Hey readers! Yesterday (Junes 4th) was my birthday and I was struck with the idea what if David Lyons(Bass) showed up at my door to spend the day with me I super super would not be opposed.

So enjoy this and i'll update the next chapter soon. :)

Charlie came bounding down the stairs two at a time almost bowling Danny over in the process of reaching the bottom.

"Hey Charlie welcome to the land of the living." Danny said smiling at her. "Happy Birthday." He dumped a huge bag of gummy worms in her hand.

"Whats this? This better not be my present." Charlie said looking at the bag with suspicion.

Danny laughed "No, but it is your birthday and what better way to start it then to eat candy for breakfast."

"You really are the best brother you know that." Charlie hugged him and headed towards the kitchen.

"Oh!" he called, she turned and looked at him. "You might wanna stash those though, mom might have a kiniption fit if she see them." He said pointing at the bag then disappeared behind the wall up the stairs.

"Hmm.." she hummed to herself, she then spied the potted tree by the doorway and shoved the bag into the crowded branches.

"Morning mom!" Charlie practically shouted. She rounded the counter and peered over her mothers shoulders.

"Morning honey." She turned and kissed her daughter on the cheek. "Happy birthday. your twenty-three now, feeling old yet?"

"Don't think so, wait... where am I?" She answered with a cheeky smile.

"Har Har, you're so funny. French toast?" she asked putting the plate in front of her.

"Looks great mom." she said grabbing a slice of bacon from the sky high pile on her french toast. "Hey is Miles here yet? He promised to take me out today."

Rachel laughed. "Honey its only nine, give him some time he just got into town last night."

Charlie sighed. "I know, I know. I just haven't seen him since Christmas, this is kind of our day, I'm going to kick his ass at skeeball this year." She said emphasising her point with a piece of bacon.

Rachel opened her mouth to reply only to be interrupted by the door bell. Charlie dropped her bacon and raced to the front door, but Ben had beat her to it and was standing talking to Miles.

"Miles!" He looked over Ben's shoulder and smiled at the birthday girl who was standing grinning from ear to ear. "Hey kid." Charlie leapt into his arms hugging him. stepping back she looked at him with a serious face and punched him in the arm. "You are late!"

"Jesus! Girl I'm an old man you can't be hitting me like that!" He said laughing and cringing away. "I would have been here at the crack of dawn to dump water on you."

Charlie nodded knowingly. He had done that on her sixteenth birthday in lu on a present he let her keep the bucket that year, he told her to keep it and fill it with all the best memories she'd make in the coming years, it was stupid and cheesy but she'd kept the bucket none the less and had filled it with photos and letters and assorted special things.

"But princess here insisted we had to shower and not be disgusting after the 12 hour drive yesterday." He stepped to the side and revealed an awkward looking Bass behind him.

"Hey Charlie, Happy birthday." He said giving her one of his heart stopping smiles.

"Hey Bass." She said smiling back at him.

"Hope its ok I brought him this year, he just looked so lonely back at the bar I couldn't just leave him."

"Of course its ok, I could always use another ass to kick." She said giving the boys a challenging look.

"I may have forgotten to mention what were doing." Miles said turning to Bass. "We usually go to one of those games places, the ones with the fair games and stuff. Charlie is little competitive, I almost lost a limb last year when I distracted her during a skeeball shot." Miles shuddered at the memory. "Was the most terrifying moment of my life." His voice filled with dramatic flare.

"Oh please." Charlie scoffed. "Don't be dramatic." she smacked him upside the head. "Mom's making breakfast come on."

The four of them filed into the kitchen and crowded around the island chatting, laughing and stuffing their faces with various foods.

"Rachel that was delicious." Bass said placing his plate in the sink.

"Yah, thanks Rachel. But now I think its time we whisked the birthday girl away and started her shenanigans." Miles said grabbing his coat.

Charlie stood holding her plate when Bass came over and took it from her hands, it didn't go unnoticed by Charlie that his fingers brushed over hers unnessicarily close. It also didn't go unnoticed by Bass that she then gained a slight blush across her face.

"Go put your shoes on, I got this." He said smiling at her.

She stared up at him for a moment longer before she turned and walked from the room. When she was gone everyone else left the room leaving bass holding her plate over the sink. Dropping the plate in the sudsy water he leaned against the counter and sighed.

"Ooooh you got it bad."

Bass whipped around and came face to face with a smug smile. Danny stood with crossed arms challenging Bass to tell him he was wrong.

"I- What?" Bass stammered out his lame response.

"Seriously? That display just now, if anyone had been paying attention they would have combusted just looking at you."

"Umm..." Bass gave him a stupid look. He was so busted and he couldn't think of way out of it. His mouth opened and closed a few times in his desperate attempt to cover his ass.

"I won't say anything, but you're going to have to be more careful then that." And with that Danny walked out of the room.

"Oh, I'm screwed." He shook his head and joined the group at the front door.

Miles and Charlie were talking and waiting for Bass, well, Charlie was talking and Miles was taunting. Bass came and stood next to Charlie as he pulled his shoes on, looking up he noticed something colourful staring back at him. "Charlie?." He asked confused.

"Yah? Whats up?" She replied looking away from Miles.

"What is this?" he'd pulled the bag of gummy worms from the tree and was holding out in front of himself.

"Birthday present from Danny, Mom will flip if she see's those."

"Flip if I see what?" Rachel said entering the room.

"Nothing!" Charlie ripped open the door and pushed Miles and Bass out slamming it behind her, the three of the ran to the car and jumped in.

"Ready to get your butt kicked at fair games?" Miles said speeding down the road.

"Pft, you wish" She grinned at him. "let's do this."

What did you think? Review me baby!