Let the broken pieces...go..

He awoke beneath the water, but he wasn't choking. He wasn't struggling.

Above the surface, he could hear chanting and see the flickering of candlelight, distorted by the swirling current around him. He tried to recall how he had gotten there, but the only thing he remembered was Felicity's tearstained face as she whispered she loved him between winces of pain. But, beneath that, he sensed something greater. Something so much more painful.

And then it hit.

Everything came crashing back.

Felicity was dead. But if she's dead, so am I, right?

The question plagued him as he floated there, the water cleansing him and rejuvenating him. He listened as the chanting grew louder before finally falling away. Then a booming voice broke through the water. "Rise!"

Suddenly he was being propelled up and out of the water, his body meeting the cold air of the great hall in Nanda Parbat. As his eyes adjusted to the world above, he saw Ra's al Ghul staring at him, flanked by Nyssa's smug glare and a priestess nodding excitedly. His heart sank.

The rumors were true. He can bring people back from the dead. But he didn't bring back Felicity.

They brought him a robe and wrapped him up with a strange affection, tipping him off that something was desperately wrong. As he sat at the edge of the pool and sipped red wine from a goblet, Ra's began to speak.

"You showed such strength and resilience against my father, and you dealt the killing blow. I felt the need to honor you."

"You should have left me dead," Oliver croaked out, his voice hoarse from lack of use.

"Perhaps, but I didn't." Ra's began to pace, his hands clasped behind his back. "I have honored you with the gift of a second life, and therefore you will honor me with your obedience. You are no longer Oliver Queen."

"What do you mean?"

"Your name is Al Sah-him, and you will be like a son to me." Nyssa grew tense and Oliver caught a flicker of movement at the far end of the hall. "You will join our family through a marriage to my daughter." When Oliver's eyes flashed to Nyssa, Ra's laughed. "No, no… I would not trust her with such a duty. No. I have another daughter."

The movement Oliver had caught before flashed again and then a figure came into view. A woman with dark hair and dark, angled eyes stepped forward, wrapped in a flowing robe and adorned with jewels.

"This is my daughter, Talia al Ghul. She is your bride."

"Not by choice," she spat, sending a glare in the direction of her father.

"Your infatuation with the young Wayne heir must end. This is your future."

Without further discussion, a pair of assassins grasped Oliver by the arms and dragged him out of the hall. Within moments they were in Felicity's old room and a wave of grief crashed over him. Once the door was shut and he was alone, he let the tears escape. Sobs wracked through him and he collapsed onto the bed.

The sheets still smelled of her.

As he gripped the fabric, his fingers wrapped around a piece of paper. He glanced up.

A single sheet of stationary rested on the bed, crinkled from his grip.

With hesitation, he unfolded it and began to read. With each word, his heart raced and threatened to escape his chest.


I know how to bring your beloved back to you. Give me time. I can get us back into the arms of those we love.



Author's Note: Thank you for reading. I started this story last year and it has been a very long, uncertain ride. I was unsure if I would ever finish it. But, I did. I hope you enjoyed it, even though it was painful. Please leave a review with comments and questions regarding this story! I'd appreciate your thoughts (well, ones outside of 'OMG HOW DARE YOU!). Thank you, again, for reading!