"Alright, everybody listen up." Voight said as his team sat down at their desks ready to work. "Now, I'm sure you're all aware of the newest gang that's moved into our city. In the past 2 months since they moved in there has been a triple increase on drugs on these streets. A lot of low-level and mid level dealers have been offed lately and the case has been under the investigation of the gang unit... until now."

Voight taped a picture to the board. "Last night they made and killed this man.. an undercover cop in their gang. The case is now ours. We have surveillance from across the street of the abandoned warehouse where the murder took place. Now, although we didn't get any footage of the suspects, however we did get this.."

Voight reached down and grabbed another photo and taped it on the board. "This girl made a call from this pay phone to 911 saying that someone was being murdered. The picture's a little grainy.. but its all we have to go on right now."

"It looks like she has a tattoo... and she used a pay phone so we can assume no cell so... homeless maybe?" Erin said from her desk.

"Go, take Halstead. Antonio, see if you can get any prints off that pay phone. Ruzek, see if you can find any gang tattoos similar to that in our database" Voight said.

Erin and Jay nodded and off they went

"So what shelter should we hit first?" Jay said.

"Excuse me ma'm, have you seen this girl?" Erin asked one of the shelter directors.

"Mmm sorry no, can't say I have... has she done something wrong?" The woman asked.

"No, we just wanna talk. Will you let me know if she comes by?" Erin say, handing the woman her card.

"Of course, not a problem." The woman replied.

"Well, anything?" Jay asked as Erin returned to the car.

"Nope." Erin said as she put the car in gear.

"Well, we could branch out and start searching other shelters outside the area, or we could double back and check some of the allies, subway stations, and abandon buildings in the area?" Jay suggested.

"Hey that's her!" Erin said, slightly slamming the breaks.

Jay looked to where she was pointing. There was a young girl with red hair playing guitar across the street in a small park. She had the same tattoo as the picture. Erin and Jay parked the car and got out.

(Singing) "Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you, and everything you do... and they were all yellow." (Singing)

The girl had her eyes closed, and she smiled as she sang out and strummed her guitar. It reminded Erin of the movie August Rush.

"You're quite talented." Erin said as she approached the girl.

The girl opened her eyes and smiled. "Thanks, any requests?"

"No, but we would like to talk to you though." Jay said, stepping forward and showing her his badge.

The girl's smile vanished from her face. "What about?" She asked as she collected the money in her case and began to put her guitar away.

"About a phone call that was made from a pay phone a block from the old warehouse on Johnson's Street." Jay asked.

The girl closed her guitar case and stood up to face the detectives. She met their eyes but she didn't say a word. Erin stared at the girl for a few moments.. there was something familiar in her rain grey eyes.

"Would you mind coming down to the station with us and answering a few questions?" Erin said. "Maybe your parents or someone could meet us down there?"

"I'm 18." The girl said quietly.

"Great, we can even give you a ride down there." Jay said.

The girl looked very unsure.. "uh ok... 20 minutes tops. I have work."

"Ok, we can put your guitar in the back." Jay said, reaching towards the girl. The girl flinched and jumped back.

"Ok" Jay said putting his hands up as they headed for the car.

Voight watched from behind the glass as Erin and Jay questioned the girl.

"I'm detective Lindsay and this is Halstead." Erin said, "What's your name?"

"R..r..Riley." The girl said.

The two detectives waited for a last name but it never came.

"So where were you last night Riley." Erin asked.

Riley shrugged. "Asleep somewhere."

"Asleep near this warehouse?" Jay asked sliding a picture forward.

"Yes." Riley answered.

"Are you homeless Riley?" Erin asked.

Riley nodded.

"There are lots of shelters in the area you could stay at." Erin said.

"You have to be on guard all night in shelters if you don't want someone stealing your stuff... they haven't been the safest places to stay." Riley said.

"So where do you live now?" Erin asked.

Riley didn't respond.

"Ok talk to me about this." Jay said sliding the surveillance picture of her on the pay phone across the table to her.

The girl picked up the photo and looked at it. "I made the call" she said hesitantly.

"Can you tell me what you saw?" Erin said. "We can protect you you know."

"I didn't see anything... I heard a gunshot and I assumed the worst. It was gang territory." Riley said. "Can I go now? My 20 minutes are up and I have to go to work."

Erin sighed and nodded. "Yes, here's my card. Where do you work? My partner Jay here can give you a ride."

"No.. thanks. I work at Pat's Pawn shop. I'll just run." Riley said and got up as Jay opened the door for her.

Later Voight and Erin sat in his office as the day was winding down.

"So that kid today." Voight said.

"Yeah.. there was something up with her... and she said she only heard a gun shot but the pay phone call said someone was being murdered..." Erin said.

"Did you notice during the interview that even when you spoke to her she had her eyes on Jay? Watching his hands?" Voight commented.

"Yeah.. and she seemed really jumpy too.." Erin said.

Voight nodded. "That girl's been hit. And she'll never talk with a man in the room. Stop by that pawn shop tomorrow, see if she's there. Maybe she'll talk to you one on one in a more open area."

"Ok" Erin said gathering her coat.

Voight smiled and leaned a crossed the desk to ruffle Erin's hair. "Love you kiddo."

"Ahh" Erin said, giving Voight a sarcastic and playful look as she fixed her hair and left... with the Riley girl on her mind.

Hope you liked the first chapter :) R&R! If you want to see pictures and stuff for this story, you can go to my website! Just google "Hayleigh's Comet weebly" or use the link on my profile :) Thank you and stay tuned!