Hotshot: Hey Everyone, Hotshot here for a new Godzilla Story. Its been floating in my head since the second time I watched the new Godzilla so I decided to put it out. Hope you all enjoy this story!

Summary: in 1997, he found a small girl in a orphanage, in 1997, he adopted the little girl as his own, In 1997, he gave her a name, Kiryu Serizawa.

Pairings: HokMuto/FemMuto, slight hints of Serizawa/Graham, Might turn more than hints



The Philippines


Dr Ishiro Serizawa sat in a chopper with his assistant, Dr Vivienne Graham and a little girl that was sitting between them, about the age of four. She was small for her age, light brown hair came to her chin and her eyes that were once blue, turned a deep brown color, almost becoming a orange color. She wore a simple blue t-shirt and little blue shorts to match as well as white flips flops.

Kiryu Serizawa, the adopted daughter of Ishiro Serizawa, sat in her seat, trying to look out the window but to no avail. She pouted and crossed her arms, wanting to see what the outside looked liked.

Serizawa glanced down at his daughter before unbuckling her seatbelt and sat her on his lap where she could see the outside. He saw her eyes lit up when she saw the outside.

"Papa! So many trees!" she squealed. Unlike most girls her age where they would play with baby dolls and barbies, Kiryu would rather be outside, looking at the the different animals and plants. Going with her father on trips like these really made her happy.

"Its one of the biggest forest you have seen." He stated while keeping a hold of Kiryu. The chopper took a turn, revealing masses of people in what looked like a giant pit. The chopper landed and the three got out and went over to a man who was waiting for them.

"Dr Serizawa? Jery Void. Just Warning you, its a mess." the man stated before walking. Serizawa let go and Kiryu and motioned over to Graham who grabbed the girls hand.

They walked, Jery explaining what was going on but Kiryu wasn't paying any attention and was, instead looking around.

They made it to a pit with broking pathways still hanging down as if to reach the half that fell. Kiryu leaned against the railing, trying to see what was down there when Serizawa knelt down to her height. She looked over at him.

"I need you to stay with Graham, Papa needs to speak with some people that were hurt badly alright?"

"Okay Papa."

"Be good for her." with that, he stood and followed Jery away.

Graham took Kiryu's hand and lead her over to a building that had a cafeteria in it. She set the little girl on a seat and sat beside her. Graham took out some paper and pencils and sat it in front of the little girl, who picked up and started to draw. Graham watched as she drew on the paper and started to make what she was drawing out.

Kiryu drew three stick figures and one giant stick figure that had spikes doing down its back and had a tail.

"Who are they?"

"Thats you, me, Papa, and Goji'a." she stated as she pointed to each of the stick figures. Graham smiled slightly.

"Its a good drawing." Kiyru grinned before starting to color the picture.

Serizawa walked out of the makeshift hospital and went over to the cafeteria that Kiyeu and Graham most likely went to. Once he got there, He could see the two through the window. He could see his young daughter drawing and was grabbing colored pencils left and right, scribbling on the piece of paper.

His eyes drifted to Graham, who was sitting beside the little girl and was watching Kiryu draw. Graham was smiling as she watched and replied whenever the other addressed her about something. Serizawa's eyes soften as he watched the two. It was almost like a mother daughter moment to him.

Serizawa shook his head and walked into the building. The sound of the door opening must had caught Kiryu's attention because she looked over and her face lit up once she saw him. "Papa!"

He walked over and sat down on the other side of his daughter.

"Papa, look what I drew!" She quickly showed him the drawing, now slightly colored.

"very good drawing." Kiryu grinned before resuming to color.

"Little one, Graham and I must go down into the pit."

"I wanna go!"

Serizawa shook his head. "No, you must stay here. A nurse will come in and watch you until we come back." He kissed his daughter's forehead and stood along with Graham. They walked out as the nurse walked in and Kiryu sighed, looking down at her drawing.

Hotshot: Remember to review please and tell me what you wanna see more of and such!