Lover: Yes I have a total of five stories I'm working on I just have to get the ideas out of my head or I go nuts. I hope this story will be as good as the rest of them. There are four Shugo Chara and Inuyasha as well as this one. I am a review junky, but I will never hold my stories for ransomed to get them. All my stories will be updated as soon as possible for now I will take a break from Shugo chara. Also I HAVE JEMMY BACK! *hand Jemmy cupcakes and a Sesshomaru doll XD*

Jemmy: *Takes both. Cuddles the doll and eats the cupcake* Can I have a doll of his daddy? He is way hotter! *Drooling*

*Flash back*

Kagome glared at the hanyo, who was blocking her path to the bone eaters well. "Inuyasha move I need to go home to take my finals so I can graduate high school. Then I will return. All I need is a month's time to get everything done, that's all I ask of you"

"No way, wench, you gave Naraku to much time to gather the last remaining shards, so no way in the seven hell am I letting you have a month to do as you please you got a week." The white haired hanyo replied, anger twisted in his voice..

"No way, you say. It going to be a month unless you want a repeat of the past years, so I need the month to have thing done so I can be free to gather the remaining shards." The raven haired girl said, before she stormed past him and hopped in to the well, before the hanyo could do anything.

Once Kagome's feet touched the dirt in her time she gave an evil smirk and slapped Miroku's specials seak to the well wall to temporary keep Inuyasha from crossing over. Her evil smirk grow wider as a thought crossed her mind. 'That will teach you to me rude to me so when time is up I will go back, but until then I need to focus.'

Times skip

Soon Kagome was finished will all her exams and with graduation. Meaning no more school uniforms and she could wear whatever she wanted.

Smiling as she packed her stuff to head back to the ancient Sengoku period.

"Ok let me see I need my shampoo, conditioner, ramen, clothing, weapons, large first aid kit and water proof flint are all there. Am I missing anything?" Kagome checked over her mental check list. Everything seemed to be there. Sighing Kagome clipped her book bag shut before swinging it onto her shoulders.

"Kagome, if you don't hurry Inuyasha will be here." Kagome's mom called up the stairs, before walking away to tend to her business.

"Ok mom, and Inuyasha can't get through the well I used one of Miroku's seals on the well to keep him from passing through, so he could not stop me from passing my exams and graduating. Oh, I need to get some more supplies to make bows and arrows on the other side so I will be back to get my bag." The raven haired girl replied as she set her bag down on a random chair.

"Sure thing sweet heart, just take the seal off before you go get the supplies." Kagome's mom replies

"Ok." was all Kagome said as she passed through as she went to the well and removed the sutra and placing her bag inside before heading out.

Two hours later she came back with three kits to make bows and arrows, carefully she walked over to her bag and slid them in before closing it up and walking into the house looking for her mom.

"MOM WHERE ARE YOU!" The raven haired girl called hoping to locate her mom.

"In the kitchen dear, is there something you need?" The short raven haired woman replied.

"No I'm heading back now, see you when I get back." Kagome replies before turning her back and heading to the shrine. As she got to the door and slid the door part way open to grab her bag she heard something that sounded like metal bending and about to pop. Out of curiosity she turned around just as one of the main water pipes broke sending a powerful jet of water shot into her. With no time to move the water slammed in to her chest sending her in to the half open well door. Because of the impact Kagome had a hard time screaming in agony.

Kagome soon felt herself falling as darkness start to take hold. Kagome expected to see the similar silver light engulf her but instead she was met with a bright pale blue light.

End of flash back*

Kagome groaned as she felt sharp throbbing pain in her left side. She rolled over on to her right side while trying to figure out what happened. Blinking a few times as she looked up at the blue gray sky.

'Am I back in Inuyasha's time? If so then where is the enraged hanyo? Surely he would be here when I got back.' The raven haired girl thought as she slowly stood up and looked around for her yellow bag. Painfully she grabbed the bag that miraculously managed to follow her down the well. She pulled out her large first aid kit and began to treat her injuries and wrapped the large gash with bandages the best she could so she would not attract unwanted attention.

