Paige's POV-

I'm 24 years old and I live in Rosewood. I was about to get married but I got stood up. And we were dating for three years. I was at the church my dad walked me and I stood next to the priest waiting. Then my best friend Jenna told me she left a note saying I can't do it sorry that's all. Ever since that I haven't heard from her. It broke me badly she just could of told me before I bought the dress. And that been happened two months ago.

I'm an only child. My mom died when I five years old she died from breast cancer. I miss her so much and I still have the pictures in my room. I wished she was still alive seeing me grow up. My dad raised me and made sure I had good grades in school and college. My dad is okay with me being gay at first he didn't accepted. But later on he changed and told me he doesn't have a problem no more of me being gay.

So I moved back to Rosewood to be close with my dad. But I leave alone and my dad bought me male cat I named him Salem. He has white fur and has one eye blue and other eye green. My best friend Jenna Marshall we been friends since high school. She was the first person I came out to then my dad. And she has a girlfriend name Shana they been dating for two years.

''Come on, Paige you should come to the party.'' Jenna said.

''Why, should I go its Eric Kahn's party.'' I said.

''So, what it's his party. You can meet other hot girls at the party. You have start having fun and Paige you have to get over Vanessa.'' Jenna said.

''I know, but I'm not ready to open up again.'' I said.

''You can't just sit at home all day, go to the party it will have fun.'' Jenna said.

''Okay, fine I will go with you.'' I said.

''So, let's go buy Halloween costumes.'' Jenna asked me.

''Yeah, let me put for food for Salem.'' I said. After I put food in the bowl we leave my apartment.

We go to Halloween Adventure store and Jenna is still not sure what to wear. We are still looking what to wear since Halloween is coming soon. We keep looking for the right costumes.

''Is Shana going to the party?'' I asked.

''Yeah, she is. Her costume will be a sexy devil. What you think I can wear?'' Jenna asked. We keep looking and I see the right costume for her.

''How about ruby the pirate costume. You can wear that.'' I said. She looks at the costume and she likes it.

''What did you find?'' Jenna asked.

''I found Batgirl corset costume and brings the mask. This what I'm wearing to the party.

After Jenna and I bought our costumes we leave the store. Jenna is going to meet Shana for lunch. I get a text Ezra to meet him at Apple Rose Grille for lunch. I know him since freshman year in college and we became good friends fast. Now he will start working at Rosewood high school as an English teacher. And I work as a physical therapist at PA SportsMed center. I go inside the restaurant and I see him sitting down I walk to him and I sit down. We greet each other.

''Hey, Ezra what's up.'' I said. We look at the menu.

''I meet this really great girl.'' Ezra said. The waitress comes and take our order.

''Tell me about her.'' I said.

''Well, I met her at a bar and her name is Aria. She is so beautiful and her eyes are beautiful too.'' Ezra said.

''Wow, she sounds great and has a pretty name. Are you going to see her again?'' I asked. Then the waitress brings our food and we start to eat,

''Yeah, I invited her to the Halloween happy. I got my costume and what are you going to be?'' Ezra said.

''I'm going to be Batgirl and what are you going to be.'' I said.

''I'm going to be Perseus of Clash of the Titans. And I really want get to know her. How you been doing since the wedding.'' Ezra said.

''I haven't spoken to Vanessa since she left me. And I don't want to speak to her ever but I'm trying to get over it.'' I said. He puts his hand on mine.

''Paige, she is an idiot to leave you. You will find someone better than her.'' Ezra said. I smile at him.

''It still hurts and I'm trying to get over the pain.'' I said.

''We all been hurt before. But it will hurt now then it won't hurt no more.'' Ezra said.

''Thanks, you always know what to say.'' I said smiling.

''Yeah, I know. But you are going to pay for lunch.'' Ezra said.

''No, you are paying you invited me.'' I said.

''I will pay this time. But you still owe me from that bet we made.'' Ezra said.

''What bet?'' I asked.

''That time we went to a sport bar to watch the football game. We made a bet who ever lose has to buy lunch next time we go out. Dallas Cowboys vs. Pittsburgh Steelers and I picked the Steelers which they won. And you lost do you remember?'' Ezra said.

''Yeah, now I remember that happened a year ago.'' I said. And we both laugh.

''So what, you still owe me.'' Ezra said.

''Okay, fine I will pay for this lunch.'' I said.

''Thank you.'' Ezra said.

''I'm surprised you still remember that bet. We make so many bets that we forget to do it.'' I said.

''That is true. Do you think you are ready to date.'' Ezra said.

''I don't know, since the wedding I haven't been thinking about dating. I'm not ready to open up to another girl again.'' I said.

''I think you should start dating. I'm not saying to rush into getting in a relationship fast. Take time to get to know someone and from there you choose what to do next. I want to see you happy with someone who truly loves you. You are great person with a great personality.'' Ezra said.

''I think about it. I just don't want to open up to just anyone. This time I'm putting up walls and I don't want to get hurt again.'' I said.


