AN: What's the best thing about English? Sometimes I'm assigned to write fanfiction.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my thoughts.

New York is nice at night, there are less people moving about in the suburban areas. The lack of people makes a ninja's job that much easier, particularly if the said ninja is a humanoid turtle. The streets are quieter than normal after the Technodrome attack a week ago; many of the city's inhabitants have taken to staying inside most nights.

"Hey Leo get your head out of your shell before you run off the building," Raphael calls for the other side of the alley snapping Leonardo out of his thoughts. Leo shakes his head and readies himself to jump.

He springs across just as he nears the edge, somersaulting in midair before landing with a slight stumble that he hopes no one sees.

"Leo are you okay?" Donatello asks as he lands next to Leo. Donnie was the only one aware of the fact that Leo had hurt his leg escaping the Kraang ship. Leo had asked him to keep it a secret for the time being, he was afraid that if their sensei knew about it they wouldn't be allowed out of the lair.

"I'm fine," Leo says as reassurance," I just landed wrong." He gives his worried brother a small smile. Leo fights back the odd feeling of being the one worried about for a change.

"What do you mean landed wrong?" Michelangelo asks.

Leo rubs the back of his head stalling for way out of this. "It's nothing," Leo say evenly. It's enough for Mikey who goes to join Raph at the edge of the building we are standing on.

"Hard to believe that last week we saved the world from an alien invasion," Raph says looking around. Leo leans up against an air conditioner and looks up at the sky. The moon was starting to wane and a few stars could be seen through the light pollution.

"Things happen for a reason we just have to figure out what that reason is," Leo said to no one in particular.

"Nice words of wisdom Splinter," Raph teased. All the turtles laugh at Raph's joke.

"Thanks Raph," Leo says back," Leave the jokes to Mikey."

"Yeah you aren't nearly as funny as me," Mikey says gesturing to himself.

"Funny looking is more like it," Raph states. That starts a wrestling match between the two. Leo just roll his eyes and walks over to where Donnie is standing, looking intently at something.

"Whatcha looking at Donnie?" Leo asks.

"That girl down there seems to be in an awful hurry," He says pointing down to the street. Leo looks to where Donnie is pointing to see who he's talking about. A teenage girl is running down the middle of the street, which is luckily empty. "Do you think she is in trouble?"

"I don't know. She could just be late getting home and doesn't want to stay out in this part of town," Leo comments looking over at Donnie. It is easy to tell Donnie wants to know what is going on. The inquisitive side of him wants to know everything, but he also, like the rest of turtles, wants to make sure that the girl is okay.

The girl trips and falls down, she gets back up without dusting herself off and keeps running with a quick glance back. She runs into the alley below the building and the two turtles that are paying attention hear her start up the fire escape.

"Guys hide," Leo say quickly. Raph lets Mikey out of a headlock and they take cover behind the roof access opening. Donnie hides behind the air conditioner and Leo jumps up to hide behind the billboard at the back.

The girl pulls herself onto the roof and stops to catch her breath. "You're just hallucinating again Katrina," she says after a few deep breaths. She stands up and looks over the edge," Aliens and robot-ninjas do not exist. She's fixing the strap on her black shoulder bag when everyone hears the unmistakable sound of a Kraang bot. "Then again," She says before running to the scaffolding that is connecting this building to the one next to it.

Leo signals for them to follow but stay out of sight. The girl climbs to the other building and is nearly to the edge when the Kraang bots come over the side. The boys pull their weapons free and ready themselves to fight.

The girl screams and runs back towards the scaffolding. Raph jumps one of the bots and takes it down. Mikey and Donnie work together to disable three and that leaving five for Leo.

He jumps and cuts the arms off the first bot and kicks it into the one behind it, who he throws a ninja star at for good measure. Leo dodges the rifle fire by jumping and spinning to land on a vent cover. He pushes off and slams the two closest Kraang to the ground each with a katana through the head.

The last gets taken out by his hyperactive orange clad brother. "Let me go," someone yells. Leo spins around to find the girl has her arms held behind her by one of the Kraang.

"The one who will be used as persuasion against the one called Doctor Yuna to help Kraang in making the device that will help Kraang will come with Kraang," the Kraang bots says as he starts to drag the girl back towards the scaffolding.

"Not on my watch," Raphael remarks before throwing his Sai threw the robots head. The force of the impact sends the bot flying backwards and the girl is thrown away from it. She slams into one of the scaffolding bars and collapses on the ground. "Oops," Raph cringes.

"Nice going Raphael," Donnie says as he runs to check on the girl now that the fight is over. "Well she's breathing. It looks like she just got knocked out, but she needs an ice pack for her head," Donnie assesses.

Everyone looks to Leo who is looking the girl over. She looks older than April but younger than twenty, with black hair with a hint of red that would be classified as auburn that is fairly long. Her eyes are closed so he can't see their color. Her cloths are dark denim capris, black converse, and red hoodie and a light purple tee-shirt that looks to have some kind of design coming off the collar.

"What should we do Leo?" Raph finally asks," We can't just leave her here you heard what the Kraang said."

"The one who will be used as persuasion against the one called Doctor Yuna to help Kraang in making the device that will help Kraang will come with Kraang," Mikey says using his best Kraang impression.

Raph rolls his eyes before continuing," Yeah that. They could go after her again."

Leo finds himself looking a Donatello. He sees the hesitation on his brother's face. Leo knows they are thinking the same thing. If they do something will they destroy the life the girl was living, but if they don't what will the Kraang do once they capture her. Leo takes a deep breath and makes his decision

He bends down and scoops the girl up bridal style. "Mikey grab her bag, Donnie call April and tell her to meet us at the Lair," he orders before starting towards the garage opening to the lair with the others following.

"Are you sure about this Leo?" Raph questions as they head underground.

Leo looks sideways at his brother. Wasn't it his idea to take the girl? The girl shifts against Leo and snuggles up to his shoulder. "I hope so," Leo finally says," I really hope so."

AN: So that was the first chapter. I hope it wasn't too bad. Review and tell me what you thought.