Disclaimer: I do not own Wild Arms. This is the first in my series that will tie all of the games together. If you want to contact me you can email me at [email protected]

Full Circle
By David Knight

Chapter 1: The Last of the Chasers of Dreams

How long does time last for? What can pass for only a minute could feel like hours. Or days go by and yet it feels like only a few minutes ago.

Perception is part of time and time perceived by the thoughts of others.

So what happens when time is taken away from someone? What happens when fate decides to take a different route?

How long does one have before destiny catches up to him or her?

* * *

_The skies look as brought as they always do._ Rudy Roughnight smiled as he continued his climb up the mountain, just as he had always done so many times before. _Fifteen years since me, Jack and Cecilia took out the Metal Demons... and speaking of years it has been years since I have seen either of them. Should I..._ Shaking his head, he knew that to be an impossibility.

_What am I supposed to do? Go say 'Hi Cecilia. Hi Jack. How's life treating you? How's your families doing?'_ Rudy wasn't bitter with his friends. It was just one simple fact that he hated about himself.

He still looked like he was eighteen.

That was his curse as a Holmcross. He would never age. His friends would get older while he remained looking the same. He realized that the last time he saw them four years ago. They weren't ugly, they weren't old... but they looked older than he did. Rudy didn't want to feel the pain... he didn't want them to feel anything to him.

_But if I am doing this... then why the hell am I even still keeping myself alive?_ Rudy asked himself as he continued his climb. He didn't even have to look at the cliff to know where to climb. He had long since memorized the entire of the face of the cliff.

Upon reaching the top, he looked back over the water, at the last rays of the sun, and where the light glinted off of a shard of metal that dangled across a grave marker made in the shape of a cross.

"Father... I know I was made for war, but there is no war now. What purpose to do I have now?"

"Your purpose is to die."

Once he heard the cold and dark voice, Rudy spun around to look at a figure that came into being. It looked like an armored person... but it wasn't metal at least it didn't look like real metal. The being's armor was black, blacker than any midnight sky Rudy had ever seen but there were lines of red all around the armor, a red like a deep scarlet, the color of blood. A black helmet covered its face, with a red visor over its eyes. Lastly it wore a blood red cape.

Finally Rudy spoke, "Who... or what are you?"

"The Blaze of Destruction. This is my present form, I will evolve further... but it is more than enough to destroy you, Rudy Roughnight."

Rudy narrowed his eyes as he looked at the being that wanted his head. "You should know that is not going to be as simple as you think it is going to be."

"Of course. You might have a bit more strength then I give you credit for... but you will still be massacred." The Blaze of Destruction laughed cruelly at the young Dream Chaser.

Rudy didn't even waste any time when he saw the Blaze of Destruction come at him. He reached for his Hand Cannon ARM, and fired. However to Rudy's shock, the Blaze of Destruction simply deflected the projectile grenade aside. 

"No way!" Rudy exclaimed. He couldn't even remember a Metal Demon doing that. Maybe taking the shot like it was nothing, which had happened, but never deflecting a shot from any of his ARMs.

"Is that all the strength you posses, Rudy Roughnight?" the Blaze of Destruction sneered as a sword materialized in his hands, its blade glowing an evil crimson in the night sky. Reflexively, Rudy drew out the Divine Blade to clash with the Blaze's sword strike, but Rudy was finding out the Blaze was not only the superior swordsman but was also stronger than he was.

"What are you? Another Metal Demon?!" Rudy shouted at his enemy.

The Blaze apparently took offense from his comment. "Don't even classify me with those pathetic beasts! I am a darkness you cannot even begin to fathom!" the Blaze sneered, "I admit this is entertaining, but I can't spend my entire day having fun with you."

"You think this is fun... then try this!" Rudy spat as he took a risky gamble to get to his Phazer ARM with his left hand, while using his right to hold back The Blaze's Sword. Upon grabbing it, he fired it right at the Blaze's head sending him backwards and to the ground. "Yes!"

However, his cheers were short lived as he saw the Blaze of Destruction rising from the ground, showing no signs of damage.

"No way... that was a direct hit... you shouldn't even have a face!" Rudy gasped in disbelief.

"Now do you understand? When I said it was your purpose to die, I meant it!" the Blaze chuckled sinisterly as he vanished into thin air.

"Where did he--" Rudy's sentence was suddenly cut short as he felt a blinding pain from his chest.

The reason why was very painfully obvious.

