
POV: Lucy (6 years old)

"Mama! Mama!, MAMA!" I shouted as I try to force my little legs to catch up with the stretcher being pulled by the nurses while tears fell freely from my eyes. They finally entered a room and I was cut off by someone holding me back by my arms.

"Let me go! I need to see if mama is alright! LET GO!" I cried as I attempted to break free from the man's grip but no success. After minutes of resisting, I finally gave up and slumped on the floor, crying my heart out.

We were directed to the lobby to stay there and wait for my mom, as my father would tell me. I know something is wrong but he wouldn't tell me.

I, together with my dad Jude Heartfilia, are here in the hospital. My mom, Layla, suddenly fell to the ground a while ago while we were trying to catch butterflies in our garden. I didn't know what was wrong but I know something is.

(TIMESKIP: 1 hour)

After an hour of sadness and anxiety, a nurse came to the lobby. My father quickly stood up and went to the nurse to talk about something while I sat there in the ground staring at the floor, my legs lying on either side of me and my hands together, resting on my lap. I already ran out of tears minutes ago. I just sat there thinking of what may have happened to mom, and reminscing all the fun times we had. I kept convincing myself that mom is going to be fine, that this is all just nothing. Yet, I was wrong.

"Lucy, come. We will see Layla now," my father said, sadness evident in his deep voice. At the mention of my mother's name, I quickly stood up, wiping both of my tear-stained cheeks with the back of my right hand before I ran to my father, who was already walking with the nurse in the front. I caught up and walked beside my father, eager to know if my mother was alright.

We finally came to a stop, standing in front of a door. The nurse opened the door to let us in. There I saw my mother, laying on the bed with a white blanket covering her body. She was awake and had her face already turned to the door where we entered, to see us as soon as possible. My eyes met her brown ones, her pale lips giving me a smile.

People say that I am the spitting image of my mother, which seemed to be true since I do look like I mother; I was always comparing my face with hers. For me, she is the definition of true beauty while I can't even consider linking that adjective with myself, even though we both look the same.

I quickly ran to her, giving her a hug. I'm so glad that my mom was alright. Our hug lasted for about a minute, before she pulled out and gave me her infamous smile. I was smiling along with tears falling from my eyes.

"Mama! How are you? Don't do that ever again," I said, still looking into her eyes with tears still falling from my eyes. And I thought I ran out of tears minutes ago, guess I was wrong.

"Sorry sweetheart but I don't know if I can promise that," she replied, smiling. I let out a sob. My mom placed her left palm on my right cheek and smiled at me.

"Don't cry. Just remember that I'll always be with you, forever. That you can count on," she said assuringly. I grinned, finally stopping the tears from my eyes. Then she did something I never expected her to do.

"Here, have these. When I am not around, they will be there to make you happy and protect you," she smiled, handing me gate keys, 3 gold and 3 silver.

"M-mom. R-really?", I stuttered, surprise and happiness taking over me.

"Yes dear. Choose the life you want. Be that wizard you always tell me you want to be," she encouraged.

"But mom, what if I am not good enough? What if I become a failure?" I replied. My happiness disappearing, I begin to doubt myself. What if instead of happiness, I'll just cause disaster.

"No one is not good enough for anything. You will never become a failure. You have to have trust in yourself. Work hard. Improve your capabilities. Remember, I'll always be by your side to guide you, forever," she assured smiling at me. I just smiled back at her.

"Thank you, mama," I thanked her for my new found happiness. These spirits will be my friends, I know how to manage this. My mom taught me the basics since I was always begging her to. Magic is really an interesting and wonderful thing for me, that's why I may act like I was obsessed with it.

After a moment passed by, she started hyperventilating. The machine that beeps started to change its beat, it became slower than usual. I began to feel nervous and scared, my eyes widening in fear.

"Mama!" I panicked, not knowing what to do. My father, seeing what was happening to my mother, ran outside to find a nurse, in an attempt to save her.

"Be...happy. live. When I'm gone...don't...cry...because of be happy. Go on...and live...your life. yourself. Remember everything...I you. I'll side...forever.," she panted, letting out one last breath before her body relaxed, her eyes closing slowly while her hand fell from my cheeks.

"MAMA!" I shouted, while I started crying and sobbing again. My mother just died, in front of me. It's so hard to take it all in.

Don't worry mom, I promise to do as you say. Thank you for everything you taught me. Thank you for the love and happiness you gave me. Thank you for everything.

(TIMESKIP: Few weeks)

My mom didn't made it, obviously. Ever since then, my father changed. He never set aside time to even see or play with me. When I would visit him in his quarters, he yells at me and blames me for my mom's death, even though I didn't do anything. I would always try to convince him that I didn't do anything but he kept on blaming me. I let it go, seeing as there was no point to trying when he is that stubborn.

I am trying to understand that he is heartbroken but so should he to me. I lost my mom, it's painful for me too.

I kept the gate keys in a safe place; I know I am too small to be a mage. I decided to start when I am old enough.

(TIMESKIP: 4 years)

POV: Lucy (10 years old)

I panted, trying to catch my breath; I just finished training with my spirit friends. I made a contract with them just a week ago and ever since then, I started training for an hour every afternoon. I have to get stronger. Soon, I'll be facing the world. I have to know how to survive.

My father didn't stop blaming me since my mom's death; I tried not to be affected by his constant blaming even though it was hard. However, I followed what my mom told me, to move on and live my life. I trust in her words that she will always be there beside me. She can be anywhere, in the wind, in the forest, in our house and importantly, she will always be here inside my heart.

My mom told me to do what I please, to be happy and live my life how I please, to find happiness. I vow to follow what she told me to do. I won't fail you, mom.

This story was first posted on my account in Wattpad (Tsundenierxx). I thought it would be a good idea to post it here. :)

Please do not forget to tell me what you think, alright? ^_^