
The story you are about to read is from an audio recording that was sent to me in a slightly banged up lock box with three deep Wolverine style scratches down the side. Unusual symbols that glowed a light blue were etched onto all sides of the box. I took it to an expert to find out what the symbols meant and he reluctantly admitted that he didn't know. He was able to tell me that they were similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs, but it would probably take him years to decipher the meaning.

We tried several ways to pry open the box, even used a chainsaw and it didn't so much as dent the medal.

Later that night, when I took the box home it mysteriously opened by itself. Inside was the recording I mentioned. The more I listened to it the more astonished I became. My first thought was that it was a wonderful story someone sent me; however, I couldn't dismiss the unusual symbols or the fact that the box withstood the force of a chainsaw.

After I finished listening to the recording I did some digging. The Brooklyn Museum did in fact suffer some inexplicable damage in the Egypt Reborn section a few months ago. The footage recovered was fuzzy and I could barely make out what looked like three kids in the room at the time. They were never found and the curator couldn't remember what they looked like.

If the events in the recording are true we may all have cause for alarm. I will let you, the reader, decide what to believe. As for me, I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is an elaborate hoax.