
Disclaimer: This is a work of Fan Fiction set within the Harry Potter universe. As such all Characters and Locations belong to J.K. Rowling and this work is not being produced for commercial gain.


The sound of the laser sparked away as it hit her skin.

It only took a moment or two for it to damage the runes and Sally-Anne began to feel her body morph. A moment of pain and she was herself again.

The laser technician had left as soon as he had seen her start to change. She took her wand and resized her clothing. She paused over the scarf realising that she was no longer required to wear it. She flicked her hair out and left the procedure room by a different door than she had entered.

"Sally-Anne, welcome back. The Direktor is waiting to see you." Kowalski led Sally-Anne to the Direktor's office knocked and stood to one side to let her go straight in.

The Direktor stood as she entered. "Miss Perks, take a seat. It's a pleasure to see you again. Drink?"

"No thank you sir."

"Fine. Miss Perks can I just say we were delighted with your work. The assassination attempt was a failure thanks to your actions and the tracking down of the cell was carried out swiftly and effectively. Uzbekistan is in our debt and we are grateful to you."

"Thank you sir. I had some good help it wasn't all me."

"Ha, you English so modest. No Miss Perks we have reports from everyone involved. You did good work. In fact we are so grateful I have two things you now need to know. The first is this, consider your debt to us paid off. We know we said two years of work for two years of training but that is gone now. Thank you, you are now a free agent."

Sally-Anne leaned back, she was surprised by the generosity, she had half expected for them to find some way to hold the debt over her for years.

"The second thing Miss Perks, as you are now unemployed. Would you like a job?"

Sally-Anne looked up startled.

" I can see you went expecting that. I don't know if you've thought about your future from experience most deep cover agents don't. I suggest you think about it." The Direktor handed over a large stuffed manilla envelope. "In there is our offer to you as well as authorisation to travel. Go back to England see your family, remember how to be you, then all we ask is you let us know your decision in three months time."

"Thank you Direktor. My home, my family and friends are in England. While I am grateful to you for all you've done for me I can't see me returning."

The direktor just smiled at her. "We will see Miss Perks. I won't accept any answer you give me just yet. I shall hear from you in three months. Now your room is waiting for you. We have an international portkey arranged for tomorrow. Today get used to being you. Tomorrow go home. In three months, we shall see."


The international port key took her to platform nine and three quarters. It was nearly lunchtime here. She had left at nine in the morning. Her bags such as she had were shrunk and in her pockets. Heading out through the gateway she barely looked around before she was impacted by a body.

It took a massive effort for her to resist her training and not kill her sister. She spoke in a hurried whisper. "Dawn I've spent too much time in war zones, don't do that. It wouldn't be funny if the first thing that happened when I get back in the country is to kill my bloody sister."

"Sorry Sal." Dawn didn't look sorry at all. "It's just nice to have you back."

"I see you got the day off then." Sally-Anne looked over Dawns appearance. Black boots, black jeans and a black t-shirt with a band she'd never heard off on it. "I thought you'd outgrown the goth scene."

"I have, mostly but I like black it goes with anything"

"Especially black." Sally-Anne finished her sisters quote off for her.

"Also I'm afraid I didn't get the day off. There is a soviet trained agent back in London today so I have to watch her and see what she's up to."

"Really? Even though the Soviet union ended ten years ago."

"That news hasn't made it to my boss yet."


Dawn nodded and Sally-Anne laughed. "You can pay for everything then, it can go on your expenses."


She had spent a pleasant two days getting to know her sister again. Before going back to Shrewsbury to see her parents. After spending a week there, she sent her sister a text and let her know she was going to Diagon Alley to spend some time there.

She apparated to an Alley way near the Leaky Cauldron and moved at a pace that allowed the man following her to keep up without too much effort.

She entered the pub and took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Behind the bar was a familiar face.

"Hello Hannah, could an old school friend get a drink here?"

Sally-Anne watched Hannah's eyes widen with shock as she was recognised. With a sound that was something like squee Hannah lunged over the bar to give her a hug.

Sally-Anne moved to a table and Hannah brought two bottles of butterbeer over. As she placed them down Sally-Anne saw the glint from Hannah's ring.

"Congratulations Hannah, who's the lucky man?"

"I don't know if you remember him, he was in our year at Hogwarts, it's Neville Longbottom."

Sally-Anne used all her professional training to keep her voice normal. "Oh really, have you been dating long?"

"Not really, only six months but he seemed really insecure until he put this ring on my finger, almost as if every time I left the room I was going to run to the ends of the Earth."

Sally-Anne took another sip of butterbeer but although she could feel the warmth of the drink it did nothing for the shard of ice that had been stabbed through her heart. She managed to keep talking to Hannah but her heart wasn't in it.

"So what are you doing now?" Hannah asked.

"Working abroad mostly, I'm just here for a holiday and to spend some money. I'll be back off to Russia soon. " As she said it Sally-Anne knew it was true, there was nothing keeping her in Britain any more.

The End.


So that is the end of my Sally-Anne tales for now. I shall mark this as complete.

I'm sorry if you were expecting a different ending, blame JKR it was her who said Neville married Hannah.

The first of these I wrote was Of Mimsy and Borogroves and was written for a valentine's challenge. I then added cracking. I then went through my ideas folder and found the first paragraph of leaving. Just 2 weeks ago I had another prompt challenge and Scarf was the result.

So I had 4 tales of Sally-Anne and Nev. I also had more head canon than that about her. So I added the extra scenes and put them all together.

Will I write more?

Well I intend to. I've left plenty of space. However I'm 3/4 of my way through another story at the moment. Looking to be about 25k words once I'm done. After that we will see where my muse takes me.

However the potential is there. Sally-Anne as a magic using James Bond style character working for the Russians in Afghanistan or some of the African conflicts.

However I might just write about Megan Jones instead.

If anyone wants to use Sally-Anne go ahead, I don't own her, she is after all JKR's character. Although a PM once you are finished would be nice, I'm always looking for more to read.

The "black" quote said by Dawn was originally said by Neil Gaiman. A goth like her would know it.

Thank you for reading. If you liked it put a review on it.