A/N: The full summary:

On the parallel Earth, Torchwood continues its research on parallel dimensions and travel. Rose and John Smith, the tenth Doctor duplicate, are indeed married, but their responsibilities with Torchwood have forced them to put their relationship on hold as aliens from the old world and new ones even John hasn't seen yet threaten Earth for various reasons. When one of the new alien's tech mixes with the Torchwood tech, disaster strikes as John and Rose fall into yet another parallel Earth. However, the forces that brought them there have also collided with the original Earth at a terribly stressed wibbly wobbly timey whimey point in time. To be more specific, its right after Rory is zapped by the Weeping Angel. That wibbly-wobbly point in time was damaged enough, but when Amy is zapped it creates a paradox that forces Amy and Rory into the same world as Rose and John, which had been temporarily weakened by naturally occurring forces. Will the three former companions and the Doctor duplicate ever get back to Earth? Which Earth can they get too? Will Amy and Rory be sent back to their timeline or to the point in the past where the Angel tried to send them? What about their names on the gravestone back on the original Earth? BUT! The most important question is, will holes in the dimensions be enough to get the grieving Doctor's attention, or will he move on, blinded by grief, unaware of what really happened to Amy and Rory? Well, one thing's for sure: in this new, low-tech, parallel Earth, getting back to wherever and whenever will take a while…

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I do not own Torchwood. And I do not own a TARDIS. :'(

Rose Tyler, (now Rose Tyler Smith), John Smith (The 10th Doctor duplicate), and Jake were trying to lead an alien away from Torchwood HQ, with some difficulty. The other members of Torchwood had evacuated, or were trying to evacuate any citizens in the area. So it was up to those three to catch the alien before someone got eaten. Their footsteps sounded like a stampede as they bolted out of an underground escape route and turned a sharp corner.

"I told you not to wake it!" Rose shouted as an eerie screech echoed behind them.

"I wanted to see if it could talk! Its vocal chords were fascinating!" John shouted over another screech. "And it was your ringtone that woke it!"

"You took it out of its sound proof containment field and put it on the bloody stairs, right next to my phone! How is that my fault?" Rose shouted back. The screeching became louder and you could now hear the sound of wings flapping.

"Well I wasn't going to put it on the floor!" He retorted. Rose rolled her eyes as they turned another corner down and abandoned street. "Besides, I didn't know it was in a larva stage! How was I supposed to know it was going to grow wings and fly away?" He spread his arms and flapped them for dramatic effect, nearly hitting Rose and Jake.

"Are you there yet?" Jackie asked over the com unit in their ears.

"We're almost there." Jake answered.

"How are Rose and John?" She asked.

"We're fi-" The creature caught up with them and nearly hit them with a street light it knocked down. The bottom part was melting, bubbling, and fizzing, and there was some more shouting between John and Rose. "We're all fine, but apparently this thing spits acid. And Rose and John are still fighting, so they won't answer you right now."

"Okay, well the van is ready for when you get here. Be careful." She said. Another turn and two blocks later and they were at the van.

"NOW!" Jake shouted as Pete turned on a laser beam, trapping the bat-like creature. Out of breath and panting, Rose and John were somehow able to continue their argument.

"-this is why *pant* we don't let you in there *pant* anymore!" Rose said, breathing heavily.

The beam carried the creature over to the van as its roof opened up. The beam lowered the creature inside a metallic box that quickly filled with sleeping glass. Once asleep, it looked more like a hairless cat than a bat alien.

"Ugh, it smells!" Jackie said as she crinkled her nose.

"Get in you three." Pete said. "We need to get back-" He was cut off when the Torchwood Red Alert went off.

"Any chance that's a malfunction from earlier?" John asked, as he finally regained his breath. Jackie and Pete shook their heads.

"No, this is a different alarm." Pete said.

"Red Alert?" Jake asked. Pete nodded.

"Great, something else broke out." Rose said as she slowly walked towards the van.

"Or something broke in." John said. Everyone looked at him. "It's just a bad feeling I have." It didn't take long for everyone around him to realize that a 'feeling' meant his Time Lord half's instincts knew something John couldn't detect as a human.

"Great. Better not be more aliens. You know we can't help you all the time, we've got a baby at home!" Jackie complained. Once everyone was in Pete sped away back to Torchwood HQ.

"We have visual." Jackie said as a screen showed the security camera footage.

"Bad news, I don't know that species. Good news, I get to discover a new species!" John said happily. Jake sighed and Rose rolled her eyes. A call came over their coms.

"Has the alien been secured?" A woman asked. She was from the newest Torchwood branch.

