Author's Note: So here is another update since i have been able to write.

Prompt 31: Wishing Well

Tsunayoshi even as a child had been one that was always extremely sick. He could never play with the rest of the neighborhoods children out of worry for his condition and he hated it. Yet he would never tell his mother that because he knew how sad she was for him. He knew how much his condition made her suffer and he didn't want her to go through it. So he remained the quiet and docile Tsunayoshi that never wanted to leave the house. He would never ask because he knew that it would hurt his mother when she had to tell him no. He didn't want to make his mother suffer through anything more then she already was with a child that was basically dying, and a dead beat husband who left her alone for years at a time. Even as Tsunayoshi was reaching the end of his short life he still continued to love and cherish his mother. Never telling her the thoughts he had about hating his dead beat father or his broken body. He always just smiled said he loved her and continued with his day to day façade of being the happiest dying kid alive.

When Tsuna was 15 he went with his mother to another country to have his body checked out and it was the last hope before all they could do was accept that he was dying. Before they even visited the doctors Tsuna made 1 short stop. He stopped at a very well known wishing well so that he could make a wish that he really did want to come true. Yet he didn't wish for to cure himself of the disease, or for the doctors to have an answer, or for his life to be extended. No what he wished for was his mother to be able to find happiness once he was gone. Because the only thing that had ever been more important than himself in his life; was his very loving, hardworking, and caring mother. He loved her with all his heart and just didn't want her to be sad when the inevitable happens.

Thanks for reading. ^_^