Happy reading!


Le dernier adieu



Damon looked on at his brother, with disgust. He still couldn't believe, he had the nerve to be sitting across from him.

After what happened, so many years had pasted since then, but Damon still hadn't gotten over it.

"What are you doing here..brother." Damon spat out, keeping his eyes glued on Stefan. Who was grinning from ear to ear.

He looked like a crazed mad man. "Here I thought, you'd be a bit more happier to see me." Stefan laughed.

"I guess not..." Stefan whispered under his breath, as he glanced around the café. Damon just scoffed, trying to remain calm. They were in a public place after all.

"You know, what mother always use to say.." Stefan smirked slightly, knowing how much it pissed Damon off.

"Don't you dare go there!" Warned Damon, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. His breathing had picked up, and you could almost hear his burning anger, hiss out of his slightly open mouth.

Stefan then licked his lips, and turned his full attention back on Damon. "Don't you remember?" he teased Damon.

Damon growled out and squeezed his fingers into a tight ball, his eyes glaring angrily at his brother. "Come on you must remember!" Stefan said as he continued to torment Damon.

Damon then slammed his hands down loudly on top of the table, making Stefan laugh out loudly. People then began to stare, and whisper under their breaths.

"Sorry everyone, my brother has quite the temper." Stefan said towards the starring eyes, "Don't you dare ever speak of our dead mother again!" Damon shouted out. If eyes could glow red with anger, his would be.

"Fine, fine." Stefan said whilst rolling his eyes. "Why are you really here Stefan, and make it quick before, I throw you through that window." Damon growled out.

"Can't a brother just miss his brother, who he hasn't seen in nearly six years, and just want to say hello?" Stefan said softly while putting on his sad eyes.

Damon laughed as he shook his head, "And why is that again? Why haven't we seen each other for six years hm?" Damon patted his finger on his lips.

Stefan groaned under his breath as he turned his head away from, Damon. "Oh yeah, you been rotting in jail, because you murdered our parents." Damon said while narrowing his eyes.

"I didn't murder them!" Stefan hissed under his breath. "That fire was an accident. And you know it was." Stefan barked out.

"So you keep saying, but you still left them in there."

"How many times do I have to keep saying I'm sorry?!" Stefan shouted. "Until you day you die!" Growled Damon, "I hate you! I never want to see or heard from you again."

Damon then stood up from his seat, and began to walked away from the table. Stefan was hot on his feet behind him.


"Damon, don't you at least want to know why I came back?" Stefan questioned him.

Damon didn't stop walking, he kept a fast pace hoping to shake, Stefan off his trail. "I couldn't careless." Damon grumbled under his breath.

"I'm sure Caroline would like to know, all about Elena."

That made Damon froze, Stefan nearly smacked into the back of Damon. "Are you really threatening my wife?!" Damon hissed as he stared deeply down at his feet, as he tried to calm his anger down.

"Don't you think you're poor wife should know, all about your little affair with Elena?" Stefan smirked.

Damon turned swiftly around and grabbed hold of Stefan's shirt, he then shoved Stefan roughly against the nearest wall.

"You really are a nasty vile human being aren't you!" Damon said as he spat in Stefan's face. "Oh and by the way, I'm not having an affair. Caroline and me have an arrangement. She knows everything."

Stefan screwed his face up as he was shocked, "What?" Stefan whispered. Damon wiggled his finger in Stefan's face, "If I ever hear you threatening my wife, again. God help you, I will kill you." Damon promised him.

"Oh yeah..what if I tell Elena that your only sleeping with her, because you still love her twin sister Katherine." Stefan muttered.

Damon shook his head before swinging his hand up, and punching Stefan right in his mouth. "Your all for low bows, aren't you." Damon scoffed.

"Maybe I am." Stefan groaned out as he held his hands over, his bleeding mouth. "Who do you love more huh? Your wife or precious Elena?" Stefan asked as he questioned Damon.

