I'm ready

Part 1

"Daddy, I do not need hand-outs, I can find my own job, by my OWN merits". She seethes.

Exasperated, Eli runs his hand over his face… Why or why did she have to be so stubborn? It was now more than ever that she reminded him of her mother, god rest her soul; but she was as stubborn as a mule too. "All I'm saying Liv is that it's been 8 months since you graduated from Howard and as educated and brilliant as you are, they're simply not hiring the likes of you!"

"Why? Because I'm black- and I'm a women, is that what you're implying?"

He didn't want to say it, but sadly it was the truth- and it was also one of the many reason as to why he worked day and night, as a Civil Rights Activist. Despite Civil Law being passed three years ago, it was plain to see that prejudice and injustice for black people was still very much apparent, even more so if you happened to be a woman; it was twice the struggle. After all, his daughter was a prime example of the underlying discrimination that still existed in America. As much as the government tries to deny it- the blacks were not seen as equals. "Baby girl, you've been on ELEVEN interviews, they're not hiring you- Can't you see that? That's why I spoke to Fitzgerald; with him planning to run for State Governor next year, he is well-connected and involved in a great number of political or non-political organisations- I'm sure he can find you something to do."

Pride getting in the way; preferring to find her own way in the world, she scrunches up her face in disdain, but refrains from arguing her point any further. Deep down she knows her father is right, even if it pains her to admit it. 4 years of studying Law at Howard- had it all been in vain? Was she that naive to believe that America could change? Her friend Edison who also studied Law with her, had struggled to secure himself a job too, and in the end it took his father's influence within that particular sector to finally land himself a gig. He was now working for a small law firm, supporting black people in minor civil disputes. Funnily enough, when Edison had informed her that he was applying for that position, she decided to fill out an application too. However, despite the fact that she had graduated with honours that were far superior then that of Edison's, she was not even shortlisted for an interview.

Her father's words ringing true once again, even among her own people, she was regarded as a lesser being- and all because she was a woman; and in short she was growing increasingly tired of it.

However, having to accept momentary defeat, begrudgingly she gives in to her father's suggestion. "Fine, I'll meet with Fitz and see what he has to offer, but it has to fit in with my ideals Daddy; I don't want to work in any old job, it has to be right for me; directly geared to my skill set, otherwise I won't be interested and it will end up being a waste of time."

From all that spiel, all Eli hears is her agreeing to meet with Fitz, which is good enough for him. "Great that settles it- I'll call and let him know that you'll come and meet him in the office, tomorrow at noon, if that's okay with you pumpkin?"

"Yes, I suppose so," She huffs, and he can't help but smile in response… "You're something else my dear child… something else indeed."


"I told you already, I will be there… No, I have not contacted him yet… I told you, I don't agree with his politics… Yes… yes, I know he would be influential… Listen, my father is interfering enough, I don't need you on my case as well Mellie…"

A knock on the door, momentarily distracts him from his conversation, as he waves Cyrus in… "Look, I've got to go… I'll see you later… Yes, alright… I promise, goodbye."

"She's a special lady that Mellie," Cyrus comments knowingly.

"Oh she's special alright…" Fitz agrees with a slight grimaces; his wife's voice was still ringing in his ear.

"You wanted me Cy?"

"Yes, sorry to interrupt, but Olivia Pope is here waiting to see you, she had an appointment with you at 12 O'clock."

He looks down at his watch, unable to believe the time, it was way past 12 o'clock now. "Oh my, I totally forgot she was coming, yes of course, send her in Cy."

Olivia Pope, Elijah's only daughter. It had been years since he last saw her, in fact, she was still in her teens when they last met. It had been at a political function that he had collaborated on with her father, tackling police brutality towards the blacks. She had been a quiet soul back then, nothing like the stories he's been told of her recently. Elijah was a proud papa, he never stopped talking about his daughter and her accomplishments- nor did he stop talking about the injustice she was currently facing; being unable to find suitable employment. To be honest, Fitz was so aggrieved at the notion that a girl as talented as Olivia could be so easily cast aside as a result of her skin colour; when it came down to it Eli didn't even have to ask him for a favour, he was more than happy to offer up a solution. Besides, if she was as good as her father said she was, she will prove to be an invaluable asset.

