The Smallest and Most Important Realm There Is

Professor: Hey, nice one-shot here…maybe….might be longer later…it depends on if I want the Doctor and Amy to go through the temples with Link. Idea I've had for a while. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten my other stories, I've just been attacked by writer's block…again. *sighs and facepalm* why oh why must Writer's Block love me? I love writing but I can't with WB around…..

Link: She's been like this for three days, always complaining about WB.

Zelda: Should we go get help?

Link: Nah *shrugs* let's just get to the story. *claps hands as if calling for someone* Ganon! Disclaimer!

Ganon: Y-Yes sir! Right away sir! Professor of Gallifrey owns nothing but for some reason has the power to turn me into a servant…Help.

"Wait, what is a Hylian?" Amy asked, leaning on the console as her bow-tie-clad Doctor flipped switches and ran around.

"Urm….how to explain an elf that's not an elf to a human…." The Doctor muttered to himself even though he knew full well that Amy could still hear him, "Basically they are like an oxymoron. Like 'Jumbo Shrimp'. Shrimp are tiny and can't possibly be Jumbo and so it contradicts itself. Hylians are just like elves except they age, the majority aren't that magical, have slightly primitive knowledge when it comes to things like healing as they mostly rely on things like fairies and what are called 'hearts', very few like to travel, and they can have horrible attitudes. So really they aren't like elves at all. Except for the pointed ears. And the slightly magical history. And living in a strange world. So they really are like elves."

"But they're not elves…"


'W-What?' Amy thought but shrugged it off as she usually did when the Doctor did something that she didn't understand. She had only been traveling for a week, maybe she would get used to his strange behavior.

"Wait, I thought magic didn't exist." She followed him as he walked around the console.

"Silly Amy. Magic is simply science that doesn't have an explanation yet. I thought you knew that."

"Sorry," she muttered, "Only human, can't know everything."

"You're right, but I can."

She rolled her eyes at him, "So what planet do they live on?"

He stopped in front of her and looked at her as if she was an idiot "Amy! They don't live on a planet! They live in a realm!"


"Yes, a pocket of space capable of supporting life but without having a planet. They have an atmosphere and oxygen and everything like a planet except without the planet part. It is just like a floating chunk of earth in space."

"Cool, how are they made?" She followed him again as he flipped more switches on the console.

He paused a moment before continuing around the console, causing Amy to bump into him but ignored that, "They are just there…it's hard to explain and….well….it's just spacy-wacy stuff!"

He threw his hands up in the air and stormed away from her.

She laughed and the TARDIS shook, "So, we've landed then?"

He looked at her as if she had grown a second head, "LANDED? You want us to go visit a realm? Realms are unstable! It could collapse! It's against the rules to visit them!"

Her eyebrows came together in confusion, "Then why did you bring them up?"

He smiled, "Cause I never follow the rules."

The seemingly deserted castle was under water but the Doctor didn't notice that as the TARDIS materialized there. What he noticed was a red boat with a head that wasn't doing anything.

Amy stepped out shortly after him and looked around, her being the one to notice they were underwater.

"Um…Doctor…are realms usually underwater?"

He ignored her so she turned around and found him scanning the boat with his screwdriver, "Doctor?"

"Have you ever seen a boat talk Amelia?"

"No, can't say I have."

"….This one is supposed to." He stood up and was deep in thought before turning around and walking up the steps to the castle.

Amy looked up and laughed before following him and asking, "So if realms are unstable and can collapse, how did we enter?"

"The TARDIS is not your typical spaceship Amy. She can enter a realm without any trouble!"

"Brilliant." She smiled but it was quickly wiped from her face as soon as they entered.

All color had been taken out of the room except for them and everything seemed frozen in place.

There were giant warthogs with long staffs taller than them walking around or sniffing on the ground.

There were bats frozen in the air and somehow not falling to the ground.

Amy counted at least a dozen large knights covered in metal armor.

And that was only a few of the things frozen in here. She didn't even know how to describe some of the others.

They both froze as well, thinking that all of the others would look at them as soon as they made a move but it soon became apparent that they couldn't move. As soon as he figured that out, the Doctor ran forward to scan them.

Amy smirked and went up some stairs to the right, passing a few of the frozen monsters. Once she got up the stairs she found a large portrait of who she assumed was the family that lived here. There was a girl in the middle who looked like the princess and a bunch of men around her.

Before she could get a closer look she heard the Doctor yell, "Amy!"

