I will be honest with you and tell you I have no idea where this came from or where it's going. I have no clue if this will be a one shot or if I will continue it, as of right now this is just something that wouldn't let me sleep last night and needed to be out of my head so bear with my ramblings a bit and try to enjoy/endure this snippet of what keeps me awake at three in the morning.

I do not own any of the recognizable characters in this fic.


It was Friday night at about one thirty in the morning when he arrived at his building. Asami came home an hour and a half before he usually did. His day at work had felt like it went on forever and when he finally had had enough, he pushed the rest of his responsibilities at Kirishima and left the his office at Sion. He was the boss and so he did not feel bad about pushing his work onto someone else.

All he wanted was to take a warm shower, have a nice meal and devour his sex kitten, not necessarily in that order. On his way up the elevator he surmised that perhaps he was not spending enough time with Akihito, he had been busy lately and maybe that was why things had gotten strange for the past five weeks.

Thinking back, Akihito's behavior as of late was just plain weird; one day he was cold and acted like he was not there, completely ignoring him, and the next day he was hot as a blazing inferno as if seducing him on purpose. One day he would make a feast for dinner and wait up for him, while the next he had left a wrapped cold sandwich on the table and was already in a deep sleep.

One day this week Takaba even cooked every single dish of their dinner absolutely salty and looked at him straight to the eyes with a smile on his face like he had just presented him with the Greek gods Ambrosia and expected nothing but the highest of praises. Pretending that the food was edible and fighting the impulse to spit it out proved to be too much, and he eventually ended up excusing himself from the table with the excuse that he was not that hungry.

Every week was something different and it was more than confusing, not that he minded yesterday when Akihito had decided to handcuff him to the bed and ride him for hours – that he would indulge the young man with – or when after letting him free of the cuffs, Akihito refused to let him out of the bed and was more solicitous to their endeavors than ever before. What caught his attention about it was the fact that the blonde kept looking at the clock as if he was keeping track of how long they went at it.

He opened the door to his home, though the lights were on his lover was nowhere to be seen. There was the sound of multiple people talking coming from the bedroom and he moved quietly to the room with his gun at the ready in case the voices weere from intruders.

He edged closer to the door in silence, with the grace of a large cat. Asami glanced inside the room and saw Akihito in his underwear like it was not a big deal, talking to several people in a video call. Multiple windows were occupied by young men, filling him with jealousy and anger at whatever the hell this was.

He was about to enter the room when they all erupted into laughter at something he missed, he decided to listen to the content of the conversation before he barged in guns blazing and demanded an explanation.

"Hahahah, he did that, no way... Kanou-san is such an animal. I feel sorry for you Ayase." Said Akihito.

"He just pounced on me like a wild thing and I eventually passed out so I have no idea how long it was." Answered the shy young blonde with blue eyes sporting a very pronounced blush.

"Well at least you got to participate, Usagi-san was at an award event for one of his books and I got disqualified because he was not here all day or night." It was a brunette with green eyes and a cute frown.

"Well you both had it better than me, I got bite marks all over me because the guys invited the boss and out to eat and Mookyul had been drinking, by the time we got home the man was like a vampire or something, I could have stayed away and avoided the whole situation but I did not want to lose to any of you on this."

To say he was confused as to what he was witnessing was the greatest of understatements, once again he was debating just going in when the mention of his name brought him back to the young men's conversation.

"… oh dear God, seriously Akihito! There is just no way… that Asami is such a beast! How did you survive that?!" Apparently whatever he did to Akihito had bewildered the young men talking with his lover, their mouths where hanging open with surprise and Akihito directed his next words at the blonde with blue eyes who seemed to be the only one able to talk through his surprise.

"Well Ewon, the only reason I'm able to function like a somewhat normal human today is sake and lots, LOTS of pain killers. I couldn't walk a straight line this morning if my life depended on it."

One of the windows on the computer was empty and a teenager appeared in it. There was something familiar about that face, he was sure he had seen it before somewhere. Asami did not have to wonder long about the youngest of the group since Akihito made the person known to him in his next statement.

"Finally! Seriously Tao, making Feilong his tea shouldn't take that long."

'That is Tao? The boy has certainly grown up since the last time he saw him two years ago.'

"Just because you don't care if your tea sucks doesn't mean I should, the tea I give Fei-sama can't be anything other than perfect."

"Excuse me for making such sucky tea" Said Akihito sarcastically "Anyways, now that our impartial judge is back from his most important tea duty we should see who won this week's challenges."

Tao lifted a note pad and looked at it in concentration before announcing his conclusions.

"The winner for 'best reaction to worst dinner' is Ayase, Kanou Somuku definitely had the most hilarious reaction to bad cooking. The winner for 'most sex during one day' is Ewon, though I think the fact that he not just lives with Eun Mookyul but also works for him in the same office is cheating since he had more opportunities than everybody else. The winner for 'going at it the longest' is Akihito, which doesn't surprise me because Asami-san looks like he could have the stamina of a hundred men put together and like we agreed before, Misaki was disqualified because Usami Akihiko-sensei was out all day and night on the day of the challenge."

As Tao read out loud the items on his list and Asami passed from amused to outraged, to wondering how he could punish Akihito for having fun at his expense. He listened to the boys congratulate each other while thinking where he had heard those names, until he realized they were all the names of rich, powerful, and well known people and the young men on the computer must be their lovers.

'Kanou Somuku, Usami Akihiko, Eun Mookyul… how did Akihito meet their lovers? I wander if I can use this to further my business?'

"You know Tao, maybe when you are older you can be with Feilong and actually participate in our little game."

"Eww, seriously Ewon! Feilong is like Tao's father, that would just be weird."

"Well, he is LIKE Tao's father not HIS father so there wouldn't be anything wrong about it." Said Ewon.

"Tao-chan, do you like Feilong-san?" Asked the cute little blonde that reminded Asami of a small rabbit.

"I love Fei-sama but I'm not sure if it is the way you guys love the men you are with, he is very beautiful and so kind to me but I think he likes someone already."

The boy's continued talking about their life and Asami decided that maybe it was not such a bad thing that Akihito had found these people who have things in common with him, and with whom he can talk openly about being in the kind of relationship he was in.

"Ok, so next week's challenges – and this still surprises me that they all have these things in common – are Monday to Tuesday 'No smoking zone,' steal his cigarettes and keep him from smoking. On Wednesday 'Going dry,' Every time he pours himself a drink you have to act clumsy and make him spill it or somehow prevent him from drinking."

At this point, Akihito's words made him think that their little weekly challenges game had to end.

"Last but not least on Thursday 'Sexy clandestine poses,' take a sexy picture of him without him noticing. Tao will judge the winner of the challenges by how many cigarettes you collect, how many drinks you spill and who has the sexiest most drool inducing body."

Although, now that he thought about it, he supposed he could survive the beginning of the week if only to know the result of Thursday's challenge. He really wanted to know…