I got the urge to rewrite this and add new chapters while writing something special for later on in my YYH story, for now enjoy!

I don't own Inuyasha or Bleach.


Chapter 1

A figure sat on a light post surveying a scene of destruction. Looking down they silently watched the interaction of the beings below.

The Hollow, the Soul Reaper and the human.

The figure above made sure their presence was completely concealed; from their spirit energy to their scent.

They silently waited to intervene if they were needed.

The Hollow's neck extended as it launched its head at the human aiming to devour his soul, but was intercepted by the Soul Reaper as she took the attack blood splurged from where the hollows teeth bit into her body her sword wedged between herself and the Hollow.

She managed to shove it up between the gaps on either side of one of its teeth and slice upwards cutting through a small part of the mask and ripping out a tooth.

The Hollow howled in pain as blood gushed from its wound and it released the Soul Reaper from its bite.

She dropped to her knees and fell flat on the ground as blood flowed from her wound, pooling underneath her body; her hand no longer gripping her sword as it rested over it instead.

"Soul Reaper!" The orange haired human cried.

She panted as she lay there, "You… are a fool, how could you possibly have thought… that you were any match for a Hollow?" she moved her hand that had rested on her sword near her face, "Did you really think that everything would over if you gave him your soul, one soul doesn't satisfy them for long." she managed to lift her head, "If you don't stop interfering were all going to end up as its food!"

The Hollow had been thrashing slightly in its pain, it's head in its hands as the Soul Reaper managed to push herself up onto her hands and knees and crawl over to a thick cement pole, grabbing her sword as she went.

The Hollow howled once more as it lifted its head, the bleeding from its wound stopped, "I'm too injured to fight, do you… want to… save your family?" her voice strained as she maneuvered herself to sit with her back to the post.

"Of course I do, if there's a way then tell me how!"

She grabbed her sword, raised it, "It will only be temporary, but." and pointed the blade at him, "You must become, a soul reaper yourself."

His eyes widened in shock, "Wha-?"

"You must take my Zanpakuto and run it through to the center of your being, so that I may pour my powers into you." she locked eyes with him, her violet orbs completely serious, "I can't guarantee that you will live, but if it doesn't work it won't matter."

With a loud cry the Hollow began to stomp forward.

The human wore a grim smile, "Then give me that blade, Soul Reaper."

"My name is Rukia, Rukia Kuchiki."

The Hollow charged forward impatient for its meal as the human grabbed the blade in both hands, "And my name is," the Hollow pulled its hand back to strike, "Ichigo Kurosaki."

The blade stabbed through him and a sudden explosion of spirit energy flew outwards in a flash of blue and white light.

The force of the explosion caught the figure's hair and it flew back in a flash of long thick flowing silver.

The Hollow slowly pushed its way through the mass of power until its arm was severed from its body.

There behind the Hollow stood the human, dressed in a Soul Reapers Shihakusho, a huge Zanpakuto in his right hand and its sheath strapped to his back.

He lifted his sword and lowered it back behind his head, "This ends now!"

Ichigo swung his sword out to the side as he charged with a battle cry, the Hollow ignored the danger and charged, arm raised.

The carrot top brought the sword up to head height and braced it with both hands.

The Hollow tried to stomp on him only for Ichigo to dodge and cut the appendage off.

It began to fall towards him, its mouth open as it went down.

"You will pay the price for hurting my family you Hollow scum, feel the wrath of my blade!" he raised the sword and brought it down and sliced through the mask the Hollow dissolving and dispersing into particles.

He then promptly passed out.

Seeing that the only other conscious person wasn't in any shape to move the figure hopped down and walked into view of the Soul Reaper who was now wearing a blood splattered white kimono.


Rukia looked around, she wasn't sure she had the strength to move yet and she had to get the whole family healed and in bed and replace their memories.

Her head snapped up and eyes widened at the sound of soft footsteps headed her way; soon a figure steeped into the light so Rukia got a good look at who it was.

It was a woman, she appeared to be around Ichigo's physical age, though it was hard to tell as she was wearing a porcelain fox mask with no eye holes.

She wore a short green kimono with a gold sash that tied it closed (it left little to the imagination and barley restrained her huge bust (think Rangiku people)) and held two short swords on the left side of her waist, spandex shorts peaked out the bottom and black slippers adorned her feet, she had long silver hair that flowed to her hips in waves.

Rukia managed to find her voice, "Who- who are you, what do you want?"

