Toxic Love


Rated: M

Summary: In exchange for Edward's life (during New Moon), Bella offers herself over and has to live with the Volturi for 1 year. Jane wants Bella and will do what it takes to keep her.

Disclaimer: SM owns, I'm not making any money off this.

Authors Note: I'm soooo late in posting, I know. I'm posting what I have so far. It's long, but it was supposed to be longer. I decided to cut it in half. I'm working on trying to get that chapter written out, though when it will be posted, I'm not sure. Also, I will be putting Italian in here and I will do my best to translate it right. Any who, enjoy.

Ch. 3

Draining the last attacker dry, I dropped his body carelessly to the ground in the dingy back alley. A single heartbeat caught my attention. Turning my red eyes to the source, I focused in on Bella standing stock still against the brick wall. Eyes trained on me, roving over the the blood on my face and clothes, then back back to my eyes. Many emotions swam in those chocolate orbs. Fear, gratitude, the urge to run. But the one that stuck out the most was desire. Licking my lips, I began stalking towards her.

Many Hours Earlier

Sitting in the chair in the corner of Bella's room, I read a book while the dark haired beauty put her new clothes away. The shopping trip was eventful and actually fun. Though Heidi probably had the most fun since she was the one to actually help Bella choose clothes, shoes, and jewelry. My enjoyment was watching Bella do her little fashion show. She looked gorgeous in everything she tried on, but my favorite were the dresses. Her slender but slightly muscular body looked so inviting that I had to grip the armchair to restrain myself. That minx knew what she was doing, her eyes gave her away. I don't know how many times she twirled for me. My possessiveness really grew every time Heidi would wink at me after helping Bella in the dressing room. I wanted to be the one witnessing Bella's state of undress. Though I did take pride in the fact that Bella would take hold of my hand when we'd walk to our next destination in mind. Not to mention she'd glare at anyone who tried conversing with me. I knew our bond would be strong but I didn't think that Bella would be so feral towards people this early on. I'm not complaining mind you, I actually really liked it. Lunch was an even more interesting affair. The three of us were sitting in a dark corner of a bistro not far from the palace. The waiter who served us was a complete asshole. He kept looking to Heidi or I to ask if we wanted to order or if the drinks and food were satisfactory. The fool assumed that because Bella was American, she wouldn't understand him. He would ask if "the silly American" required anything else. Because I'd been teaching Bella Italian, she knew what he was saying. Heidi would give me looks telling me that I couldn't use my gift on him. Naturally, I huffed at that. It seemed like Heidi was waiting for something to happen, and it did when the waiter brought us the check, asking if we needed anything else.

"E 'tutto o sarà il tuo americano richiederà una pasticceria?" (Will that be all or will your american require a pastry? )

"Questo americano capisce esattamente che cosa state dicendo tutto il tempo. Dal momento che sei un maleducato stronzo, non stai ricevendo una mancia. E ad essere onesti, il mio panino era asciutto. Per rispondere alla tua domanda, è possibile spingere la pasta su per il culo ignorante. avere un giorno eccellente. Si può andare." (This American understands exactly what you have been saying the entire time. Since you're a rude asshole, you're not getting a tip. And to be honest, my sandwich was dry. To answer your question, you can shove the pastry up your ignorant ass. Have a super day. You can go now. )

I stared at Bella in shock, Heidi had a look of admiration, one of her hands shooing the stunned waiter away. We paid the bill but didn't leave a tip. I didn't recover until we made it back to the palace. Heidi left us in Reception, chuckling away. Once I had my senses about me, I told the receptionist to inform Aro we were back and would be in our chambers.

So here we were. I couldn't fully concentrate on my book, the dark haired woman was a serious distraction. Sighing, I closed the book and placed it on the stand next to me. Crossing my left leg over my right and clasping my hands, I solely focused my attention on the girl putting the last of her shoes away. Once Bella closed her closet doors, she noticed I was watching her intently.

"Something on your mind Jane?" Bella asked, a slight smile on her face as she sat on the foot of her bed.

Instead of telling her how much I wanted to ravage her, I said, "Get some rest. Choose a dress, a pair of shoes, jewelry if you want. I'm taking you to dinner and then a surprise."

I stood before she could say anything and walked to her bedroom door.

"Be ready by 7:30," I said before walking out, noticing her grin before closing the door.

Walking to the Throne Room, my pace was brisk, all who saw me coming quickly moved out of the way, fearing my wrath.

Coming to the double, the two guards quickly opened them, bowing me in. I walked up to the thrones, bowing respectfully to my masters.

"Rise dear one," Aro said.

Standing, I quickly looked over at Marcus then Caius. One looking like he'd rather be elsewhere, the other scowling as usual.

"My lords, I've come to seek permission for a night away from the guard," I said, my head slightly bowed down.

"Whatever for Jane? Does this concern that insipid human of yours?" Caius growled, a sneer on his cranky face.

I glared at him and was about to reply when Aro beat me to it.

"Calm down brother, no need to be rash. Jane dear is our top guard. I believe we can go a night without her. What do you think Marcus?" Aro said, his usual coolness about him.

"We can spare her for the evening," Marcus sighed, half looking in our direction.

"Well there we have it!" Aro clapped, "have fun dear one."