I'm here at the club with Jenna, Shana and Ezra. Each of us get Tyvek wristbands neon blue. We didn't have to wait in line since Eric put us on the VIP list and we get free drinks. We go inside and the club looks great with Halloween decorations and it looks so cool.

''Wow, this place looks great.'' Shana said.

''Yeah, it really does Eric did a great job.'' I said.

''Hey, guys you made it.'' Jason said. We all great each other.

''Thought you wasn't going to make it.'' Ezra said.

''I changed my mind. This party will be awesome.'' Jason said.

''Cool, costume.'' Jenna said. Jason is Man of Steel Superman.

''You, look great.'' I said.

''I had a feeling Paige will be Batgirl.'' Eric said and dressed up as the Punisher. We greet Eric and we keep talking random stuff.

We all got the bar and we start to drink shots. After we drink I go dance with a random girl dressed like a hot nurse. I keep dancing with her now she is grinding her ass onto me. My hands on her hips and her behind me neck and after the song finish. Then this guy dressed up like Elvis Presley is trying to get with me.

''I don't like guys, I'm gay.'' I said.

''I can show you a good time.'' He said. I leave him and I go to the bar to drink beer. I don't see him and that is good.

Emily's POV-

I'm 16 years old and I go to Rosewood high school. I go to school with Toby, Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Caleb. My dad is a construction manager and my mom works at the police station. My mom doesn't like Maya but my dad likes her but they are okay of me being gay. But now Maya and I we are on a break cause she wanted space.

Tonight we are going to a Halloween party. Aria told us a cute guy invited her to the party. And she wants us to go with her and now we are waiting for Toby and Caleb. I'm dressed up as Catwoman from Dark Knight Rises. Finally Toby and Caleb came to pick us up. Spencer and Toby dressed up as Huntress and Assassin couples. Hanna and Caleb dressed up as hot knight couples and Aria dressed up as Roman empress. Before I put on my mask we take a group picture.

We get here at the club in line and each of us get neon green tyvek wristbands. Then we go inside and so many people came. The music is loud and Halloween decorations are everywhere.

''Wow, there is a lot of people here.'' I said.

''We are going to have so much fun.'' Hanna said.

''They have open bar.'' Spencer said.

''Let's see if we can get a drink.'' Caleb said.

''You and Toby try first and we will wait here.'' Aria said.

''Okay, we will be right back.'' Toby said. They go to the bar. We stand here looking at them so far they are fine. They walk to us and they got drinks. So we all go to the bar and start drinking. Then we all separate from each and I go look around.

I see this girl with a Batgirl corset costume and she has a great body. I see she is annoyed by a guy dressed like Elvis Presley. And they are by the buffet table. I'm not sure what he is saying but looks he is trying to get with her. And I'm going to help her because he has no chance with here. I walk up to them.

''Hey babe, I been looking for you.'' I said I get close and I kiss her cheek.

''I didn't know where to find you.'' Batgirl said and I put my arm around her waist.

''Is everything okay here?'' I said and I look at him.

''No, everything is okay. I'm just leaving.'' He said and he leaves. I move my arm around her.

''Thank you, so much for helping me. He couldn't get the hint that I don't like guys.'' Batgirl said.

''No problem, I shouldn't have helped since we don't like each that much.'' I said with a smirk. Then a song comes on.

Feels like I'm having a meltdown. It feels like I'm losing control. They tell me I'm a danger to myself. Now the crazy train is ready to roll, oh!

''Do you want to dance?'' Batgirl asked me.

Walk that walk. Like you don't give a fuck. You got a right to turn it up and get down. Electric shock, no I can't get enough. 'Cause tonight we're taking over the town, hey.

''Yes.'' I said. We go on the dance floor we start to dance.

I wanna lose my mind, like a maniac. And cross the line, never looking back. We're on the loose, getting crazy. And we've gone cuckoo. Gonna party 'til they take us away.

''You look great in that costume.'' Batgirl whisper in my ear.

Lose my mind! I'm gonna lose my mind! Gonna get out of this straight jacket, whoa (Cuckoo) Gonna get out of this straight jacket, whoa Yeah!

''So do you, look great.'' I said. We dance to one more song. After the song is done we drink something and we talk. I tell her Catwoman is my favorite.

''Really, what do you know about Catwoman.'' Batgirl said.

''How about we go somewhere to talk.'' I said.

''Okay, I know where we can talk.'' Batgirl said. And I following her we up the stairs and it's a VIP area. It really looks high class and there is a bar here.

''Wow, this is great. Can we be up here?'' I said looking around.

''Yeah, we can I know the owner of the club. We can go somewhere else.'' Batgirl said. I go sit down on the sofa.

''No, it great here we should stay. Catwoman was attacked by Hush and he took her heart. But she got her heart back.'' I said and she sits next to me.

''Not many people know that.'' Batgirl said.

''How did Gotham City got the name?'' I asked.