"Yeah, but another new one got inside." Rose answered.

"Do you need backup?" The woman asked.

"Not as of right now, but be on standby. Red Alert." Jake answered.

"Roger Bad Wolf, Black Hawk. Blue Canary out." The call ended there.

"Why are all of you code names bird related?" Jackie asked.

"Not sure. They've apparently been that way since this Torchwood was founded." Jake said.

"Another thing." Jackie said. "I get why Rose is chose 'Bad Wolf', but John, why is your codename 'Theta Sigma'?"

John's smile grew even more. "Oh, Jackie, that's a story for another day."

"Here." Pete said as he pulled in an underground parking lot. "We'll watch the alien. Go handle the new guy."

"With pleasure!" John said as he ran ahead. It didn't take long for Rose and Jake to catch up.

"You can't just run-" Jake was cut short as Rose put a hand over his mouth. They entered the room, ducked behind some stairs and peeked out. John was across the room and moving closer to the gray humanoid. It was doing something to the computers when it pulled out some sort of laser gun. John stopped moving and hid behind a desk just in time, as the laser gun was fired and blew it up. It turned quickly and started destroying everything it saw. Then it saw Rose and Jake and aimed the weapon at them.

"RUN!" John shouted, as the alien's attention turned to him. John jumped out of the way as it blasted one of the new dimensional guns. When the laser and the dimensional gun collided,a bright white light appeared and a rift opened, sucking the alien through. The light grew brighter and started pulling John into it, as he was so close to it.

"NO!" Rose shouted as she grabbed John's hands.

"ROSE DON'T-" But before John could finish they were pulled into the rift. Then it closed.

(\( O _O)/) (\( O _ O )/) (\(O_ O )/)

Rory felt dizzy. And confused.

Where am I? He thought. How did I get in a forest? We were in New York… He started to panic.

"Amy!" He yelled frantically. "Doctor! River! Where are you?" All of a sudden, Amy appeared out of nowhere, crying.

"Amy! Are you-" He was cut short when Amy kissed him quickly and gave him a big bear hug. "Amy what happened? Why are you-" She cut him off again.

"The Angels, Rory. One was in that cemetery! It got you, and I-, I thought I lost you again!" She wiped her eyes and smacked him. "Now look at the mess you got us into! We're stuck in the past and the Doctor can't get us back!" She hugged him again.

"But Amy, the Doctor has a time machine. Couldn't he just come and get us?" Rory asked. It was a little scary to see Amy cry like this.

"No, he said the timeline was too damaged. That's why I let the Angel get me! I can't lose you again." She wiped her eyes.

"That explains the grave… but why did you let it get you? You could've been lost in another time!" He gently grabbed her shoulders. She was shaking just a little.

"W-well I wasn't." She broke free of his arms and looked around, as she gained her composure. "Now let's get out of the woods. I'm sure a town is close by." She seemed to recover quickly, but there was still a slight quiver in her voice, and her eyes were still red.

"Actually, depending how far back we went, it might be more like a village." Rory said, closely eying Amy. He knew she'd be okay. She was strong. "Amy wait, what's that over there?" They walked over to a map that appeared to be on a hiking trail. "Are we in a National park?" He asked.

"No, it doesn't look like one on the map." She pointed to a red star. "I think we're here. It looks like that town is the closest. Weird name." The last part was said mostly to herself, but Rory was close enough to hear it, though it sounded more of a whisper.

"What's it called?" Rory asked from beside Amy.

"Bad Wolf." Amy said.

"Maybe we should head there, before dark." Amy agreed and they started walking. It wasn't even a minute later when they ran into a blonde girl and a skinny guy with glasses holding some sort of a broken machine.

"-I still don't know why it exploded." The skinny guy said as he ran a hand though his, surprisingly sexy, hair.

"Oh, hello!" The blonde said when she saw Amy and Rory. "Do you know where we're at? We're a little lost." She walked over to them and the guy followed, never looking up from the busted machine.

"Actually, we're a little lost ourselves." Rory answered.

"But there was a sign that showed a village or town nearby. We're heading there now, if you want to tag along." Amy said. She had a weird feeling she knew that guy, but they've never met before, have they?

"Is it far?" The man asked, finally looking up at them.

"No, I think it's less than a mile away." Amy answered still puzzled about what was so familiar about him.

"Oh, really? What's it called?" The man asked, clueless to her conundrum.

"Bad Wolf." Rory answered. The strangers' eyes widened in a mix of shock and confusion, and the air suddenly became thick and tense. The blonde looked like she'd been hit.

