"So how do you feel today?"

"Much better, thank you, Shindo-san."

"Miso soup! You need some soup; that'll make you feel better. Couldn't hurt."

"Shouldn't that be chicken soup?"

"Is it? Maybe that's why I never feel better after eating soup."


Mika listened to the exchange between Shuichi and Tohma, grateful her little family was back together again. She'd have to make a generous offering at the temple for the return of her husband. Tohma had bruises and a slight concussion, but was otherwise in good shape. The doctor said he'd recover fully after a few days' rest, and this was more than she'd expected. He wouldn't be alive at all if it weren't for Shuichi, and she had no idea how she'd ever pay him back.

The tabloids were disappointed that Tohma couldn't remember anything about the assault due to being knocked out during the entire capture—or so the official story went—but they had no trouble inventing scenarios. The discovery that he'd been saved by both Shuichi and Yuki together was a source of endless speculation and interpretation. Even more interesting was the side story about the mysterious disappearance of Taki Aizawa and whether NG Music was the target of an ongoing yakuza attack.

A lesser story also hit the papers that week, the story of a theater burning in the older district. A body was found inside, but dental records couldn't be matched and DNA testing was inconclusive. Just another mystery of the theater, but the stage was always the best place for a good mystery. The building was slated to be rebuilt as a nightclub, a development Taki might have appreciated.

As Mika read a book to the baby, she decided Tohma would come with her to Kyoto over the weekend to offer thanks at the temple. Papa will appreciate the donation. How the old man would feel about seeing Shuichi again was hard to say, but Shu was good for Tohma and that was all that mattered to her.

What Tohma and Shuichi did at the office she wasn't sure of, but her husband's previous infidelities hadn't changed things between them. He probably thought she hadn't known about them, the fool. The wife always finds out. She could excuse a one night stand on the road, especially since Tohma's guilt had paid off eventually in a trip to Greece she'd never forget, not to mention some nice jewelry. He'd never had an actual affair before, but Shuichi was so innocuous it was hard to be jealous of him. As long as she came first, Mika could live with it.

Besides, there was something utterly irresistible about that Claude Winchester, and he always seemed to have tickets to spectacular events.

What's good for the gander is good for the goose, right?

Maybe they could even double date...