A second knock on the door signals her arrival; "Come in," he calls to her, lifting his head up from his musings to greet her.

Wow… Okay, so Miss Olivia Pope was definitely not a teenager anymore. She was all grown up and dare he say stunning.

"Hi," he finds that his mouth has gone dry and all of a sudden his palms feel sweaty too.

"Hi Mr Grant".

He stands up, offering her a handshake and then a seat… "Please, take a seat Olivia, and by the way feel free to call me Fitz… And I'm so sorry for the wait."

"I appreciate that, thank you." After a slight hesitation, as if pondering whether she should say it or not, she adds… "Umm Fitz, I was wondering if you would mind terribly if we can remain formal when we're at work, it's just… if you're going to offer me a job, I don't want anyone thinking that I've earned it unfairly, because we are familiar with one another?"

Straight to business he sees. "Of course Olivia I totally understand, and you're right; it would be better for us to keep things professional in the workplace." He retorts. Olivia clearly had her wits about her; and so he agrees with her request, even if the sound of his name passing from her lips had a profound effect on him. If he had the nerve to stop and question as to why that would be, he would most certainly be treading upon forbidden grounds, so he doesn't; and quickly pushes the thought aside.

Olivia however, completely unaware of the effect she was having on him, takes the offered seat, crossing her legs and causing her skirt to rise ever so slightly, exposing her toned thighs to his view. And God help him, but he can't help but notice it- What was it with this girl? It was as if somehow Olivia's presence was drawing him in on every little single detail about her; from her defined cheekbones, to her full pouty lips, and her tiny waist. She was the definition of distraction and beauty rolled up into one, and he berated himself for even thinking it.

He clears his throat. Pull it together Fitz, she's your friend's daughter for Christ sake- and let's not forget the fact that you're married- Damn it!

He takes a seat opposite her, silently vowing to compose himself. Eventually, he proceeds… "So Olivia, your father says you're in need of a job."

"That I am, but I have to be honest with you Fitz, although society dictates that I shouldn't be, I'm extremely fussy when it comes down to the line of work I should get involved in… I've worked too hard to get to where I am now, I know my worth and my area of expertise; and as I'm sure you already know I have in-depth knowledge of the law and so therefore I will not settle for a job that is anyway diminutive of these attributes."

He was impressed, "I wouldn't dream of offering you anything less Olivia, although I have to admit the majority of the organisations I am affiliated with are non-profitable, but that doesn't mean there isn't any scope for creating a role that could would place you on our payroll, in fact I have just the thing is mind…"

Less than 30 minutes later, Fitz had her assigned to the National Organisation for Women (NOW) foundation; with her background in Law she would be in charge of all legal matters, but more importantly she would be working for a cause that she was all too familiar with, but also fully supportive of-Women's Rights.

Olivia thought it was perfect… "When dad suggested I come and speak to you, I was a bit reluctant; I've always been independent, and I was hell bent on doing this on my own… but I'm so glad that I came." She admits ruefully. "Thank you Fitz, I promise I won't let you down."

"Olivia, I have no doubt in my mind." He grins widely, which she mirrors-genuinely pleased with the turn of events.

With their meeting closing to an end, she grabs her purse and rises from her seat; to which he follows suit escorting her to the door, albeit reluctantly, because he could quite happily spend the rest of the day conversing with her. Not only was she visibly stimulating, she was intellectually stimulating as well- a rare delight. He takes her hand into his own and shakes it, sealing the deal… "So, I'll see you tomorrow bright and early Miss Pope?"

She chuckles, rather amused by his suddenly business like tone. "Oh I'll be there on time; after all I wasn't the one running late today, now was I Mr Grant?"

He laughs, "Touché".