She turned around and came face to face with a knight, the same one she had passed a few minutes before.

Only now he was no longer frozen or in black and white. He had pale armor and was 2-3 heads taller than her with a large sword that was poised to strike at her.

She screamed and backed up as far as she could but before the thing could strike, the main part of its armor fell off. The knight jumped around in confusion and the armor on the ground faded away. Spinning around, the knight started attacking something else but he was so big that Amy couldn't see around him.

It didn't take long though before a sword stabbed the knight straight through the chest. As the monster/knight fell to the ground, it exploded in purple smoke and a small orb was left in its place.

Amy only got a small look at the person who had saved her. He was less than half her height, holding majestic sword, and was dressed in a green tunic.

However, they both turned towards the doorway a second later when the Doctor yelled, "Stop it! That tickles!"

There, the Doctor was being held upside down by the warthog he had been scanning earlier who was sniffing around his ribs.

The kid in the green tunic wasted no time in running over there and saving the Doctor by killing the warthog…although that caused the Doctor to be dropped on his head and so Amy just laughed at him. It wasn't the first time that he had hit his head…and most of the time it was his own fault.

Again, her moment of safety was cut short when the boy in the tunic jumped OVER her –How the bloody heck can he do that?- and put his sword in another warthog's head that had been sneaking up on them.

As the boy in the tunic jumped down, both warthogs exploded just like the knight. However, this just caused more monsters to notice them and run to them.

The Doctor got up and held his screwdriver out in front of him.

"Doctor, what are you doing?!"


"With a screwdriver?!"

He paused a moment, "….Yes!"

She grumbled, "Stupid alien. Gonna have to teach him what 'helping' means."

And with that, she picked up one of the fallen warthog's staffs. It was very long and sturdy with a long blade on the end.

The boy jumped over a knight, knocking his helmet off and revealing an animal looking creature, and then cut his armor off quick as he could. Amy took her chance when the knight was distracted and thrust her staff at the thing. It sank deeply into its chest. As she pulled it out, no blood followed but it sank to its knees and exploded.


She shrugged, "What?"

"You just killed it!"

"It was trying to kill us!"

"That's beside the point! You could've talked to him!"

She rolled her eyes, "Ok, you try talking to human/animal things Doctor."

He huffed, "Fine, I will!"

And with that, he walked over to the nearest warthog who was actually heading toward them.

Sharing a look with the small boy, Amy and the Swordsman quickly followed him.

"Hello there! I'm the Doctor! Could you tell me what you're doing here?"

The warthog responded by swinging at the Doctor who luckily had the sense to duck the swing. The boy rushed forward as the warthog was off balance and quickly killed it.

"Are you an idiot?!" The boy yelled at him, "Moblins don't talk with anyone!"

The doctor put his screwdriver away, "Moblins?"

"The giant, walking warthogs, Doctor." Amy put in and the boy nodded.

Their conversation was cut short however when they were attacked by a new enemy. It was their height but thinner than them and had a pig looking head with long ears. Amy screamed out of instinct before swinging. The thing blocked with its shield but that left it open for the boy to cut in half. It too exploded.

"What was that?"

"A Bokoblin." The boy said.

"Moblins? Bokoblins? I don't remember Hyrule being filled with them, let alone the castle." The Doctor said.

"You've been here before?" the boy asked, confused.

The Doctor nodded but didn't get to respond as they were attacked…again.

The boy grumbled and quickly killed the Moblin but a knight in black armor came up behind him, knocking his shield into the boy, knocking him halfway across the room. That left the knight with Amy. Before he could turn around, she swung and cut the red strings on his back that held his armor up.

It fell to the floor with a loud clang and the knight jumped in surprise before turning around to face her. Amy jabbed her staff and if went into the shoulder of his sword arm, making him drop that. He swung the shield at Amy, hoping to send her flying like the small boy, but she jumped to the side and jabbed again, hitting his hip.

He grunted in pain and lifted his shield up again but suddenly a sword appeared in his chest…HIS sword.

The Doctor had picked it up and stabbed him from behind. The knight exploded and the Doctor's sword clanged to the ground since he wasn't expecting it to explode that early. Quickly he picked it back up again though. It was almost the length of his body and extremely heavy but somehow he managed.

"Doctor!" Amy said in mock surprise, "You killed it!"

"Oh shut up," he muttered before turning around as two Moblins came running towards them. Amy spared a glance over to the boy from earlier who was slowly fighting his way over to them. How he could fight so easily, she didn't know.

