A/N: Hi it has been a while! Sorry for not updating for decades (Whut) because I was facing an important exam, though I didn't study much. Thank you for your support and your review! Without them I don't know how am I going to continue writing lol. Btw, today is my birthday(7/1) so I kinda feel like write more about our cutie there. I hope you enjoy the story and spend a little bit time to review haha! Tehee~

The Akashi family has a rather cute habit: they like to leave some notes and stick them on the refrigerator door.

Messages like "Buy some apples and oranges", "Pick Chiaki up at 2 from the music centre", or even "Good luck for your meeting today" will be written on a piece of post-it-note with cute pictures printed on them. It was also a good way to develop your true feeling to others.

Until one day, Akashi and Furihata had a nasty fight with each other, over the same issue again.

Akashi thought that Furihata should just quit his editing job.

He has seen how stressed up Kouki could be. The job takes up most of his time especially when the deadline is near. He would need to constantly negotiate with his manga artists, whom in the red head's opinion, are all weirdos who can't seem to keep up with their deadlines.

Furihata, on the other hand, enjoyed his job very much and had no plans of giving it up anytime soon. True, his job was one that was packed with stress. The workload was heavy and completely exhausting, and the deadlines were even worst. But despite all that, he loved his job and the sense of fulfillment he gets when his artists personally thank him for his hard work. He chose this career not because he was in need of money, but because he truly enjoyed what he did.

Akashi tried to ask Furihata to switch careers but he blatantly refused. They kept on arguing with no end in sight, and in the end, cold war waged between them.

They tried to act as normal as possible, since they didn't want to worry anyone with their own problems, especially their daughter. But Chiaki was no ordinary 5 year old and it wasn't long before realized that there was something wrong between them.

When he collected his daughter from school, Chiaki pulled his pants with her hand, pleading him with watery eyes.

"Are you having a fight with Father? Sensei said that we should tolerate one another to live happily. Chiaki hopes that you and father can make up with each other and not fight again."

Furihata sighed heavily. Even his own daughter is starting to worry about him, which meant that he needed to do something about that issue.


Furihata sat at his desk, staring at the piece of paper where he scrawled 'I am sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you – Kouki' in his neat handwriting.

Yeah, he was going to apologize to Akashi. It was his fault for shouting at him, and Akashi only wanted the best for him. However, his pride stopped him from apologizing in person, so he decided to stick a note on the refrigerator instead.

He knew that Akashi will definitely read his message.

He stepped out from the room, humming to himself. As he made his way to the kitchen, he heard something dropping on the floor.

He rushed into the kitchen, only found one Akashi Seijuurou in the kitchen, standing in front of the fridge and trying to hide something from Furihata.

Furihata narrowed his eyes at Akashi, knowing just how uncharacteristic of him to do that. He knew there must be something on the fridge.

Akashi panicked, although it didn't show on his face. He didn't expect Kouki to turn up so suddenly. He watched Furihata's face for any sign of reaction, before his gaze moved fell to his lover's hand where he was clutching a post-it note.

His face changed into an expression of relief, before smirking. Furihata followed his gaze and realized that he was still clutching the note in his hand. Feeling embarrassed, he quickly crushed it into his palm and hid itbehind him. Akashi smirked even more at that action.

So, we are thinking the same thing, huh?

None of them said a single word, causing an awkward silence to grow between them. Unable to stand the increasing awkwardness between them along with Akashi's creepy smirk, Furihata broke the silence.

"Sei... I have something to tell you."

Akashi nodded for him to continue.

Furihata lowered his head and stared at his feet, unable to bring himself to meet Akashi's penetrating gaze. "I...I am so sorry for shouting at you. I know you're asking me to quit because you care about my health, but I really love my job and I..."

"I need to apologize for what I said too, Kouki." Akashi interrupted before Furihata was able to finish his sentence.

Furihata looked up from his feet and met Akashi's apologetic gaze.

"I shouldn't have asked you to quit your job, knowing how much effort and passion you put into it. I am sorry..." Akashi looked away, trying not to stare at Furihata.

Furihata chuckled as he closed the distance between him and Akashi and hugged him.

"So does that mean this is a draw for us?" Furihata asked in a playful tone.

"Yeah, I guess it is." Akashi chuckled as he pressed a kiss on Furihata's forehead.

They haven't hugged or cuddled with each other ever since their cold war started. Without them realizing, they actually missed each other very much, even though they saw each other every day.


"Yes, Kouki?"

"...I miss you."

"I miss you too."

Hey people, just want to share a cute fanfic with you guys. The name is Letter To Dorkiest by Laughing Jay. I was inspired by that story as it is so cute and so sweet, just like you are eating some kind of sweets~ The pairing is KevEdd, KevinxEdd from Ed, Edd N Eddy~ Do try that story~