dreams."

"What?! Why would I do that? No way!" he said crossing his arms as he walked away from her.

"Because! It's the only way to know if all of this makes sense! I dream that we all die here in the castle for no reason, and you dream that you and I meet here, but why?"

Malfoy flinched and looked away angry. Hermione had never seen this look on his face before… was he blushing?!

"Just forget it, Granger, that doesn't matter at all."

"Draco, it DOES matter! If we've been having the same dreams night after night it's because it could possibly mean something real!"

Malfoy's head turned so quickly to her she thought she heard his neck snap.

"What do you mean real? What are you saying?" he said, his eyes wide.

"I'm saying that this, our dreams, could be indeed a curse, not just someone messing around with us."

Malfoy opened his mouth but nothing came out. He looked at Hermione, questioning himself whether if what he was about to do was not mentally insane. He came closer to her, but noticed she tensed up, so he stayed put.

"I… I dream that I ask you to tutor me, just like I did today before and you agree. Then we meet here, at around this hour and… and we…" he looked away in shame, making a noticeable gulping sound.

"And we what?" she asked with her heartbeat ringing on her ears.

"And we make out, okay?!" he replied quickly and annoyed, almost tripping through the words, his face flushed.

Hermione could feel the heat running through her neck, to her ears and to her face. She knew she must have looked scarlet red at that moment… but then again, so did Malfoy.

"Oh… um... well, I-"

"Don't say anything. I know, I'm disgusted too."

Without knowing why, Hermione instantly felt like if someone had stabbed her after hearing those words. Somehow she felt like if Malfoy had deeply hurt her, like if he had teared her heart to pieces, but she managed to regain her composure.

"That was not what I was going to say, Draco." She said as a matter-of-factly, making him look at her with a curious expression. "But keep going… I need to hear how this ends."

"That's just about it… after that we just keep going through a book."

"A book? Wh-what book?!" she said puzzled.

"I don't know, we just run through some pages, but I don't remember…"

"Think, Draco! It's important!"

"I know! And I told you! I don't remember the name!" he said tense.

She looked around and spotted the classroom's book shelves, where McGonagall kept her copies for all-years transfiguration. She tried to open one of the doors, but it was locked. She cursed lowly.

Malfoy stood beside her looking at her like if she had grown two heads.

"What?" she said annoyed

"Are you freaking kidding me? Aren't you supposed to be a wizard? Use magic!"

"I know I could use magic, jerk, but McGonagall keeps this shelves enchanted so the stealing of these books or situations like this," she said pointing between them, "don't happen! She'll find out if we force it with magic."

Malfoy backed away deep in thought.

"Potter has that copy, doesn't he?" he said pointing to 'Intermediate Transfiguration, Vol. 5'


"So, we get the other copies from students who have them."

Hermione thought about it for a second and knew it wasn't a bad idea.

"Okay… so we make a list and split the books between us. You get these two copies," he said pointing at two first year books, "Plus the one from Potter and I get these three books. You don't happen to have any of these, do you?"

"I aced Transfiguration last year, I no longer take the class."

Malfoy rolled his eyes with half a smile "But of course…"

They both stared at each other, eyes filled with questions and other things, things they hadn't quite figured out. Hermione noticed how close they were from one another and bowed her head to look at the ground. She could not look into his eyes for that long, not after knowing that he didn't like her in that way. She felt ridiculous for feeling what she felt towards him, because they had never actually talked, nor he had been nice to her, ever… but somehow she felt something for him. Something she wished she didn't, but only kept growing.

She shook her head and stepped back.

"Once we gather the books, we meet here and go through them, maybe one has an explanation for this and it can all just… end."

"End... I mean. Sure."

"We'll meet the day after tomorrow." said Hermione

"Why? What happens tomorrow?"

"We have History of Magic's exam." She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the universe.

She heard him curse to himself and saw him run a hand through his hair.

"Maybe you could find a tutor to help you review." She said with a roll of her eyes as she opened the door and headed to the Gryffindor tower.

Thank you for reading!