The woman stopped a few feet in front of her, raised a hand to her mask and removed it showing shining grey eyes with bright gold flecks, a petit button nose and smiling plump pink lips all set in a heart shaped face.

"My name is Kagome," she made a show of looking around the area at all the damage and looked pointedly at the downed Ichigo, "And it looks like you could use some help Miss Rukia."

Her bright grin caught Rukia off guard and she nodded dumbly.


Kagome stood back as Rukia used the memory replacer on Ichigo's younger sisters.

She had healed their wounds and carried them up to their beds after dressing them in their pajamas.

They had hefted Ichigo in first; Kagome had laughed when Rukia turned into a blushing mess when Kagome started to strip him of his clothes and put him into his pajamas.

After they finished they walked outside and Kagome healed the rest of Rukia's wounds.

Rukia couldn't help but be amazed; she wasn't using kido since the energy felt different and it worked faster too.

"There, you should be all healed up, but it'll take time before you get your full powers back."

Rukia blinked up at her, 'Well it seems that her healing abilities have their limits.' she smiled and nodded, "Thank you for your help." and she turned and began to walk away.

"Hey!" Rukia turned back confused.

Kagome caught up to her curiosity shining in her eyes, "Where are ya' headed?"

Rukia smiled, "I have to head to the store of a certain clog wearing idiot."

Kagome tilted her head to the side like a puppy, "You mean Kisuke Urahara right?"

Rukia's eyes widened in surprise, "You know him?"

A grin appeared on her face, her eyes now full of mischief, "In a way." she turned her back to her and crouched, one knee on the ground. "Hop on, I'll take you there."

Rukia waved her hands in front of her, "No, I couldn't possibly make you go out of your way, you've done enough already."

The silver haired girl chuckled at her babbling, "It's okay, it's not out of my way at all, and besides, do you really think you can fight off another Hollow if one appears on your way there?"

Rukia froze, she had her there; right now she was vulnerable and an easy target, so she gave a resigned sigh and a small smile, "Okay then." and settled herself on the taller girl's back.

"Hang on tight." With that Kagome leaped upwards and moved from roof to roof.


The two stood in front of the darkened store, no lights were on, 'Maybe he's closed, it is the middle of the night.'

Rukia just about died of a heart attack when Kagome slammed the door open and called out, "DAD, I'm back!"

The small soul reaper's jaw dropped and eyes bugged out, 'DAD!'

'Crash, Bang, Thud.' a clopping sound soon followed as the shoji screen at the back of the shop opened revealing a straw blond, short haired male with a green and white stripped hat shadowing his grey eyes, a goofy smile on his face and stubble covering his jaw. He wore a dark green kimono shirt with matching pants, an even darker green over coat with large white diamonds at the bottom going around; in his hand was a small paper fan.

"Ah, Kagome my little Hell Butterfly how was your walk?"

She grinned, "It proved more entertaining than I thought it would." and then stepped aside so that Rukia was revealed, "Rukia here needs a gigai and to be enrolled in Karakura high for tomorrow."

Kisuke flicked his fan open and placed it in front of his face, "Oh, and why would that be Miss Kuchiki?"

Rukia had long since gotten over her shock and glared slightly, "You can see why."

His eyes were suddenly very unnerving, "Yes, but what I want to know is what happened."

It didn't take a genius to figure out that it wasn't a request, but a command.

And Rukia found herself unable to disobey him, "I was injured trying to keep a foolish human from getting himself killed by a Hollow that was after him. I… gave him my powers so that he could defeat the Hollow since I was unable to; I only meant to give him half my power, but he somehow managed to take nearly all of it."

Kisuke whistled, "Wow, giving your powers to a human; you know what will happen when Soul Society finds out don't you."

Rukia looked down, her fists clenched, "Yes."

He snapped his fan closed, his goofy grin back in place, "Alllright then, one gigai and one enrollment to Karakura high coming up, it should be done by tomorrow morning."

Rukia nearly face planted as her eyes widened, "You mean you'll help me?"

He waved his hand with the fan in it nonchalantly, "Of course; now Kagome, why don't you take our guest, help her get cleaned up and get her something to eat. Tessai will set up a futon in your room for Rukia." He turned and walked back into the living space of his shop as Kagome turned to Rukia with a grin.

"Come on!" She grabbed her hand and jogged into the living area that Kisuke had gone into.


Well I think that went well for a rewrite don't you? Much more detail. And I plan to continue. Please review!