Some of you have asked where I got the idea for this. Well it's very simple, late one night, I was getting to the point of being soooo tired that everything was really fucking funny. I was thinking about how in Hetalia, there are girl versions, and cat versions, and then fans created their own. Like dogs and shit, and I was like, "wow, unoriginal. I can create ART from this shit." I decided to do ducks because fuck you that's why. Ducks don't give two shits about anything.

This is a story, about a boy and his dog... Not really, the boy is a duck, and the dog is, well I mean, it's still a dog, but... never mind

Germany duck was walking along the edge of the pond, when he found the cutest little puppy ever. Unfortunately, this dog was still bigger than him, and dogs like to chase ducks. Let's just say, Germany duck was not having a very good day at all. The end.













You probably want more don't you.













IT'S WINTER NOW! The pond was frozen over, so all of the ducks were down south for the winter, except for a few. The Nor-ducks and the U.S.S.D (Union of Soviet Socialist Ducks) All stayed behind to enjoy the cold. They had snowball fights, and went ice skating, and had a great time. However, they forgot one thing. There isn't any food at the pond in the winter. What fucking dumbasses. So, they all banded together and went on a search for food. They tried a Chinese restaurant first. That didn't go too well, because the chef tried to cook them. Then, they tried going to the supermarket. They got thrown out really quick because of the No Ducks Allowed sign on the door. Apparently America duck tried to rob them once. Everywhere they went either kicked them out or tried to cook them. Finally, they decided cannibalism was the only way. They took a vote and decided they would eat Iceland duck. He wouldn't be missed that much. Just before they got the fire started, a nice old lady started throwing them bread. She came every day for the rest of that winter to feed the ducks. Iceland duck is still in therapy though.