Hello everyone :) Since I've dislocated my kneecap I'll be off my feet for the next 6 weeks, so I have plenty of free time to write more :) This is another Fem!Hicca story, my idea about what would have happened if the first meeting between Dagur and Hicca had gone a bit differently.



What If...

1st Meeting

Dagur hated sailing, he hated the ocean, he hated accompanying his father, and he definitely hated Berk. Then again, he'd never been to Berk before, but he was sure he'd hate it. He'd heard stories that the chief of the hooligan tribe was a brave, strong and noble man, the perfect Viking. So most likely, the village under his reign would be perfect as well.

The eight year old had always strived to be perfect, just like his father wanted him to be. But no matter how many times he trained, or studied, it was never enough. He even made sure to look the way a perfect Viking child should, dark blue tunic, thick black boots, armoured shoulder and kneepads, and a strong helmet with two horns on top of his shoulder length brown hair. But it never made a bit of difference, to his father, Dagur was never good enough.

Dagur hated perfection. But now he'd have to stay in a perfect Viking village for 3 days while his father took care of business.

When the ships landed, the chief of Berk met Dagur and his father at the docks.

"Oswald, how have you been?" Stoick greeted, his voice deep and loud. He even sounded like the perfect Viking.

The two large men spoke for a little while before Oswald finally turned his attention back to Dagur. "By the way Stoick, this is the son I'm always telling you about. Dagur, this is chief Stoick of the Hairy Hooligan tribe."

Dagur gave a small nod but didn't say anything to the large man, it wasn't because he was shy or anything, definitely not.

Stoick nodded back, "I've heard a lot about you Dagur, you're nine years old, right?" Dagur nodded. "My daughter's only five. She was supposed to be here to meet you, but I'm afraid she's wander off."

A daughter? Dagur had never heard anything about the chief of the Hooligan tribe having a daughter, this piqued his curiosity. "I'll go find her." He told the two chiefs, before jumping from the gangplank and running along the docks. He wanted to meet this mysterious girl, if she really existed.

"Dagur, make sure you're at the great hall this afternoon!" His father called after him, but Dagur made no sign that he'd heard him.

The village was bigger than he expected, and every single person he came across was big, and loud, and strong, even the children were either large or athletic. Dagur ignored them and kept searching. As he walked up the hill towards a large house, Dagur was really started to hate how perfect the village was.

The he heard it. Humming.

Someone was humming a quiet tune nearby, it almost sounded like a lullaby, what kind of Vikings hummed lullabies? It sounded so out of place amongst the tough and energetic villagers. Dagur followed the noise round to the back of the house, and that's where he found her.

A small girl sitting on the ground with her knees pulled up to her chest, and a thin stick clutched in her tiny hand, drawing lines in the dirt. Dagur couldn't see her face very clearly, but her hair was auburn and reached just passed her shoulder, her green tunic and brown boots all seemed too big for her. She was humming the soft tune, and she didn't seem to notice Dagur's presence at all. She intrigued Dagur, was this the chief's daughter? She looked a bit like a Viking, but not perfect like all the others he'd seen.

"What are you doing?" Dagur asked straight out.

The girl jumped a little and turned to look up at him, and Dagur could now see her eyes. They were large and seemed to shine an emerald green colour. "Um... Drawing." She answered simply. Her voice sounded so sweet.

Dagur was very interested now. He moved closer and looked at the patterns in the dirt, he could now make out the shapes of trees, houses and mountains. It was a drawing of this island, and it was a pretty good drawing at that.

"Is that supposed to be this island?" Dagur asked. The girl nodded. "It's not bad."

The girl looked so surprised, her eyes growing even larger, if that was possible. Then she smiled. Her freckled cheeks were pulled back into a genuine grin, the sight of it almost made Dagur's heart stop. There's no way this girl was a Viking.

Then the girl reached up and tugged at his tunic sleeve, "Sit down." It was far too soft to be an order, but Dagur did it anyway. Then she handed him the stick, "You try?"

Dagur hesitated for a bit, he'd never drawn anything before in his life. He could wield a sword, shoot and arrow and handle a shield well enough, but drawing...

"What should I draw?" He asked

"Well... how about your home island?" Hicca said after thinking for a little while.

"Huh? How can you tell I'm not from here?"

"Because I know everyone on this island." He answered almost proudly, but then her expression change to somewhat sad. "Also, if you were from the village, you wouldn't be talking to me."

Dagur wanted to know what the girl meant, but it looked like she didn't want to talk about it. So Dagur turned to look at the dirt and thought about his island, how hard could it be to draw it?

After a little while, Dagur realised drawing wasn't as easy as he thought.

His drawing consisted of an odd rectangle shape with jagged edges, there were two pointed triangles near the centre, and a cluster of small squares off to one side. Dagur glared at his work, it looked horrible.

But the girl didn't think so, "That looks great."

"Don't lie, it's terrible." Dagur scowled at her.

But the girl just giggled at him. "No, I mean it. You have all the basic shapes there, you just need more detail. Here," The girl reached over and took Dagur's hand in hers so that she was controlling the drawing stick. Dagur did not blush. She moved his hand in short fluid strokes, adding scores across the mountain range.

She was nice. Dagur had been expecting nothing but unbearable perfection, but this girl was the exact opposite. The way she spoke was so soft, and the way she acted was so gentle, she was so different to anything Dagur had ever experienced before.

"By the way, what's your name?" The girl asked.

"I'm Dagur, son of Oswald the Agreeable, and heir to the Berserker tribe on Talon Island." He resisted, just as he'd been trained to do.

The girl then turned to face him, "My name is Hicca, daughter of Stoick the Vast, and heiress to the Hooligan tribe on the Isle of Berk."


Later on that same day, the two tribes gathered in the great hall, but the two chiefs were concerned.

"They're both missing!?" Stoick cried worriedly.

"Aye, I haven't seen Dagur since he ran off at the docks in search of your daughter." Oswald replied.

"This is bad, if something happened to the two of them, it could endanger both tribes."

But just as the two tribes were about to take action, the door to the great hall opened. Without even acknowledging the other people in the room, Dagur sauntered in, with a small sleepy girl on his back. It was an odd sight to behold, and it soon caught the attention of the others in the room.

"Is that Dagur?"

"Yeah, but who's he carrying on his back?"

"I think that's Hicca"

"The Hooligan Heiress?"

"What are they doing together?"

"Why is Dagur carrying her?"

Both chiefs could only watch as Dagur walk over to the long main table. Dagur stopped and let Hicca get down, she jumped into one of the chairs and patted the one next to her, Dagur did as he was asked and sat down.

"Can I do it now?" Hicca asked with large eyes.

"Sure," Dagur said with a tired sigh. He then proceeded to remove his helmet and turn away from Hicca. Apparently the thing Hicca had wanted to do... was braid his hair. It was baffling to watch, but almost endearing as well. The often scary nine year old Berserker, was sitting quietly as a cute five year old girl ran her small hands through his hair. It took a while for the shock to where off, but once it did the meeting proceeded as normal.


Dagur and Hicca spent almost the entire next day together, she showed him around Berk, and he had told her about Talon Island. They got to know each other better, and Dagur was honestly surprised how much he enjoyed his time with the young heiress.

The next day was spent stocking the Berserker ships and getting them ready for their departure, the trade goods were exchanged and Stoick wished Oswald a safe journey. The young boy and girl also said goodbye to each other at the ships, both promising to see each other next year.