He remind silent and Stefan laughed at his silence, "Wow, just wow." Stefan laughed out once again. "She's got you under a spell, hasn't she." Stefan mumbled out.

Damon watched Stefan begin to sulk, he let out a long sigh. "Look why don't you, do yourself a favour, and leave. Start fresh...somewhere other than here."

"She told me she loved me.." Stefan started to mumble out, as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Damon asked, completely confused with what Stefan was saying.

Stefan let out a loud scream as he pulled and tugged, at his hair. Damon took a few steps backwards, he was creped out.

"You stole her from me!" Stefan screeched out he then stalked over to his brother, and grabbed a tight hold of Damon's shoulders, shaking him violently.

"Get the hell off of me!" Damon shouted as he shoved Stefan, away from him. Sending Stefan backwards, making him lose his footing. Stefan then fell over, and landed hard on the cold ground.

"I didn't steal anything, or anyone from you!" Damon huffed and puffed out. Stefan kept his mouth shut, instead glared up at Damon.

"Who are you even talking about?" asked Damon.

"Like you don't already know.."

"I don't!"

Stefan let out a long sigh as he rose to his feet, patting his shirt down. "Elena." he spoke clear.

"You stole Elena from me." he said again.

"What?.." Damon gasped out.

"That's how I know about you sleeping with her, she told me she wanted to ruin you're marriage with Caroline. And then she would dump you and leave with me..." Stefan told him while smoothing his hair down.

"I.." Damon began to say.

"I can't believe this..I can't believe she would do this, to me." he breathed out hard.

Stefan rolled his eyes, "She played me too brother."

"Shut up before I make you!" hissed Damon whilst he sized Stefan up. Stefan laughed loudly as their shoulders, met.

"Big man are you now?" Stefan teased him. "I'm only going to tell you this once, so listen up." sighed Damon.

"And what's that?"

"Once we're done here, you're going to leave Mystic Falls, and never come back."

Stefan laughed lightly but nodded his head, "Fine, but what are you going to do with Elena?" Stefan questioned.

"I'll deal with her." Damon growled out before shoving, Stefan away from him. "Goodbye Stefan." Damon muttered before marching off.

Leaving Stefan to watch as his angry brother, storm off and out of sight. That was the last time Stefan saw or heard from Damon.



Caroline still had a huge smile upon her face, as she danced around the bedroom. Music blasting out of the speakers, her laughter echoing through the rooms.

She couldn't believe how much she was smiling, truly she felt so much happiness, inside of her ready to burst out.

Just then her phone began to ring, she answered it with a cheerful hello.


She froze, she almost couldn't believe who was on the other end. It had been months. Since she had heard his voice, ever since they had their huge fight.

Her father, Bill.

Caroline took a deep breath before speaking, "Dad?" she muttered out, still unsure if it really is him.

Bill let out a little cry of happiness, "Hi sweetheart." he said with a sigh of relief. "Hi dad.." Caroline smiled slightly.

"I've been trying to find you, for years!" he cried out. "What?" Caroline gasped.

All this time she thought she would never speak to him, ever again. Bill then started to cough loudly, Caroline began to worry.

"Are you ok?" Caroline asked slightly worried for his health. After a few more coughs Bill laughed lightly, "I'm..I'm not well." he confessed before getting into a coughing fit.

Caroline's heart sunk as she listened as her father, tried to calm his coughing down. "Are you just under the weather, or something else?.." she dared to ask.

There was a slight pause on Bill's end, "I think maybe we should meet up first, before we get into that." Bill said with a sad tone.

"Dad just tell me, I can take it." Caroline begged.

Bill let out a sad sigh, "I..have cancer." Caroline broke out in tears, "I think maybe we should meet up for a drink, so we can talk this through."

"Oh god.." Caroline cried out as she slumped down, onto her bed as she ran a hand through her hair, a deep frown forming on her face.

"I know this is a huge shock for you," Bill paused as he breathed out, then let out a nasty deep cough.

They stayed on the long talking about his cancer, for a good few hours. They then planned to meet at a café in a couple of hours time. To talk in person.

