Smokey ran blindly through the streets, stumbling over the littlest things, and dodging cars coming dangerously close. Somehow still, he managed to find his way back to his house. The smoke gray tom leapt over the fence and into the ajar window, which his owners usually left open for him. Because of Tino's injuries, Berwald's broken foreleg, and Leichi having to wait up on the other two, Smokey managed to lose them fairly quickly, although they already guessed Smokey went back to his own home so they never actually lost him.

The trio caught up to the house and climbed through the window and into the well-lit house. Their ears perked when they heard the sound a door slamming shut and raced down the halls. It turned out Smokey had managed to close the door by ramming himself into it from the inside, causing it to slam shut. Tino stopped in front of the door in which he heard Smokey's frantic breathing, the cream and white cat was panting himself. He sat on the other side of the door and scratched at it, as if it would magically open.

"Smokey? Lis—"

"Go away! I don't want to talk to you right now!" The tom hissed on the other side of the door, his voice muffled by the barrier between them.

Tino flattened his ears at hearing his tone, feeling hurt. "Can I explain myself?"

"If you could've then I would've trusted you!"

Berwald came to sit beside Tino, his expression hard as he stared at the door, as if it would melt under his gaze. "What about you? What if you had a secret, something that made you different from everyone else? Would you tell your friends knowing they might not accept you because of this same outcome?"

There was a moment of silence as Berwald's words sunk in. "Of course," the latter finally answered. "At least if he had told me himself I wouldn't have ran away."

Tino raised a paw tentatively and scratched at the door again. "Please open up Smokey," he said in a saddened meow, not caring to hide his hurt feelings. "I still think of you as my friend, and I want to work it out with you. This door is separating us, how can we make amends if we're divided?"

Another pause. "Alright," the tom's voice was much softer in answer, making those waiting feel relieved. After some shuffling sounds from the other side he spoke once more. "I can't! The door is shut!"

Tino frowned, then remembered cats couldn't open doors, meaning Smokey was trapped inside the room. He stood, successfully panicked now. "Smokey, don't freak out! We'll get you out. Maybe your owners will come open the door for us?"

There was a muffled whimper from the other side. "I'll look for them!" Leichi exclaimed, his usually frightful expression warped into that of determination and valour. The brown tabby kitten sped off, leaving the two in the dust.

"Don't worry," Berwald spoke up in his usually emotionless meow. He stretched up, managing to stand on his hind legs by putting his forepaws on the door for balance. He moved his paws over to the door knock, gripping it with his paws and trying to use his claws to get a grip on it, proves fruitless. Somehow, he managed to open the door without opposable thumbs. Tino stared at him in amazement, quickly forgotten when Smokey ran out of the room, nearly tripping over his own paws, until he crashed into Tino which knocked both felines over.

Smokey looked up, now on top of the other. "Tino! I was so scared I was going to be locked in there forever!"

Tino winced in pain under the heavier tom cat, but gave his friend a slight smile. "It's okay," he answered, knowing his voice wasn't comforting but forced because of the cat on top of him, making it hard to breathe.

Smokey finally noticed and climbed off. "I'm sorry, Tino." Tino laughed nervously as he pulled himself up to his paws. Berwald took a seat again, wrapping his tail over his paws and watching the two with cold blue eyes, making both cats flinch under his gaze.

"Berwald was the one who opened the door…" Tino meowed softly, before Smokey nodded and turned to the stone gray cat to give him his thanks.

He only nodded. "S're."

The smoke gray tom smiled slightly and turned his attention back to Tino. "So… Making amends?"

The smaller shrugged, looking at him sheepishly. "Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought about it but I didn't know how you would react, and it didn't matter at the time because of all the other stuff going on."

Smokey nodded slowly in understanding. "Sorry for what I said. You really were a good friend to me, I shouldn't have overlooked that just because you weren't a cat. You are still you so I had no right to do that."

The cream and white cat shrugged. "It's alright. I'm glad we're still friends though… But…" He paused and looked at Berwald a moment, who returned the gaze. Tino sighed and flattened his ears against his head, his tail lying flat at his side. "Now that the others have found me we're going to be heading back home, and I don't know if I'll be able to see you again."

The silence spread on, the atmosphere becoming heavy with emotion. Smokey swallowed, trying to find his voice to speak. He had an idea, it was a crazy idea but… It was worth it. He would do it for Tino, his friend.

"I'll go with you."

Tino perked up in surprise, meeting Smokey's blue eyes with his own light hazel. Berwald was surprised as well but remained deadpanned, refusing to show the slightest emotion, it was against his nature of being. "You… What? You can't! What about your home here? Your owners will miss you."

Smokey smiled widely in a way that resembled Antonio or Alfred even, again, how is that even possible for a cat to do? "It's alright, I won't be leaving them alone or abandon them. Leichi will stay here."


"It's fine. Leichi really likes to play in the backyard and my owners have already warmed up to him, especially the little girl."

"But wha—"

"And Leichi's actually a stray, he doesn't have a home, so it's completely fine with him staying here."