As he looked down, Rudy saw the Blaze of Destruction's sword was protruding from his chest. When the Blaze slid it out of his chest, Rudy fell to his knees, his entire body screaming "Bloody Murder" from the pain.

He looked up to see the Blaze looking down at him smugly, "The great Rudy Roughnight. The last of the Holmcross...what is so special about you? What makes you think a machine ever had a chance against a force such as I?"

"... why... are you doing this...?" Rudy gasped.

"It's quite simple really... to burn Filgaia to the ground!" The Blaze of Destruction laughed with malevolence.

"...n... no..." Rudy groaned as he desperately attempted to reach for another of his ARMs but the he had left most of them in the vault under his home, he was in no condition to use the Wild Bunch ARM, and the Prism Laser would have no effect on him if the Phazer had done nothing. He felt the Blaze of Destruction picking him up by the throat, punching him repeatedly in his chest as if to add insult to Rudy.

"I will do you a merciful favor," The Blaze of Destruction sneered. "Your friends Jack Van Burace and Cecilia Adlehyde will feel nothing when I slay them."

"Bastard!" Rudy screamed, as he pulled all that he had left to swing a punch right at the monster's head. The Blaze didn't so much as flinch. Though it did no physical damage to him, the Blaze of Destruction was not pleased.

"Do you not know when to give up you foolish worm?" the Blaze growled.

"I... will never... give up..." Rudy growled.

"Then carry on that belief..." the Blaze of Destruction said as his chest plates opened up and a glow of energy began to emerge. "... into the darkness!" A beam of energy flashed from the Blaze and engulfed Rudy. The sheer force of the blast sent him flying far off before a crash could be heard.

"And so it begins," the Blaze of Destruction sneered as he raised his hand and Rudy's home was suddenly on fire. The Blaze of Destruction enjoyed what he did and threw his head back, giving off a cruel laugh.

A laugh that carried itself through the night.

* * *

In the forest below Rudy laid on the ground, unable to move. He was not yet dead but was loosing strength fast.

_So... this is what it is like to die..._ Rudy grimaced. _But... that... that thing... he will destroy Filgaia... kill my friends... after everything I have gone through, that we have gone through... it will end in fire? It can't be! I won't let it be!_

*Do you desire this above all else?*

"What?" Rudy blinked as he looked forward.

*Don't strain yourself by speaking. Just think your thoughts and I will hear them. I ask you again... do you desire to live so that you can save Filgaia?*

_Who... are you?_ Rudy asked.

*Come now. You tell me you can't recognize my presence?*

A being shimmered into Rudy's view. The first thing he realized was it wasn't even a person it was a wolf.

A female wolf.

Her fur was contrasting of dark blue and white with a couple streaks of pink. The texture of the fur appeared like flames. She had horns around her neck, which were a gold color. She also had three claws on each foot, which were the same color as her horns. Metal cuffs were decorated around the ankles, and these were the same color as the horns and claws, which were part of her armor.

_L... Luceid?_


Rudy couldn't believe it; he couldn't believe that he was seeing a being he thought was gone for good. _What... what are you doing here? I mean, I thought you were still with Boomerang?_

*You killed him back in the Arena, remember? He's now between Heaven and Hell, awaiting to see what the Higher Powers decide to do with him.*

_There are higher powers than the Guardians?_ Rudy attempted to gasp, but found himself coughing up blood instead. The Guardian of Desire shook her head, though to Rudy it was as if she was rolling her eyes. _What do you want with me?_

*Your Desire is what called to me and it is not a surprise to me. After all you, a machine, called out to Zephyr. You were able to make him respond to you.*

_Where the hell are all of the Guardians now when we need them! The Blaze of Destruction will..._ Rudy started but Luceid cut him off.

*Lord Blazer is an enemy not even we Guardians can oppose directly. He is worse than the Metal Demons... but steps have been taken to defeat Lord Blazer.*

_What steps?_

*That is not for you to know for you do not have a role in this part of history.* Luceid thought/spoke. *Know that Filgaia will be saved from Lord Blazer by another.*

_What about Jack and Cecilia? Will they be safe?!_

*Their lines will be preserved.*

_That was not my question!_ Rudy growled at the Guardian. He wanted a straight answer from her. He wanted to know what was going to happen to his friends. _Tell me! Does the Blaze of Destruction kill them or not!_

Luceid refused to speak but Rudy took that to be answer enough. _Why! Why do they have to die like that!?_

*I am not God. I don't make the rules on Creation. Remember that well boy.* Luceid returned sharply.

_So...why are you even here?_ Rudy asked.