Carefully she repacked the first aid kit and grabbed her quiver and bow, before painfully climbing out of the well. She tossed her bag next to the well once her head peaked over. Instantly she felt two powerful yokis, one was familiar, wanted to be acknowledged and respected, while the other was unknown, demanded respect and acknowledgment. She pulled herself up onto the wells edge so she was sitting on the edge. Kagome looked down to see that the well was every well painted.

She looked down and saw that blood was seeping through the bandage on her side. "Damn it I don't need to attract unwanted demon to the smell of my blood." She took out the kit once more and re raped the wound and began to travel toward the yoki to see who it was and if they were a possible threat. (Jemmy: Kagome you just said you didn't want to attract any unwanted demons but yet you go to see who theses powerful, let me repeat that, POWERFUL, demons are. -_-')

Kagome took her time getting to where the two yokai were. Neither from what she could tell had moved from their spot. She watched as the thick forest gave way to a grassy cliff no a massive crater and in the crater was a human like male with his long silvery hair pulled back in to a high ponytail, ending somewhere around his back. She could clearly see his black breast plate armor, white kimono and hakama, armored boots, a long flowing sash, and a parted pelt that ran down his back like a cape. Then there where his three swords that she barely managed to see.

Kagomes eyes came to his skin it was lighter than her own by two or three shade and had one blue jagged stripe on each cheek but she could not see his whole face.

Looking away from him was an Inu yokai in true form, that looked similar to Sesshomaru in his true form but this one was smaller than the one she had seen in Inu no Taisho's tomb. Closing her eyes as she shook her head trying to clear her thoughts.

Forcing her mind away from the pain she picked her bow and notched an arrow before drawing it back while she focused on the main point of power on the attacking demon. Once she found her target she released the sacred arrow toward its mark.

Kagome watched the arrow sail over the dog demons body leaving a clean path from the tip of its tail over its back and to its nose before striking its mark, at the same time a streak of light followed her arrow and hit the spot completely destroying the demon.

A revealed sigh escaped her lips but sadly the victory was shot lived when she heard the anger growl of the horribly shaved Inu and the sound of someone laughing at the growling dog. Kagome know it was time to leave hearing the growl taking her bow and placing it back where she packed it hooked the quiver of arrows to her side before leaving the crater.

In the Crater

Inu taisho looked up upon sensing powerful spiritual power shooting over his son's back and in to the opponent's its weak point, seeing his chance he used the wind scar to use the arrows opining to his advantage. When the dust cleared there was no sight of the demon they were fighting so Inu Taisho turned to look at his son.

"Sessh *snickers* what hap- *snickers* happened to you?" Inu Taisho managed to say before busted out laughing at his son who was shaved by the arrow. He continued to laugh ignoring the growling coming from Sesshomaru who had now changed back.

"Father I see nothing funny about it, but whoever shot that arrow is going to pay for what they did to me." the silver haired Inu yokai growled.

Inu Taisho looked at his son trying to hold a straight face but was failing horribly. As he started laughing even harder at the sight of the parting line on his sons mokomoko and head. 'Dear kami that miko sure had great aim to humiliate Sesshomaru like this.' The great Inu yokai though as his fit of laughter died down.

"I have no clue who this miko is but whoever it is it trying to hide for some odd reason and I plan on find out" Inu Taisho said as he look toward the location the arrow came from and easily jumped to where the girl once stood and froze noticing a small pool of blood.

"This miko is indeed powerful if she could shoot an arrow with that much power in this state." The Inu Taisho said look at his son who had joined him.

"Leave her it's none of our concern if she lives or dies father she is a miko our enemy." Sesshomaru said bluntly.

"Are you challenging me, your alpha, Sesshomaru? "The great Inu yokai asked.

"No father, I'm just pointing out that she is a miko which are our enemies and nothing but scum of the earth." The silver haired Inu yokai replied.

"It does not matter but she is more dangerous injured than not she will lash out at anything. She is a threat to humans, demons, or animals. She will need to be healed or taken to the castle or to the nearest human village which is three miles past my castle. You really have no choice in what goes on Sesshomaru." Inu no Taisho said as he looked at his son only to get an 'hn' from him.

With a satisfied smile he took off to presume the injured miko with his son following close behind him.


