Berwald's POV

Berwald awoke with his usual scowl, there was an ache in the back of his head that he somehow couldn't reach. He blinked a couple times gathering his senses and taking in his surroundings, and slowly sat up. Beside him was a fluffy white cat with a bow with the Norway flag design around its neck. Berwald stared at the feline for a couple moments.


The cat stirred and slowly opened its dark lavender eyes. The cat eyed him before jerking upward in a sitting position.


Berwald nodded, impassive as ever. Lukas looked at him a couple of seconds before getting lost in thought. His fluffy tail began to twitch irritably. "Why are we cats? Someone must have been trying to cast a spell. Very poorly, I might add." Berwald just met his eyes with an emotionless glare. Lukas stood up, clearly unused to walking on all fours, and hesitantly padded around the room. Berwald just sat and watched him. "I need to find my spell book and reverse this—"

He was barely able to finish when there was suddenly a loud yowl coming from another room. It sounded like another cat in deep distress. Berwald and Lukas instantly reacted and headed towards the door which was slightly cracked open. The two pushed their way through and wandered down the hall, following the source of the overdramatic caterwauls.

They stopped in the living room to see who it was. In the middle of the floor lied a heavy coated white and pale ginger tom cat with a bow designed as the Denmark flag. Lukas sighed and padded up to the screaming cat before taking ahold of the bow in his mouth and pulled. Matthias made a choking sound as Lukas started strangling him with his own flag, but he shut up. Lukas let go when the even fluffier cat calmed down.

"Matthias, what's wrong with you?" He asked impassively.

The ginger and white tom looked up at Lukas with tear-filled eyes. "C-cats can't d-drink… Beer…" Lukas's expression hardened. "W-we don't have o…opposable thumbs…"

Lukas sighed. "All that for nothing. We need to find my spell book." Before anything else could happen a small white ball of fur rammed into Lukas's side with alarming speeds. It was amazing how the much larger cat was knocked down by something so small…

"You idiot!" Egill's voice. Lukas was now held down by a small white cat with a black patch over his right eye and the Iceland's flag bow around his neck. Egill shot his older brother a glare with his dark colored eyes. "This is your fault! Because of you and your stupid magic we're all stuck as cats!"

Berwald watched the scene stone faced as usual. The two brothers started arguing over something but Berwald tuned it out and looked around. Someone was missing…

Tino's POV

A small white and cream-colored cat slowly opened his light hazel eyes. He blinked a couple times in confusion and looked around. He was in a house, but he didn't recognize it. He could make out a large bed, a dresser, window, and door. Why was everything so big? Did he shrink over night? Tino would have reacted in a panic, if not for the pounding in the back of his head. He winced and reached for the back of his head but noticed something… Odd…


Tino tried to stand but wasn't able to since he was trying to stand up like a human. Cats use four legs he reminded himself and slowly stood up.

"Oh, you're awake?"

Tino blinked and looked upward to see a dark smoke gray cat looking at him with calm blue eyes. The cat was talking! Cats weren't supposed to talk!

Tino nodded tentatively. The cat shot him a calming smile, his blue eyes showing those friendly and caring depths…

"Can you speak?"

Tino nodded again. "Yes. Where am I?"

The cat blinked a bit surprised. Maybe because Tino was talking in an accent foreign to cat tongue. He didn't question what was wrong with his speech though and just smiled again.

"You're in my owner's house. They found you in the yard unconscious and brought you in. They were going to take you to the vet but then just decided that you needed some rest is all. Apparently they were right. You seem fine to me."

Tino smiled back. "Well, I'd like to thank them."

The cat only laughed. "'Thank them'? You can't thank them, humans don't understand us cats. Have you never had a human?"

But he wasn't a cat… Tino only smiled. "Oh sorry, I forgot about that. And no, I don't believe I've ever… Had a human." Why did that sound so weird to say?

The gray tom smiled warmly back to the smaller white and cream stranger. "My name is Smokey," he introduced.

"I'm Finland, but you can call me Tino."

Berwald's POV

He followed the other three as Lukas led the way up to his study room. It was a small dark room with simple stuff, a carpet, a desk and chair, bookshelves with many (MANY) books. But nothing, or no one, Berwald was looking for.

Lukas jumped onto the chair next to the desk and sat down facing the table. Weird seeing a cat sitting like that, but they weren't supposed to be cats. "The book is turned to a certain page…" The white tom observed the contents on the desk. "Someone did try to cast a spell, and they're no magician."

"Where's Tino?" Matthias suddenly said looking around the room. "We practically ran through the whole house on our way up here, and Tino was nowhere to be seen."

"Maybe he's taking a cat nap?" Egill meowed sharply.

Lukas jumped down from the chair and padded up to the three. "You three can look for him. I need to find a way to reverse the spell someone messed up."

Berwald flicked his ear hearing Matthias beside him. "I could really go for a beer right now…"

Author's note: That was it for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!