"What?" The man suddenly became serious and focused all his attention on Rory and Amy.

"I'm sorry, did you say Bad Wolf?" The woman asked just as seriously, but with wider eyes.

"Uh, yeah, do you know the town?" Amy asked.

"No, it's nothing. It's just… never mind. Not important to you." The man said, running a hand through his messy hair. Yep, it's still sexy. The man tried to shrug it off, but it was obviously still bothering them.

"Okay… maybe we should introduce ourselves. I'm Amy. And this is my idiot of a husband, Rory."

"I'm not an idiot." Rory said defensively.

"You're the reason we're in this mess." Amy reminded him. "And it looks like we won't be getting out of it this one, since he can't come and get us." She got a little sadder as she said that.

"Who can't come?" The man asked.

"Just our friend. We travel with him, but sometimes he screws up and has to fix everything, but now he can't because you just had to look at that bloody gravestone near the Weeping Angel!" Amy said angrily, past grief forgotten.

Amy and Rory didn't notice as the man and woman exchanged knowing looks. That sounds just like something the Doctor would do! The man's eyes gave away what he thought, and the woman's eyes went wide. He thinks they're the Doctor's companions! Or maybe were. She thought.

"Would you happen to know someone called the Doctor?" The man asked. Amy and Rory stopped fighting. Rory looked surprised. Amy looked suspicious.

"And if we do?" Amy asked. The guy turned to the woman.

"Well, they didn't recognize me, and I don't recognize them, so they defiantly know a future regeneration. Wonder how old he is now?" The man said as he started to get lost in thought, trying to imagine what his new regeneration was like.

"What are you talking about?" Amy asked.

"We never got your names, by the way." Rory pointed out.

"John Smith." John said.

"Rose Smith." Rose said.

"So, do you know the Doctor?" Amy asked with a smidge of doubt.

"We don't even know who these people are! We could put him in danger." Rory said.

"Don't worry, we aren't going to hurt the Doctor. We're… old friends of his, more or less." Rose said.

"So were you two companions, then?" Rory asked.

"I was." Rose said. "He's… a bit more complicated." She motioned to John.

"I don't think he's mentioned you two before. Maybe River would know something." Amy said, missing her daughter. Rose looked a little offended when she heard the Doctor never mentioned them, but she knew it was probably something he didn't want to talk about much. And if he was in a new regeneration, his newest personality might not like talking about the past.

"Would you happen to be talking about River Song? She also goes by Professor River Song." John asked. He never did find out who she was, and if they knew, he just had to know! Excitement shone in his eyes.

"She also goes by Melody Pond, and Mel. Do you know much about her?" Rory asked.

"No, we never learned much about her." Rose said.

"She is a bit complicated." Rory said to no one in particular.

"Trust me, we know complicated." John said.

"Everything's complicates with the Doctor." Amy stated.

"River does tend to make it worse." Rory pointed out.

"Not to change the subject or anything, but we should probably head out for Bad Wolf. The sun will be setting soon." John pointed out, even though he really wanted to learn more about River. But he also didn't know what kind of creatures went bump in the night here, and he didn't want to find out, now that regeneration wasn't an option.

"We can always talk more while we walk there." Rose suggested.

So all four started to make their way through the thick woods, feet crunching the branches and dead plants that littered the tiny dirt trail. There was a hint of pine in the air as they passed giant, old trees of varying species with trunks as thick as cars. The ones covered in moss or some weird fungus looked to be centuries old. As they got closer to Bad Wolf, the trees started to get younger and thinner and more spread apart. The dirt trail began to widen and the scent of pine that came from a few huge pines disappeared. When they finally came out, they saw a sign that read "Now entering Ancient Woods hiking trail. Please leave flora and fauna alone. –Bad Wolf Historical Society & National Environment Preservation Agency. Violators will be fined a minimum of fifty thousand coins."

"50,000 coins? Is that their currency?" Rory asked.

"Probably." John said. "And if you look to your right, you can see a road leading to the town of Bad Wolf." He said as he started walking.

"How do you too know the Doctor?" Amy asked, wanting to know more about them. They clearly knew about River, but River never said anything about them.

"Well, I was his companion in his ninth regeneration and traveled with him in his tenth regeneration. Long story short, I was trapped in a parallel Earth, came back, and then went back with him." She pointed to John.

"And I'm kind of like his clone, or half-brother, or…something. Anyways, I'm not a full Time Lord." John tried to explain.

"So, you're like a doppelganger?" Amy asked, remembering a certain incident with living flesh in an acid factory.

