I'm sorry it's been so long i was on vacation and only had internet on 2 nights. I was in a tent on the side of a mountin the rest of the time. So heres a new chapter. Review please.

Spike and Chase felt their world die. One minute they were watching Hiccup meet his mom and the next the house was in a fiery inferno. Case was thrown from the couch and landed just outside the kitchen.

"Spike!" he yelled, trying to find a way into the fire. "Spike, can you hear me?!" he screamed. Spike lay on the ground trapped under the couch. His chest was being pressed and he could barely breathe. Vaguely he heard someone screaming.

Adam and Bree jumped onto the elevator. It was too slow for their liking. As they got higher they could feel the heat. The door opened and Adam gasped.

"What happened?!" Bree coughed. She put her sleeve over her face and Adam did the same. The smoke was billowing at them, leaving no air. It was pitch black this close to the elevator. Bree tripped landing on something metal. She screamed and jumped back. The Sphere was giving off an enormous amount of heat and shot smoke from small holes in its sides.

"We need to get away," she said to Adam, not knowing if he could here. There was something weird about the gas. It was making her tired. "Stay awake," she mumbled to herself. She felt Adam begin to slump. "Come on, Adam, just a little bit more," she grunted. Holding on to him. She tried to take off with Bionic speed, but fell to the ground. Something was messing with her chip. She couldn't do anything. The Sphere shifted, a slit forming in the middle. Bree and Adam struggled toward the door when fire shot from the Sphere. Bree was too dizzy. Then she heard someone screaming. Her ears weren't working right, but she could tell it was either Chase or Spike. The words were lost though. It gave her a new wave of determination and she dragged her brother out the front door and into the lawn. She collapsed on him, but gasping for air. The sky was a black cloud rising from their house and flames shot out in all directions.

"Chase!" she called. "Spike!"

Chase was not face down on the tile floor. He didn't know what was going on anymore. Everything was a blur. He closed his eyes and felt himself being dragged from the fire. Bree fell with her second brother next to Adam. She could barely move and everything spun. She needed to close her eyes, but she had to find Spike. She had to get him out. That was her last thought before everything went black.

She awoke to sirens. The entire world was a blur. All the colors blended together and it sounded like she was under water. There was notice, but it was distant and she couldn't understand. The house was put out and roped off. The special ops team Davenport had hired for situations like this contacted him and he was only minutes away. When the helicopter hit the ground, he ran to his kids.

"Adam, Bree, Chase!" he called. Bree was the only one to respond. She gurgled and turned her eyes to his direction. After no response more, Davenport had them flown to a hospital he owned, one that knew about the bionic kids. Two days later, Chase was the first to wake up.

"What happened?" he yelled, ripping off all the wires attached to him. Doctors ran in the room, but were thrown against a wall with telekinesis.

"No, Chase," Mr. Davenport said, running into the room. "You were hurt, calm down. The house was attacked, but we got you three out." Davenport watched fear, anger, and panic cross his son,s eyes.

"Three?" he asked. Mr. Davenport gasped. He'd forgotten about Spike.

"I'm going there now. You stay" He was out the door and being followed by Chase.

"You're not going without me."

Bree was next to wake up. The first thing she heard the argument in the hall. "Mr. Davenport, let him go," she yelled, stumbling out of her room.

"It's not safe for him. He's hurt and we're running out of time." Mr. Davenport scolded.

"I'm coming with. I need to see him. I don't trust anyone else. I love him too much to stay behind." He walked out of the building and was the first to the helicopter. His father grunted and followed. They were over the Pacific Ocean when Mr. Davenport finally spoke.

"Chase, back at the hospital, you said you loved Spike."

"Yea," Chase said, staring out at the sea.

"What did you mean by that?"

"I meant I love him," he said, emotionlessly all attention in the water.

"Like you love Adam or how I love Tasha" he asked. He was worried the answer would be something wrong, but Chase loved all his siblings. Why should Spike be any different? He already felt stupid for asking. He was about to say never mind when he was cut off.

"Like you and Tasha" Chase whispered, almost too low to hear. Mr. Davenport looked shocked.

"But you're…" he stuttered.

"Shut up," Chase yelled turning his attention to Davenport. "Listen to me. I love him and he loves me. I don't care what you think. I don't care what any of you think. And you have no right to say anything about Spike. You left him in an exploded house. If I was really that bad, then he probably won't even be alive." Chase fell to his knees weeping. "He's dead. I know it. I loved him. Finally when things look like they're getting better, something horrible happens. First Adam crippled Spike and now he was left to burn in a destroyed house." Davenport didn't know what to say. Chase was right about one thing. He did leave him to die. He didn't think about him, but he was still there.

"He'll be alive," Davenport promised, knowing it was a lie. No one could have survived that, especially someone so broken as him.

"We'll be landing in ten minutes," the pilot called back. Mr. Davenport nodded.

"Chase, come here," he said, patting the seat next to him. Against his better judgment Chase complied. The older man did something he had never done before. He hugged Chase. "We'll get him back. I promise." He held his son as he cried until they touched ground. Chase was off him and running toward the house. "Be careful," he yelled, following after him more slowly.

"Spike!" Chase yelled. He rushed around the rubble. The house was gone. There wasn't even a structure anymore, just piles of stone metal and wood. He pushed through to the last place he saw Spike. It was hard because it became chest deep. He started to throw part of the building with his mind, almost hitting his dad four times. "Spike!" he screamed, looking down at an arm. "Oh God." Chase knelt concentrating everything on his bionics. He shot up, raising his hands high in the sky, throwing half of the house two hundred feet away. He was under the couch. He felt his wrist. "He's alive!" Chase screamed. He would live, but he would never look the same again.