*Your desire to save Filgaia is strong... VERY strong.* Luceid told Rudy, *Filgaia will be saved from the threat of Lord Blazer... but there will come another threat to the planet. One worse than Lord Blazer.*

_Worse?_ Rudy exclaimed in disbelief. After seeing how powerful Lord Blazer was, he couldn't even conceive the possibility that there could be something worse than him.

*The Filgaia of the future yet to come will need strong people. People who know the past as if they have lived it if the future is to survive.* Luceid told him. *What I am about to give you is a one time only deal and you should know the Guardians had to do much and convince the forces higher then them to allow this.*


*You have two options. You can allow us to place you in to suspended animation magically while your wounds are healed and you will be woken up at the appropriate time... or refuse and you will just die here and now. You don't have time to think about this. It is either yes or no.*

For a moment, Rudy thought that Death would be the appropriate choice... but then he thought of the Blaze of Destruction and of this newer stronger threat that he was being told about in the future. If there was anyway, even it was just a small way that he could help save the planet, it would at least bring a purpose to a life he had though had no purpose.

_Yes... I accept your terms._ Rudy answered her. Suddenly a flash of light came to his left glove and he saw a rune appear: The Life Rune.

*Odoryuk will heal your wounds and now I shall place the spell that shall place you into suspended animation. When you awaken, it will feel like only a minute has passed but in reality, many years will have passed on Filgaia.* Luceid looked at Rudy seriously and wanted to make this absolute, *Are you ready?*

_Just promise me one thing... give Lord Blazer hell..._ Rudy requested of Luceid.

Luceid chuckled at that as she saw the spell taking effect. Rudy became motionless, as if he was asleep. A crystal pyramid formed around him and then disappeared. *See you in the future... Dream Chaser...*

* * *

The passage of time is vast and quick. Time passed on through out Filgaia. The Blaze of Destruction left his mark upon the planet, turning much of its green into ash, but true to Luceid's words to Rudy, Lord Blazer was defeated. It was not an army or an incredible magical spell. In the end, the Blaze of Destruction was defeated by a single girl who was known only as the Sword Magess, who came to battle wielding a mysterious weapon known as Argetlahm, which is called the Guardian Blade in the language of the Guardians.

Luceid herself accompanied the Sword Magess and helped her... or rather Lucied had helped her. As the Guardian of Desire, Luceid was genderless and the true spelling of the Guardian's name was Lucid, preferring to remain genderless unless he/she was accompanying one who was filled with great desire. When he/she did accompany someone that was when the added 'e' was used. When accompanying a man, Lucid was a female wolf and went by the name Luceid... but if Lucid was accompanying a woman, the Guardian of Desire was had the form of a male wolf and was called Lucied.

A thousand years would pass before Lord Blazer would try again to destroy the planet and once again he was defeated, this time by a group of six warriors who would not allow him to be restored to life.

Another thousand years passed and yet the acts of Lord Blazer though were not without consequence. The two millennia that have come to pass since he first appeared have caused the planet to become a shadow of its former self. Much of it has become a wasteland. Dream Chasers are forgotten, in their places are Drifters, people who soar high and free, looking for their path, never being held down to one place.

This is the time when a new evil would be unleashed. A force is starting to stir and the time is coming. Champions have already been rallied. Four Drifters who had nothing in common, except a chance meeting with one another.

Yet their obtaining of the Arc Scepters and of the Guardians will have an effect that was destined to happen long before they were ever born.

* * *

In the Village of Baskar, Halle Caradine felt her grandson and those three others pass their tests. They had awakened the Guardians and had obtained their Mediums. _They truly are the ones that have been spoken of. All that remains now is to see..._

Her body froze as she felt a new surge. It was like that of the Guardians but different... and connected with the awakening of the four Guardians of Earth, Wind, Water and Fire.

_What can this mean? What was that?_ Halle wondered.

* * *

In a mountain not far from Baskar, a part of the cliff started to open up, revealing an entrance to a cave. In this cave was a glowing white pyramid of energy. Inside of that pyramid was a figure, floating in midair, seemingly sleeping.

The figure that had been inside woke up, his eyes opening slowly. At that moment, the Pyramid that had been his bed for the past two-thousand years dissipated into nothingness and he fell to the floor, standing. Looking himself over, he saw that his injuries had been healed. Smiling, he walked out of the cave and when he saw the sun shining down upon him he knew it had finally happened.

"It's about time." Rudy Roughnight smirked.

To Be Continued...