Once she had reapplied her make-up Caroline jumped into her car, and drove to the café she was meeting her father at.

After Caroline had arrived Bill was soon, sitting across from her. They hugged each other tightly, and both cried into each others arms.

"I've missed you." Bill confessed. Caroline whipped her face with her hands, whistle nodding her head. "So have I." she said.

"So how's things? How's Damon?" Bill asked trying to make small talk. Caroline who was frowning, tried her best to smile at him.

"I'm no longer with Damon." she said with a small smile, on her lips. "What? Oh no, I'm so sorry, to hear that." Bill said as he put his hands upon hers.

Caroline smiled sweetly over to him. "It's fine, honestly, I should have left him years ago." she sighed. "I still haven't told him." she laughed lightly.

Before Bill could speak Caroline squeezed his hands, "I need to know something.." she asked. "What?" he asked.

"Are.." she stopped to let out a long deep breath, "Are you dying?" she asked as her voice started to crack, as she felt her tears coming.

Bill was silent for a few minutes, "Yes, I am." Caroline squeezed her eyes shut, as she felt her whole world, come crashing down.

"That's why I wanted to make a mends with you, before it was too late." Bill admitted. "I'm so sorry." Caroline cried out as they stood up and hugged each other again.

"How long are you in staying in Mystic Falls for?" she asked. "I go back tonight, but I will be coming back with David."

"Oh," Caroline frowned. "I promise I will come back soon as I can, I just have to go back for treatment."

"What time do you leave?"

"9pm tonight."

"Would it be ok if I come with you? I don't even need to stay, with you and Dave. I could stay in a hotel." Caroline asked, hoping he would say yes.

"Don't be silly! Of course you can stay with me and Dave, you and Dave get on really well don't you?"

"I love David, I just haven't spoken you two since our huge fight..."

"Sweetheart I've forgotten all about that silly fight, we had. It's in the past, I just want to focus on the future." he said holding her in a tight hug.

Caroline smiled sweetly at him, "I better get home and start packing then."



Hours had passed since Caroline had meet up with her father, her world had turned upside down and spun all around. Everything had changed.

Caroline wasn't sure what she was going to do, all she knew was she had, to go to America with her father, and stay with him while he's dying.

She'd never forgive herself if she hardly saw him, while he was dying.

All the theses were packed up and waiting for her, in the taxi along with her father. Caroline was in floods of tears, as she wrote a letter for Klaus.

Giving it a long kiss she placed it on top of his bed, it was 7;05pm Klaus wouldn't be home from work till 8;30pm. She would be long gone before he could chase, her to the airport.

She said her goodbyes to Klaus's house as the taxi drove off, Bill held her hand as Caroline was in floods of tears.

Her heart was breaking at the thought of leaving Klaus behind her. She had one more letter to drop off at Her and Damon's house.

It wasn't her home no more. Her letter to him made sure, to let him know things were over and for good. She wanted a divorce, and nothing else to do with him.



Klaus had told Caroline he was finishing at 8;30pm, so he could come home early and surprise her.

Once he was upstairs in his bed room, it was now 8;15pm. He found Caroline's letter it confused him at first, he kept reading it over and over.

To Klaus,

I woke up with the biggest smile on my face this morning, I truly was happy. After spending my night with you.

But I have had the afternoon of my life, my father got back in contact with me today. And told me some upsetting news, which I now have to leave swiftly.

I do not want to leave you, but I must.

I have wrote to Damon as well as you, I told him it's over, and I want a divorce. I need to do this, and go alone with my father. All I can say is I'm leaving the country, to England.

I have loved every second I have spent with you, trust me when I say this. I will come back to you.

Lots and lots of love

Your Caroline.


Klaus was laid on the ground as he held onto her letter, tightly anger boiling deep inside of him. In a flat second, he was in a fit of rage.

He had trashed his bed room up, and most rooms he had spent time with Caroline in.


. Thanks for reading! Lots of love.