Red watched her girlfriend pack with amusement from the doorway. She shook her head. Eventually, it all got too much and she approached cautiously.

"Uh, babe, you know we're going to the woods…"

Belle looked up at her and nodded, "Of course!" she chirped.

Red scratched her head, "So, uh, why do you need three pairs of heels? And really, how many books are you bringing?"

Belle tilted her head, "I need choices! Different heels go with different outfits, silly!"

"It's…just a couple of nights…"

Belle rolled her eyes, "I just want to be prepared, okay?"

"Well, you know, it's not like we're gonna be going out to a fancy dinner or the theatre or anything," Red pointed out.

Belle laughed, "Don't be silly."

"Oh. Silly. Me. Right," Red watched her girlfriend stack another book into her overflowing bag, "Babe…you read fast but man…" she shook her head.

"Oh, shush you!" Belle exclaimed, swatting at Red's arm, "You just worry about your own packing."

Red shrugged, "I used to do this all the time, babe. I'm packed. Clothes on my back, cloak, tent. I got the food organised, I'm good."

Belle bit her lip, "Okay, okay, I'll go down to two pairs of heels. Will that make you happy?"

Red grinned, "Narrow it down to four books and I'll be over the moon."

Belle huffed, "You are very demanding."

Red laughed and wrapped her arms around Belle's waist, "You're my baby. I just want to take care of you going to the big bad woods."

Belle giggled, "You do know I was quite the adventurer back in the Enchanted Forest. I hunted a yarogui once," she stated proudly.

Red smiled, "I know, I know. But you haven't been very deep in the woods here," she shrugged, "I just want to show you…my world."

Belle bit back a smile as she kissed waiting lips, "Okay," she said quietly, "I love you."

Belle stopped, breathing in the fresh air. Red turned around, bags slung over her back and smiled at the image.

"You tired, babe?" she asked.

Belle caught up to her girlfriend, "Nope," she chirped, "I'm okay! I can take one of those bags, you know! Aren't you tired?"

Red grinned, "Nah, I'm good! It's just round the corner anyway!"

Belle nodded and kept walking.

"Hey, you know what you said the other night, babe? About me marking my um territory?"

Belle looked at the other woman, "I remember," she simply confirmed.

"Doesn't that make you… uncomfortable?" Red asked.

Belle frowned, "Um, does it make you uncomfortable?"

Red smiled, "I asked the question first!"

Belle bit her lip, "I like it," she said quietly, "I like being all yours. I like…belonging to you. Why wouldn't I like that?"

Red nodded, "Um. Well, I don't know… You're not a possession, you know."

"Oh, I know that!" Belle exclaimed, "But that's why I like being yours. You let me be free. You let me be me. You're honest with me. You love me and you show me that every day, it's not like…." She hesitated, "It's not like Rumpel," she said quietly, "He was so hot and cold. I was so often in the dark with him. You're completely different, Red. That's why I like it when you mark me. I'm all yours, Red and…" she bit her lip.

Red watched her curiously, "And?" she asked.

"Well," Belle said slowly, "It's kind of a turn on to be honest," she giggled nervously, "I mean, I like when your primal side comes out when you're human. It's super sexy."

Red smiled, "Wow. Well, damn girl, you're so good with words," she swept a hand through her own hair, trying to find her own words, "I love you. And it makes me absolutely ecstatic that you love me. It also makes me ecstatic that you know how much I love you."

Belle smiled and went to reply but was cut off.

"I also love how much you embrace the wolf," she chuckled, "And I never," she lowered her voice, "knew you were so…kinky."

Belle's cheeks burnt, "Oh!" she hit Red's arm genty, "I am not…kinky."

Red laughed, "You totally are, babe. You like being marked, you like being claimed. To be honest, I like claiming you, it's fun and sexy and I do like the idea that you're all mine."

"Is that why you bought me into the woods?" Belle giggled.

Red shook her head, laughing, "Is that why you agreed to come out into the woods with me?"

Belle bit her lip, "Touche," she murmured.

"Here!" Red exclaimed as she stopped walking as they reached a clearing in the forest, "So, shall I teach you how to put up a tent first?"

"I read a book!" Belle claimed, "I can do it!"

Red smiled in amusement, "You reckon? Alright, go for it. I'll just chill out and watch. Let me know if you want some help, babe."

Belle rolled her eyes and started pulling apart the tent Red had packed. She frowned at the pieces but began setting it up. She could feel Red's eyes on her and was determined not to ask for help.

After half an hour and a good deal of grumbling, she threw down the pegs and crossed her arms, staring at the mess she'd created.

Red covered up a laugh with a cough. This earned her a withering glare from her girlfriend.

"Want some help?"

Belle huffed, "No."

She picked up the poles again and tried to get the roof of the tent to stand. It just didn't look like it was meant to look.

"Your stupid tent is broken," Belle grumbled.

Red held back a laugh, "It's hard, babe. Let me help."

Belle shrugged and stepped back. Within a couple of minutes Red had it set up perfectly and Belle crawled inside to survey the handiwork.

"Ah. Very good," she nodded approvingly.

Red laughed, "Thanks," she dragged in a thin mattress and threw the sleeping bag on top, "It's no queen size bed, but I'll make it as comfy as I can for you."

Belle rolled her eyes, "I'm sure it's fine, Red," she took Red's hands in her own, "I'm tired after all that tent building, come lay with me."

Red smiled and they fell onto the mattress, using the sleeping bag as a blanket.

"I like it out here," Belle murmured, closing her eyes, "It's like a little world of our own."

"Belle?" Red asked, placing a single finger on her cheek.

"Mm?" Belle kept her eyes closed.

"You do know I belong to you too, right?" Red asked.

Belle's eyes opened and she smiled, "I know," she whispered, closing the gap between them and kissing gentle lips. She sidled closer to her girlfriend and rest her head in the crook of the taller woman's neck and closed her eyes.