Tino paused, shutting his mouth upon hearing that. Leichi was a stray? He couldn't believe that, Leichi wasn't wild or feral, he wasn't covered in fleas or vicious like alley cats were. It just didn't fit that he was actually without a home. It would make sense though, not once had he ever heard of Leichi's home, and when the kitten was running for a place to stay, he was going to Smokey's home rather than his own. It added up…

"I guess it's alright, right Berwald?" Tino asked, bringing his gaze back to the stone gray tom sitting silently beside the two. The larger cat shrugged, making Tino smile. "Alright then, I accept."

Smokey gave a cute eyes-closed smile, a deep purr escaping his throat. "Shall we go then?"

The two Nordics nodded, the atmosphere much lighter now. Without word or notice, the three headed out the house and away over the horizon. As they left the door of the house opened, revealing a young lady with long brown hair and soft brown eyes. She watched the cats disappear into the streets with a soft smile on her face. Leichi padded up behind her in time to see the three head off as well. He had no time to react as he was swept off his feet, held by a little girl of soft brown hair and pigtails and a toothy grin as she petted the kitten. Lechi smiled and let out a purr being scratched by the small child.

The little girl noticed the cats heading off and her smile faltered a moment before she looked up at the other lady standing there. "Mommy. Why is Smokey leaving?"

Her mom smiled down at her warmly, before leaning over and kissing her on the cheek and pressing foreheads together. "He's going to his new home, sweetie," she answered softly. She raised a hand and patted Leichi's head. "But he still loves us, because he left us with this little miracle."

Le Time Skip

Seven cats sat in the center of a large study room, littered with many books—spell books to be exact—and scattered papers. Among the cats were Tino, Berwald, Smokey, Matthias, Emil, Mr. Puffin, and Lukas. The fluffy white cat was sitting at the edge of the circle they had created, his forepaw resting on top a specific page to the spell book place before him.

"I have found the right spell to reverse this," he was saying in his emotionless and calm voice. "I know how to fix this mess and bring us back to our normal states—"

"Then do it already!" Matthias exclaimed loudly, making Lukas somewhat glare at him.

"Not yet, I can't change us back yet because there's still a major plot hole. We don't know who cast the first spell and it will drive the readers crazy if we don't solve this."


"Lukas broke the fourth wall."

"Um…" All eyes turned to Tino, who was sitting awkwardly and shifting his weight on his paws. "Actually… It was my fault…"

Everyone stared at him in amazement, except for Lukas and Berwald, who were as indifferent as ever. "Why?" Emil asked disbelieving. "You caused all this?!"

Finland was silent for a moment then slowly nodded, his ears flat against his head. "I did it because I was planning an early Christmas for everyone. I was going to buy us all a kitten, but I found your spell book and wondered what it did because it had a little picture of a cat and I tried to read it."

Norway gave him a =_= expression. "This book isn't even written in your known languages, did you even know what you were reading?" Tino shook his head, causing Lukas to sigh. "Never mind. Let's continue. Everyone stay in a circle and try to stay calm. This may seem frightening, but don't let it overwhelm you. We'll all most likely black out as soon as the spell is released, but it should be fine when we awake. Everyone nodded in understanding. The white long-haired cat turned to Smokey. "You might want to step back or else you'll be turned as well."

The smoke gray tom flattened his ears, looking startled, and did as he was told. After sitting down at a safe distance Lukas turned back to the book place at his paws and began chanting in some foreign language unknown to mankind. A soft glow in took the room. It was enchanting and breath-taking, but no one felt afraid as it wrapped around them. Smokey had to close his eyes so he wouldn't be blinded as it intensified.

When it died down he opened his blue eyes once more and looked around, unstartled by what he saw before him. Instead, he tried to place who was who.

The easiest to place was Mr. Puffin, which was now an actual Puffin. The bird lie unconscious beside a boy with pale colored hair, almost like that of snow. He was wearing a brown jacket and a white dress shirt and bow, brown legged pants and white boots and gloves. Smokey assumed that was Emil, or Iceland. The next he was able to place was Lukas, or Norway, who was easiest because he was still beside the book. Lukas was a man with blonde hair and a cross clip on the left side of his face, pinning his hair back. He was wearing a navy blue sailor uniform with light blue collar, pants, and hat. Matthias, or Denmark, was obviously the man with spikey blonde hair, long black coat, red cuffs, pants, boots, and a hat.

Next was a tall man with blonde hair, glasses, and dark blue coat, his expression was intense yet emotionless as he slept, obviously Berwald, or Sweden. Lastly was a small boy with soft blonde hair and childlike features, in complete peace as he slept. He was wearing a light blue uniform with a cross charm necklace on his jacket, and a white beret. Smokey felt a smile and he padded up to the boy and lied down beside his face.

The cat purred and licked his cheek once before resting his head beside him. He would be there for his friend when he finally awoke.

Author's Note: And that's the end of Nordic CATastrophe! Thank you for reading! The reviews, favorites, and follows have been a great help for inspiration! I can't thank you all enough! I had so much fun writing this fan fiction. I am happy if ended, but I'm also so sad as well. :D Hope you all enjoyed!