The Moblin swung at her and she blocked it, his strike not even chipping off some of the wood from her staff even though it had been quite powerful. It kept swinging and she would either dodge or block. She didn't get a chance to attack until one of his attacks bounce off a wall and the force sent him rebounding. Quickly, she sliced across its chest and jabbed it in the stomach. It grunted in pain and attacked her more fiercely. She could barely dodge, let alone attack.

It got her back against the wall and was about to strike for her head when suddenly its head was gone. As it exploded, Amy saw the boy behind it.

"Thanks." She said as they both ran to help the Doctor.

"No problem." He said cheerfully.

They got to the Doctor who was having trouble with how heavy his sword was but his Moblin was missing an arm so he wasn't doing too bad.

The boy jumped up, severing the Moblin's head quickly before landing with his sword in the chest of one of the Bokoblins. He jumped away as they both exploded.

Amy really wanted to ask how he had done that but didn't have time as two knights ran towards them. They all got in a fighting stance. As they reached them, Amy suddenly jumped to the side, causing one of them to turn to look at her, leaving its back open. The Doctor took advantage and cut its armor off. Once he was vulnerable, Amy swung, leaving a long gash across its chest. Again, no blood came out.

'What? Do things just not bleed in Hyrule?' Amy thought as she barely dodged an attack from the knight's sword. However she couldn't dodge the shield thrust. It landed on her head, giving her close to a migraine but surprisingly not drawing blood.

"Amy!" The Doctor called and then swung, cutting off the knight's sword arm. What was with the Doctor and cutting off people's arms?

Amy shook her head and as the knight turned around to face the Doctor, she put her staff in its chest, killing it quickly. It exploded at almost the same time and the boy's.

And that was how the next hour went. The three of them ran around killing the monsters in Hyrule castle. Finally, they only had a golden knight left in the center of the room.

It stood there watching them.

"I don't like this." Amy said when it didn't attack after a moment.

"Neither do I." The Doctor said.

Slowly the walked forward and when they got close enough, it finally moved.

It was much faster than the others and Amy was quickly thrown ten feet. The boy barely dodged the strike and before he knew it, the Doctor's arm was suddenly bleeding. As the knight advanced on the Doctor, the boy in green made a swipe at the red strings on its back but it spun around so suddenly that his attack barely glanced off of his armor. However that did leave the Doctor open to cutting the strings.

By that time, Amy had caught up with them and swung the butt of her spear at the knight's sword hand. The attack stun his hand for a few seconds but that was long enough for the boy to kick his sword out of the way.

The knight shook his head as if sighing and then drew ANOTHER sword only this time it was long and skinny. Without the bulk of his armor, he also moved even faster if that was possible. Amy flew another ten feet and now had a thin gash across her chest.

"Stupid knight, this was my favorite shirt!" she muttered as she sat up.

The boy was now launching his own attack on the knight who blocked every blow with ease. As the knight was occupied, the Doctor jabbed his sword at the knight's back, finally killing it. The boy panted heavily, out of breath and injured with dozens of bruises, happy that the battle was over.

As the knight exploded they heard a zapping kind of noise from the doorway. Looking up there, they saw a lightening fence disappearing.

"Strange, I never saw that go up." Amy said.

"Me either." The Doctor said and that brought Amy's attention to his arm.

"Doctor, you're bleeding!"

He looked down at his arm, "Yes I am."

"Oh," the boy said, "Just a minute."

And with that, he went to one of the orbs that a monster had left. Amy had been going to ask about them but had forgotten. The boy brought it over to them and then slammed it into the ground at their feet.

The second it cracked open, sparkles seem to rain down on them. Following the sparkles were bits of things. Some looked like hearts and others like gems and there was a butterfly necklace as well. The boy scooped that up and two of the hearts. As soon as he touched the hearts, they absorbed into his skin and his injuries disappeared.

"Woah, how did you do that?" Amy asked, looking close for any injuries.

"It's a heart. It heals you."

The Doctor picked up a heart and the gash on his arm turned into a faint scar. One more heart and he was good as new. Amy picked up two as well. Not only did the wound on her chest go away, but so did her pounding headache.

"Cool. Those could really come in handy."

"Trust me, they do. Healing the normal way is no fun." The boy joked. After all that fighting, they were surprised that he could be in such good spirits.

Amy laughed, "I'm Amy Pond. This is the Doctor. Who are you?"

