Heya Lovlies! Chapter 8 brought to you by the language of the Welsh. Read on and I'll see you at the bottom, its a little longer today so enjoy!

Bass and Charlie rolled to a stop three houses down from her parents house, Charlie looked around before turning to Bass confused. "What are you doing?"

Looking at Charlie he drank in everything he say before he unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned across the gap in the seats and gently grasped the back of her neck pulling her into a long sweet kiss, pulling back he grinned at her. "I just needed to kiss you again before we went in there and had to be secretive. This kind of sucks you know." He said leaning his forehead against hers.

"I know." She breathed. "I finally get you and I can't even tell anyone." She looked up at him and smiled. "But really though, this is the best for at least tonight." She said reluctantly pulling back.

Bass sighed and grabbed the steering wheel again. "I know. Can you imagine the looks on their faces if we walked in there holding hands?" Bass asked chuckling.

"That's so sweet." Charlie smiled up at him.

"What is?" He asked suddenly confused.

"I never would have pegged you for the holding-hands type." She didn't think she could adore the man sitting beside her anymore then she already did, but some how he managed to surprise her.

Bass reached out and kissed her again. "There is a lot about me Charlotte, that you just don't know." His voice was gruff and sexy, the smirk that followed nearly took her breath away.

"I think we should go in." Charlie said nearly getting lost in his eyes. "Before we don't make it there at all."

Bass barked with laughter as he pulled into the space in front of her parents house. Turing one last time to Charlie he flashed her a smile that melted her heart. "Happy Birthday Charlie, I hope it was as amazing for you as it was for me." He took her hand in his and kiss the palm of it softly. "I do have a gift for you but it's in Miles' truck so I'll have to grab it later if that's ok."

Charlie melted again. "Bass you didn't have to get anything for me, just being here is a surprise gift in itself."

"Well, it's not really like I knew this was how today was going to end, so yes I got you a present." He laughed. Charlie giggled softly.

"Yah ok, I guess that's true. We really should get inside though." She said reluctantly.

The two got out of her car and headed up the steps to the front door, trying very hard not to touch each other as they went. They both knew that once it started they wouldn't be able to stop touching each other.

Charlie looked up at the stunning man beside her as she placed her hand on the door knob. "Ready?" She whispered. Bass faintly nodded and Charlie turned the handle. Stepping into the house Charlie called to her parents, who called back that they were in the living room. Making their way down the hall they found Miles, Rachel and Danny sitting around the coffee table, all four sitting on the ground.

"What are you guys doing?" Charlie asked from the doorway.

Danny was the one to reply. "We were getting ready to play a board game if you guys are interested." He held up a box. "Dad forgot to check the BBQ earlier, turns out the tank is empty so he went to get more." He explained as Charlie and Bass settled themselves at the table. Charlie squeezed in between Danny and and her mom, while Bass planted himself on Danny's other side miles beside him, Miles clapped him on the shoulder as he sat and Bass just smiled at him.

"You guys took a long time, we didn't think you were going to make it back." Miles said looking between them.

"Yes well, when you try putting together a bookshelf with no alcohol or ability to read Russian, things tend to take longer then normal." Bass replied.

Charlie laughed, "The stupid thing still isn't put together, I might have to steal him again to finish the job."

Miles laughed as the started pulling out the pieces to the game, Rachel just smiled and got up to get drinks and Danny looked between the two people sitting on either side of him.

He knew something happened. It was obvious to Danny that something had happened but he didn't know what, and being the protective younger brother that he was he needed to know, and he needed to know now. "Hey Charlie?"

"Hmm?" She hummed turning to look at her brother, her smile faltered a little as he stared her down like he could read her mind.

"I need some help with something can you help me?" Danny asked standing up slowly.

Charlie watched her brother stand while her stomach seemed to sink into the floor. "Of course." She smiled up at him as she stood to. Her eyes flicked to Bass briefly as she and Danny exited the room, the returned look was mild fear.

Danny opened his bedroom door and ushered Charlie in before clicking it behind him. "Alright, fess up."

Charlie just stared at him. "Fess up to what?" she asked innocently.

"You know what. What's going on with you and Bass?" He crossed his arms and watched her.

Charlie opened her mouth to respond but couldn't seem to form words, just then the door opened behind them and both turned towards the door, Bass entered and closed the door behind him.

Charlie sighed with relief and looked back at her little brother. "If I told you nothing was happening is there any chance that you would believe that?" Charlie asked raising her hands in front of her almost as if praying he would.

"Not a chance." Was his only reply as he looked between them.

Bass stepped up beside Charlie and placed a hand on the small of her back. "Alright, is there a chance you won't tell?" He asked trying not to sound like he was pleading.

Danny dropped his hands and a grin broke out on his face. "It's about time! I never thought you guys would figure it out!" He said unable to contain his smile. "Seriously, last year I thought maybe something was going to happen but you both are just so blonde sometimes, holy crap!"

Bass and Charlie shared worried looks between them before looking back at Danny. "What?" they asked in unison.

"Are you guys serious? It's so obvious!" Danny said exasperated. "I'm kind of shocked no one else has noticed. I'll keep your secret. For now." He said with a sly grin.

Charlie's face dissolved into relief. "Thank you. It shouldn't be a big deal really, but I really don't want Miles or dad to kill Bass yet." Charlie said hugging her brother.

"Fair enough, we should get downstairs though before the whole family comes up here to see whats going on." Danny turned to the door hand on the knob before he turned around again and looked Bass right in the eye. "You hurt her though, and Miles will be the least of your worries." With that Danny disappeared out the door.

Bass looked at Charlie a bemused look on his face. "Your brother can be kind of scary."

"Yah, well... He's my little brother. Not like he was just going to let this fly." She shrugged smiling up at him. "Come on, he's probably waiting out in the hall." Charlie went to step away only to have a tug on her hand, she turned and Bass pulled her towards himself.

"We'll go, he can wait two seconds." He lowered his face brushing his lips against hers, he smirked when she leaned up to kiss him fully.

"Guys..." Danny's voice floated through the door. "Can you stop pawing at each other and come downstairs." Danny stage whispered.

Charlie pulled back and laughed, releasing her grip on arms she stepped away and out the door and down the stairs, Bass and Danny close on her heels. when they got to the living room Ben had reappeared sitting next to Rachel.

"Hi dad." Charlie said moving to sit next to him. "We good for burgers?" She asked reaching across the table for her game pieces.

"Yup, just gotta wait for the BBQ to warm up." He said smiling at his daughter.

"Perfect." She said clapping her hands together smiling. "Now, let's get this game going."

The family sat around the coffee table laughing and playing their game, unaware of the stolen glances and smiles shared between Bass and Charlie. They were happy keeping it under wraps for now, it was kind of nice having something that was just for them -and Danny if you counted him- it would come out when the time was right, but for now they would laugh and play and argue their way through dinner until they could be alone again.

What did you think? I kind of wanted to add another chapter, but this kind of feels like a good stopping point for this story, and maybe start another fic featuring this worlds Charlie and Bass.

So I hope you enjoyed this fic and I'll see you next time! Love you all and I do so love your input and reviews so send them my way and make a girl happy :)