Bowing again, I chanced a glance at Caius who looked fit to be tied but I said nothing. Straightening back out, I left the room, making my way towards Heidi's study.

Once there, I waltz in, eyes quickly locating the Italian woman browsing through books on the long table by the arch window.

"Hello Jane," Heidi greeted without looking up.

"Heidi," I replied, "I'm taking Bella out tonight on a date."

The other woman looked up at that, left eyebrow arched.


"Yes. Dinner then dancing. Will you help Bella prepare when she wakes? I have reservations for 8pm.," I asked as calmly as possible.

Grinning, Heidi said, "I'd be happy to help the human get ready."

Narrowing my eyes, I replied, "No funny business Heidi. Bella will be mine one way or the other."

"Of course Jane," Heidi said seriously, "she'll be ready, don't worry."

Nodding, I left for my chambers without another word.

Reaching my room, I cast a quick glance around. The maids had been through. Good. My four poster canopy bed was perfectly made, my red comforter pulled tight. Obviously I don't sleep but I do so enjoy the luxury of burrowing into the bedding for a while sometimes.

Dashing to my closet, I began looking for the perfect dress and shoes. Everything needed to be perfect. I will have Bella's heart by the end of the night, her soul by the end of the year. The bronze haired brat will never know what hit him. Grinning sinisterly, I found the perfect dress. Glancing at the clock, I calculated the time I had to get ready and set about doing so.

7:15pm Reception

Waiting. I hate it. But for Bella, I'd do anything. If she asked me to slaughter half her classmates, I'd do it in the blink of an eye.

For the love of all that is holy, what is taking Heidi so long. That woman is lucky I have a soft spot for her. Gah. With all the pacing I do in Reception, there should be a hole by now. Wait! I hear footsteps, two sets. Finally! Stopping all movement, I turn to face the door. If I had breath, I'm sure I'd have lost it when Bella entered Reception.

Dressed in a knee length blood red dress, black 3'' heels, silver bracelets on her left wrist, ruby gemstone earrings and matching necklace, minimal makeup, her hair curled, Bella looked to die for. I failed to catch her eyes though. She was looking me over just as thoroughly as I did her. I was dressed almost similarly to her. Black strapless knee length dress, matching heels, my Volturi ring the only jewelry, my hair curled like hers. When she reached my eyes, I saw desire reflected in hers. I just grinned and shifted my gaze to Heidi.

"Thank you Heidi," I said.

"Of course," she replied, winking before leaving.

Turning back to Bella, I asked, "Ready?"

Getting a nod, I offered my left arm. Steering us to the elevator, I began to wonder how the night would go.

Marco's Restaurant 7:55pm

Walking to our table, Bella leaned close to me and whispered, "Was scaring her into getting us to our table five minutes early necessary?"

"Yes," I said instantly, quickly flashing her a smirk.

"Evil," came the hushed reply. I only chuckled.

Once seated, we immediately began perusing the menus. I ordered a bottle of their finest dark red wine when the waiter arrived. Naturally, Bella ordered spaghetti. I settle for a shrimp scampi. We sat in comfortable silence until our food arrived, each of us taking sips of the wine every now and then.

A few minutes into eating, Bella spoke up.

"I thought vampires didn't eat?"

Swallowing a piece of shrimp, I looked at her and replied, "well we don't need to, but, it won't harm us to do so."

"Edward claimed that all food tasted like dirt," she slowly said.

I couldn't help the roll of my eyes when I said, "Of course he did. Edward has never fully embraced his new nature. If he's convinced himself that food tastes like dirt, then, that is what it will taste like to him. I've more than embraced my nature. I happen to enjoy food."

Nodding, Bella continued eating, glancing at me every few minutes. I only smiled at her.

Halfway through eating our cheesecake dessert, I heard Bella's heart rate increase.

"What is it?" I demanded, eyes scanning the room for any potential danger.

"I thought I saw the waiter from the cafe we ate at today," came the whispered response.

I did another sweep but didn't see the asshole anywhere.

"Maybe I'm seeing things," she whispered again.

"You seem to be on edge Bella dear. Let's get out of here shall we? I have something else planned," I said, reaching across the table for her hand.

Catching our waiters eye, I beckoned him over.

"How else may I assist you?" He asked in Italian.

"The check please," I spoke back.

Nodding, he left and returned within three minutes. Impressive. He was definitely getting a tip.

Once the bill was paid, I walked Bella outside to the car. After we were both in, Bella asked, "where are we going now?"

Grinning, I replied, "How well do you dance?"

Bella's response was to widen her eyes.

Teaser for the next chapter:

I watched with a red haze as the waiter from the cafe and a few of his buddies forced Bella out the back door of the club. I moved with the speed of a very determined predator. "she's mine" ran through my head a million times before I made it to the back door. Reaching the alley, I lost control when I saw the blood bags pinning my mate to the wall, their intent clearer than day. Growling, I charged to them, taking pleasure in seeing their shocked and fearful faces as I came closer.

Authors Note: Yeah! Update! Woot woot! The next chapter is in the process of being written and it is going to be EPIC. I might just update another story. My muse has returned! Thanks for reading, and as always, leave reviews, they make me happy!

E. McCoy