He smiled at her, "I'm Link."

"Very nice to meet you Link. Tell me, what are you doing here?" the Doctor asked, tossing the sword to the ground with a loud clang.

"I'm getting the Master Sword." He lifted up his majestic sword that he had been using, "I need it to defeat Ganon."

"Oh, is Ganon causing trouble again?" The Doctor asked.

Link nodded cautiously, "How do you know about Ganon?"

The Doctor shrugged it off, "Oh, I helped your ancestor the Hero of Time, to defeat him. Oh, he loved using the TARDIS. So much easier to get to the Temples than walking."

Amy coughed, "Doctor!"

With that, the Doctor seemed to wake up and revert to his old, curious self, "Ahhh-h….but that is a long boring story. Tell me, um….why is Hyrule castle underwater?"

Link narrowed his eyes at him, "The Gods did it to protect Hyrule from Ganon when he first got out. All of Hyrule is under water now. The people fled to the mountain tops and now we just live on the Great Sea; no one really remembers the ancient kingdom anymore."

"That's…depressing." Amy muttered.

Link nodded, "I know. I'm trying to stop Ganon now from taking over the Great Sea."

"Well…good luck with that. Would help but we've got to go. Come along Pond." The doctor said as he walked up to the door.

"B-But Doctor, shouldn't we help?" Amy ran after him, Link following close behind and she still held her staff.

"No, no. Absolutely not! I told you when you came aboard that we don't interfere, we just observe."

"But we've already interfered! What difference does it make now?"

They walked outside and were in front of the steps when he spun on her, "Yes, we already interfered and who knows what we could have done!"

"Except this isn't the only time you did something in Hyrule. Remember, you said you helped the 'Hero of Time'?"

He grumbled, "I was a different person then."

"Different person?"

He waved his hands, dismissing her question and walking down the steps, "Long story."

"Who are you people?" Link asked quietly.

However, a new voice entered the conversation, "Doctor? Is that really you?"

They all looked around and saw no one. Just the TARDIS and the red boat from earlier. However, Link jumped into the boat and said, "You know him?"

The boat was slightly bigger than you would expect, could hold maybe five people, but Amy jumped in surprise when the mouth of the boat opened and he began talking, "Yes, from long ago. He helped me to become this boat."

"H-How is it doing that Doctor?" Amy asked him, walking to the boat and looking at it from all angles as if she thought there was another person there, talking instead.

"Like he just said, I helped him." The Doctor smiled, "This is the King of Hyrule. When Ganon first took over Hyrule, I helped him transfer his consciousness into a boat, thus faking his death and leaving him alive to help the new hero."

He pointed to Link at that, "Chose a boat cause the Goddesses told him what was coming."

Amy nodded as if she understood and then burst out laughing.


She just kept laughing before jumping into the boat to get a better look at the boat, "So you're the King?"

The boat nodded, "Yes, and you are?"

"Amelia Pond, but call me Amy."

"Nice to meet you Amy. Are you coming to help Link along his adventure?"

Before Amy could answer the Doctor jumped up and, waving his arms, said, "No, no. Absolutely not! You could die! We are leaving! Now!"

"No way." Amy smiled and sat down, "Brand new world. I want to see it!"

The Doctor stormed over there, next to the boat, "No. Come here Amy."

She scoffed, "What am I? A child?"

"Compared to me? Yes."

Suddenly, a golden ring surrounded the boat and the King said, "Whatever your choice is, make it now. The goddesses have decided that we need to leave. We only have a few seconds!"

"Amy! Now!" The Doctor stretched his hands out for her.

Sighing, she stood up and was about to jump off when the boat rocked and started rising.

Link held the tilter like he was used to strange things happening to him, which he probably was, but Amy screamed and almost fell.

"Amy!" The Doctor jumped up (the boat was rising past his head now) and grabbed her outstretched hands. She held on as the boat gained speed and they floated into the water above them, in a giant bubble until they reached the surface of the Great Sea.

Professor: Ok, I decided to make it longer than a chapter. Question, do you all want to see them go through the Temples with Link to get the Sages or just through the Forbidden Fortress? Review and tell me! By the way, I don't think I have ever had a chapter of a story as long as this one…woo-hoo! New record! Yippee!

And I know, I've got way too many fanfictions in progress right now, but I have good news! I got through the biggest part of Writer's Block for my story, The Twins, and so that will be updated very soon! Please forgive me for my horrible update times!