''Bill Finger, flipped through the New York City phone book and spotted the name 'Gotham Jewelers' that's how he got the name.'' Batgirl said.

''Okay, not many people know facts about him. They only like the costume.'' I said.

''True, do you want to drink?'' Batgirl said.

''Of course, what do you have.'' I said. She gets up and goes behind the bar and looks.

''Well, I have Jack Daniels, Grey Goose, Hennessey, Jose Cuervo. And more Tequila, Jägermeister, beers and Smirnoff. What can I get you Catwoman.'' Batgirl said.

''Well, I'm in them mood for Jose Cuervo.'' I said. I get up and I go sit at the bar.

''Good choice, I'm going to make you a drink called El Diablo.'' Batgirl said.

''Are you a bartender?'' I asked.

''No, I'm not. I watch a tv show called Bar Rescue. It's a really good show.'' Batgirl said. And she starts making the drink. When she is done she puts two blackberries in each cup and ice cubes. The drink color turns out to be red. And I try the drink.

''Wow, this is really good.'' I said.

''Cool, this was my first time making a drink.'' Batgirl said. Then we both go seat back on the sofa.

''What is your real name?'' I asked and she smiles at me.

''I can't give out my identity you know that.'' Batgirl said.

We both laugh and we keep drinking. We sit closer to each other we both have been drinking. We stare at each and I lick my lips and I lean close to her. I press my lips onto hers. I put my hand on her cheek I feel her tongue in mouth.

''Wait, are you gay?'' Batgirl asked.

''Yeah, I like girls.'' I said I kiss her back. I slowly lay her back on the sofa and I get on top of her. I feel her hands on my back and neck and then I start kissing her neck. I feel her hand on my ass she squeeze gently and I kiss her lips again.

''There you are I been looking everywhere for you.'' We stop kissing and we look. She is wearing a pirate costume. She is walking towards me and Batgirl and I stand up.

''What happened?'' Batgirl asked her.

''Come on, we have to leave. She will call you.'' Pirate girl said. She grabs Batgirl's hand leaving the VIP room fast.

''I don't have her number.'' I said but they didn't hear me.

I go back downstairs and we all leave. They say tell me they had great time and saying what they did. I can still feel Batgirl's lip gloss on my lips and that was beyond great kiss. Only if I knew her real name.

At school-

I just finish swim practice and my body is bit sore. After I get changed and I walk to my locker and I see Maya standing there.

''Hey Emily, can we talk.'' Maya said.

''What do you want to talk about.'' I said.

"Emily I know I'm messed up, I know I'll not be the girl your parents will approve. But please give me one more chance to show how much you matter to me." Maya said. We got into an argument then she said we should take a break from each other.

''How do I know this time is different.'' I said.

''It will be different I promise. Will you give me a second chance?'' Maya said.

''Okay, I will give you a second chance.'' I said and we kiss.

''Let me take you out tonight.'' Maya said.

''Okay, I will go out with you tonight.'' I said.

We leave the school and Maya walks me home while we hold hands. When Maya drops me off at my house. The girls come over and I told them, Maya and me we are dating again.

''Why, are you back with her. You and Maya always argued a lot.'' Spencer said.

''I'm giving her a second chance she said this time it will be different.'' I said.

''Em, we want to see you happy.'' Aria said.

''Yeah, we do. And we will try to get along with Maya.'' Hanna said.

When they first met Maya it went well at first. But later on Spencer didn't like Maya at all. But Spencer respects my choices. Aria and Hanna they don't get along with Maya either. So it will be bad idea of my girlfriend and them spending time together.

Date night-

Maya took me to dinner then we go to the movies. When Maya kiss me I couldn't help to think about the kiss with Batgirl. I shouldn't compare the kiss between Maya and Batgirl.

''Babe, are you okay.'' Maya said.

''Yeah, why you ask.'' I said.

''I asked what movie you want to see.'' Maya said.

''You, pick.'' I said smiling.

We go inside and we pick our seats. We start watching the movie and I hold her hand. Maya whispers in my ear and I smile at her and we start to kiss. After the movies I go to her house. Now I'm on her bed with her.

''I'm happy you gave me second chance.'' Maya said. We start kissing and I feel Maya's hand on my thigh. Maya turn us now I'm lying on my back. Maya starts kissing my neck. Then I feel her hand unzip my jeans.

''Maya, wait.'' I said.

''What's wrong?'' Maya asked.

''Maya, I'm not ready yet.'' I said.

''Okay, I won't rush you. We can do something else.'' Maya said kissing me.

''I just want to cuddle with you.'' I said.

''Okay, we can do that.'' Maya said.

''Tomorrow after school I have swim competition. Are you going?'' I said.

''Yeah, I will go and support you.'' Maya said and we kiss again.

Next day-

Today we beat Brighton high school girls swim team. My parents are taking me and my friends out for dinner. Maya didn't show up she didn't call or text. But now I'm going to have great time with them it feels great being here with them.

A/N: Should i continue or not? Let me know if it was good or bad.