*(A/N): Hey guys, so this was just a random idea I came up with for a story. This so far is just the prologue and I'm planning on making it a very long story so I hope you enjoy.*

The Disguised Faunus

~ Blake ~

It was the middle of winter and freezing outside, but she didn't care. She was inside the heated room of the book club and held a book in her lap. However, her attention was focused on what was happening outside the window in the quad.

There was a padded boxing mat nearby the fountain and there were two people getting ready for a practice match. Normally the boxing team practiced inside the gym, however the basketball team had it scheduled for them today. You would think a school like this would have more than one gym, but it was also good it didn't otherwise Blake wouldn't be able to watch matches like this and watch her crush…

This school was Beacon, a school famously known for it's focus on sports and creative arts. However, every light has it's own darkness. The war between Humans and Faunus ended over hundreds of years ago but segregation was still strongly influenced in society and in this school as well. Classes were split into all human or all faunus and the same for sports and clubs as well. There was human male or faunus male and human woman and faunus woman teams for every sport, except for some exceptions.

The boxing team only had a men's division for humans and faunus, but there was a pair of special cases. There were two girls in the boxing team; one human and one faunus, and they were the biggest rivals in the whole school. Those two girls were currently in the ring together ready to start the match.

The bell rang and the faunus charged, she made a left jab but the blonde human blocked it. She returned with a right hook forcing the faunus to duck. The faunus made an uppercut and the blonde quickly stepped back. The whole fight was fast and went on like this for a short while until the faunus landed a punch on the blonde's face.

Tension grew thick in the air and from 20 yards away and three stories up, Blake could have sworn she saw the blonde's lilac eyes turn red. The blonde yelled a loud grunt and hit the faunus with so much force that the poor girl was flung out of the ring and into the freezing water of the fountain making the bookworm's crush win the match.

Yang Xiao Long – 9, Okami Kiba – 8

That's right, Yang was Blake's crush. She was the most beautiful girl at school and had the kindest heart… If you didn't piss her off at least.

When the match ended, Yang calmed down and looked at the window Blake was looking out of. Blake panicked and quickly turned to her book trying to hide a blush, she make a quick glance out the window and saw that Yang was now nowhere in sight. Blake made a sad soft sigh and actually started to read her book this time.

There were only four members in the human book club including Blake so it was very quiet for people to read. It practically drives Blake insane. Don't get her wrong, she loves books, she's just used to having to read around her talkative roommate and childhood friend.

The door to the book club opened and Blake just assumed it was her friend here to pick her up after practice. Blake started to pack up her things and was very surprised when someone dragged a chair across the ground and sat directly in front of her… That person was Yang.

"Um, can I help you?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you knew of any good books someone like me would like." Yang replied with a cheesy smile.

Blake got up a walked to one of the many fully stocked bookshelves that were in the room. She finally found a story about a boxer and pulled it off the shelf, then she walked back and handed the book to Yang. "I don't know what type of genre you like so I hope this will do."

"Thanks!" Yang said flashing another smile at Blake before opening the book and began reading.

Blake went back to her own seat and began to read as well. Ten minutes of silent reading passed when Yang decided to start talking again.

"So, I noticed that you-"

She was interrupted by the door opening and Blake's friend coming inside. Blake's friend was Okami Kiba, she faunus Yang just had that match with not to long ago. Now this club room was for humans only, but Okami normally just came in to drag Blake out and back to their shared dorm. However, it didn't stop humans from giving her angry glares.

It was ridiculous how society viewed these poor people. Because of it, faunus couldn't share the same room as humans with a plaque that says 'Human' outside it, have any romantic relationships with humans, or even share the same bathrooms with humans along with many other things while humans could do whatever they wanted.

Okami walked up to Blake calmly despite the angry glances she was receiving. "You ready Blake?"

"Can't you read you stupid mutt!" Someone shouted at the back of the room but Okami ignored it.

"Yeah, let's go." Blake said as she quickly got up and walked out the door.

Okami followed her in silence as they walked over to the faunus dorm building. Blake had to request to share a room with Okami and allowed it considering their past living arrangements and she was glad about it. Okami was the only person she could trust.

On their silent walk home, Blake was thinking about her crush which made her a bit depressed. She knew that even if Yang did swing that way homosexuality was greatly frowned upon… That and something else…

Before she knew it, they were back in their dorm room with the door closed and locked. Okami placed her bags in her corner of the room and laid on top of the bunk above Blake's.

"We're inside our dorm now Blake, you can take off that stupid bow now." Okami said noticing Blake still by the door.

Blake nodded and slowly took off her bow.

"I'm going to take a shower." Blake said softly not waiting for a reply.

She closed the door and silently started to cry as she saw the refection of her cat ears twitch in the mirror that was covered by a black bow all day.

Blake was a faunus and Yang was a human…even if Yang liked her back, they could never be together.

*(A/N): Yes, I created Okami and she is an OC. However, this story is going to be focused around RWBY with Okami only being someone for Blake to talk to in their dorm so Okami doesn't have any significant role. Sorry about it being short, but this is only the prologue and the chapters will be longer. I hope you enjoyed!*