Kagome growled in pain as she re-wrapped her wound. 'If I don't get some form of medical help I will die from blood-loss, of course if I'm not killed before then.' The raven haired girl thought as she tied off the bandage.

Kagome had been listening to the forest for any indication of being followed. The sudden sound of leaves and twigs being stepped on caught her attention. 'I need to find a safe place to stay and by what I can sense there is not a village within range, closes one is a three day walk.' The raven haired miko stood up and froze when a flash of white and red appeared before her.

"Shit!" Was the only thing that came from Kagome's mouth when she saw the great demon lord before her.

Inu no Taisho raised one of his brows upon hearing the word come from the miko's mouth. A sly smirk crossed his pale face as a thought crossed his mind.

"Is that so little miko, his my handsome appearance, and good looks make you say that?" The great Inu Yokai asked as he hid the humor from his voice.

"EH! YOU COCKY DOG!" Kagome squeaked out.

"oh really care to check for me?" Inu no Taisho said as he now held back a laugh as he saw her beautiful blue eyes go wide as a blush crossed her nicely tanned skin.

"Y-YOU PERV! You're worse and Miroku" The raven haired girl said when she heard the Inu Yokai start laughing.

"Come miko you need a healer to tend to your wounds." Ino no Taisho said after he stopped laughing.

"NO! I'm not going with you for all I know you could use me as a slave or whatever." Kagome said plainly.

"you're going to do it the hard way than the easy way." The great Inu yokai said as he looked at his son who was about to spring.

Kagome sensed that the Inu yokai was not alone she knew one was about to attack or better yet pounce and she was waiting for it.

Sesshomaru was given the signal from his father and made to restrain the miko even though he would rather kill her than anything else. Just as he was about to grab her he found himself pined to a tree teen feet away from the two. Shocked did not even begin to set into the bewildered yoki. How could this woman do such a thing?

"Sesshomaru, I thought I told you to take her from the front and I would take her from the back" Inu no Taisho said as he tossed his silver ponytail over his shoulder. (Lover: get you mind out of there. Jemmy: What mind? *All innocent* It's not like I wanted anything to happen to her)

"I can't believe you live with this pervert Sesshomaru." The raven haired girl said.

This caught the great Inu yokai's attention, she knew his son and somewhat about him and he had never met her in his life, this stirred his beast from his slumber

'Mate, our soul mate.' His beast purred as he snapped out of his thought only to see the girl vanishing i to the forest

'Chase her, catch her, mark her, pup her.' His beast growled and pressed against his mental cage.

'We can't if I did mark her now she would reject us and neither of us want that so take it slow with her but first we need catch her, she is injured.' With that his beast went silent as he gave chase.

Kagome was not even look back as she ran the best she could, trying to hide. She knowing it would not help her to much but she had to try. Sadly Kagome had not gotten too far when she felt something really someone push her foreword, she gave a cry of pain and shock as she feel into the dirt almost landing on her broken and bleeding side.

The first thing that came to her mind was flaring her reiki to get her attacker she felt some of the pressure release from her as she caught a glimpse of Inu no Taisho pinning her to the ground by her neck.

Inu no Taisho felt his hands being burned by her reiki so he countered it by flaring his yoki. He felt her power press harder against his but was slowly weakening. It did not take long to overpower her even though he had no intention of killing her or hurting her.

He felt her tense up as he gently caressed over her seeing how bad the injuries were or if she had more but so far there was only one. It consisted of four broken ribs and a gash to her left side.

Kagome tensed up from his power. She noticed that he was distracted so she tried to squirm free only to freeze when she felt him squeeze her neck, not knowing he was really squeezing her pressure points. She tried to move away from him only to find she could not she mentally growled as her mind began to grow fuzzy before she fell in to darkness.

Inu no Taisho released his hold on her neck when he felt her fall limp, gently he rolled her over and picked her up. He was beyond shocked to see and feel how fit she was as well as perfectly evened out, without hesitation he formed his yokai cloud under him and took to the air heading to his son.

Lover: hope you love it will post the next chapter after I get finished with chapter 5 on my other and I know Jemmy is dying to know also I do not own Inuyasha just the plot

Jemmy: So wait did Sessy's father just call her his mate? What the hell is going on! Don't you dare do anything to my Kagome you bastard!