"Well, no, I'm actually part human. No regenerative abilities and I only have one heart." John said. "But I do have all his memories, up until I was created."

"Really? How were you created?" Rory asked.

"Biological Meta Crisis." John said simply. Amy and Rory just stared at him.

"It means he used some of Donna's DNA to grow another Doctor from his severed hand using some regeneration energy." Rose said.

"That makes sense, I guess." Rory said. Who's Donna? Amy and Rory thought.

"So are you what the Doctor used to look like?" Amy asked.

"Yes, I am. So, how do you two know the Doctor, exactly?" John asked.

"He crashed into my garden shed when I was little, and said he'd take me with him, but he had to go to the moon first. He said he'd be back in five minutes, but it was nearly 15 years later."

"Yeah, timing has always been a problem with him." John said, running his hand through his hair.

"Then I traveled with him for a bit, and then Rory came along with us." Amy finished.

"You are now entering Bad Wolf. Have a nice stay." Rory read off the sign as they passed.

"What?" John said, too distracted to realize they'd reached the town. The sign was carved into a stone archway, with medieval-style gates and a thick stone wall encompassing the town. None of them had noticed the gate until they got closer, but it looked more like a decoration, as the wall was only six feet tall and easily climbable. Behind the gate, you could hear someone talking. Rose knocked on the gate.

"Hello? Could you let us in?" She asked. A peephole slid open to reveal sharp brown eyes.

"State your business." A male voice said.

"We're just traveling and we got lost. We just need a place to stay for the night." John said.

"How many?" He asked.

"Four. My wife and our friends, married as well." John said. The hole slid shut and you could hear someone undoing chains or locks. The gate opened.

"You may enter." Said the guard. They walked through and another guard escorted them out. Both guards wore plain clothes, and as they pass a few townspeople, it seemed the only thing distinguishing them from everyone else were the spears they carried. Seems a bit old fashioned, spears.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but why are you carrying spears?" John asked. The guard chuckled.

"I knew it. You're from the cities, aren't you? Your fancy clothes are a dead giveaway. Look, out here we can't afford guns, let alone ammunition. We're lucky enough to have bows and arrows too. We don't get tanks or airplanes or gas masks or bulletproof vests. The other towns are lucky to have swords, though they're no good against guns or missiles. In fact, we're the most well-equipped town from here all the way to the Wargrounds. You'd have to leave the country to find a safer place outside the cities."

"Oh, well, I don't like guns anyways." John said. At least he knew a little about this place now, even if he had no idea what it meant. The guard laughed.

"Yeah, a lot of people don't like guns anymore, but a lot more people need them." He said. "You're luckily you got lost around here. Just a little south ways, we have an ocean and a port. Every now and then a battle ship will come by and give us scrap weapons, and we can reinforce our spears and arrows with metal. Scares the shit out of troublemakers, finding metal weapons out here." He laughed again. He stopped walking in front of a wooden building, creaking in the wind.

"Is this a hotel?" Amy asked. The guard laughed again.

"Not really. It used to be an orphanage before they were all sent into the cities. Now, traders and sometimes soldiers stay here when docking at our port. The general store's just a little farther south, you can get food there. You can stay as long as you like, just don't cause any trouble. By the way, what are you holding?" He asked John, who had forgotten he was carrying the remnants of a dimension gun.

"Just scrap." Which was half true, since it was about as useful right now. He just shrugged and left after that. The others turned on the lights and went inside.

Despite its rickety exterior, it was pretty decent inside. The electricity worked fine, the water and plumbing appeared to be working, and the dull gray carpet looked soft and clean. The walls had a tacky floral wallpaper, put it was clean and the trim was pretty. The ceiling looked mold free and had no water damage, as far as they could tell. This was also one of the largest buildings they had seen so far, and had several bedrooms on the first and second floor. The basement was a little dingy, but it looks like no one went down there except for maintenance. The kitchen was a sad 50's style, but it too was clean and everything appeared to be working fine. They all sat down around the kitchen table to discuss what to do next.

"So, any plans, not Doctor?" Amy asked. He started fiddling with that weir device he had with him.

"Well, our best bet is to fix this up and go from there. Getting us back would be dangerous and time consuming, so it would be best to turn this into a sort of scanner. Hopefully I'll be able to find out what went wrong and find a safe way back." John said.

"But what do we do until then?" Rory asked.

"Well," John said as he looked around. Then he smiled. "Make yourself at home!"

A/N: So, what do you think of it so far? John as Rose seem to have forgotten that the mysterious gray alien also fell in with them, but that will be dealt with later! Review, and check out my other story Across Dimensions!