
Son of Darkness


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

- Martin Luther King.

He walked toward the entrance of the castle, its walls of black rock so high they seemed to reach the stars above his head. His green eyes were fixed on the golden doors at the end of the long stairs, where two soldiers guarded the entrance and knelt whe he walked past them with only a look of disdain. His whole person radiated confidence; the way his feet met the ground and the way his emotions were guarded and unreadable. There were only two things distinguishable in him: power and pride. And it was so imposing that everyone felt the need to drop their gaze and take interest in the floor underneath them. Everything about him was intimidating.

The throne room had always been the same, all black except for the stars and milky ways traveling along the walls and casting a brilliant light throughout the enormous room. Stars that were reflected in the King's black eyes who was sitting on his throne where rubies and diamonds seemed to dance in the bright light. The King, with his white hair and black eyes, was the opposite of the Prince who stood tall and pround, his green eyes full of life and strength. The only thing that the two men shared was the golden crown resting on their heads and an overwhelming power. No one would have guessed that they were grandfather and grandson. The young man knelt at his grandfather's feet and bowed his head.

"Rise, son." Said the King, looking at the young man in front of him with nothing but coldness in his black eyes.

"You asked for me, my Lord?" The man asked as he stood up. He was now taller than his grandfather and in fact, taller than most of the men in the kingdom. But his height wasn't the reason why people feared him.

"Indeed. As the Prince and my most trusted advisor, you will have to meet someone important on my behalf." The Prince simply nodded, even though his grandfather wasn't really asking for his approval. "An assembly will be waiting for you in San Francisco."

"And who will have the pleasure to work with?" Little did he do to hide the sarcasm in his question.

"Soldiers of Gaia. They sent me a letter a few days ago, informing me on their goddess' rise and future plans. Of course, nothing has been decided yet, which is the reason why you'll be meeting them tomorrow." The King's dark eyes seemed to now shine with mischief, probably in reaction to the so-called plans he was refering to.

The Prince nodded, a simple gesture to show his acceptance even though he knew perfectly well that the King wasn't giving him any choice, this mission was an order and nothing else.

"As you wish, Chaos. I will go as soon as possible." Replied the Prince while he bowed low, his eyes down.

The King only waved his dismissal and the Prince then turned his back on the man seated on the huge black throne that one day will be his. He hadn't often travelled to Earth, he had maybe been given this chance twice in his long life, and always to fight in somebody else's war. And he had much to do in the kingdom given his status as the Prince. He had an army to rule, people to kill and women to please. He left the throne room without another word.

If Gaia was rising, it would be bad news for the Gods. But considering the fact that he wasn't under their influence and had nothing to do with them, their fates wasn't one of his preoccupation. But he couldn't say that seeing Gaia overthrowing them would satisfy him, actually it would pretty much be the opposite. From what his father had told him back in the days when he was still living in the Kingdom, Gaia was a greedy and ambitious woman. The type of person that is only interested in power. On top of that, he thought the human kind didn't deserve this end. They were quite fun to observe and to play with sometimes, where was the fun in killing some of them and turn the rest into slaves? But it wasn't his place to give his opinion. So he walked toward his own little palace that he called home, nodding to the few people he knew and liked. He stepped inside his wide room with its black walls, golden bed and furniture to get ready to leave.

"Going somewhere?" Asked a mischievous feminine voice behind his back. He sighed at the sound of her voice, knowing perfectly why she was here.


"I asked you something."

"The King ordered me to go on Earth for some time."

He felt her gaze boring into his back but didn't turn around as he put his armour on. "For what reason?"

"A meeting with Gaia's forces I believe."

"Huh," she came closer, resting her hand on her son's broad shoulder. "Be careful son. I never liked that woman much."

"Yeah I figured. She isn't particularly a family's friend." He replied with humor. He knew very well of his parents' difficult relationship with the goddess.

"Not the main reason. She's manipulative and powerful."

"Mother, will all due respect I can handle myself." He snapped at her and her brows furrowed, slightly annoyed by the harsh tone.

"That's not what I meant, Perseus."

"I have to go Nyx. I will be back soon." He only used her name when he was annoyed or angry, which in this case was a little bit of both. And he knew how much his mother hated it when he called her by her name, which seemed to encourage him even more to do so.

She didn't have the time to reply that he already had his back turned and was leaving the room hastily as if this conversation was the last thing he wanted to have today. His sword at his hip, his bow on his back and his armour covering every inch of his white skin, he mounted his Pegasus at the palace's entrance, stroking lightly the black fur. The excitement of leaving the Kingdom for some time was new and the Prince couldn't deny how good it felt to leave the palace behind, to leave his responsabilities and duties.

Little did he know that nothing was going to be how he planned it.

A.N : New story. This is just a simple introduction so it might not be very interesting. But I'm excited for this one, I really am. If some of you read The Grisha Trilogy, I got inspired by the Darkling's character for Percy. Hopefully you will enjoy this. Because I'm so going to have fun with this new story.