Krika: What is up guys, Krika here bringing you an inFamous inspired fanfic.

Jake: And I'm the main character, Jake Rowe.

Krika: And you heard that right folks, he is the son of Delsin Rowe, the hero of Seattle.

Jake: And just to make sure you guys aren't confused, this is after the events of the hero ending of inFamous: Second Son.

Krika: Yeah, let's start it off then.

Jake: Krika1119 doesn't own inFamous.

Hi, my name's Jake Rowe and I'm sixteen years old, and yeah you heard my last name right, Rowe, as in Delsin Rowe, hero of Seattle, I'm his son, and my mother is Fetch Walker, the neon girl of Seattle, I'm Akomish, same as my father and my uncle, Reggie Rowe, may he rest in peace, anyway, this is sixteen years after the events in Seattle, where my father beat the crap out of the D.U.P. and drove them out of there, and revealing of who Augustine really was, but enough about me, let's just get on with my story.

(Jake's POV) (Fish Cannery Rooftops)

"And done, heh, best piece of art I made yet," I had just finished up tagging a billboard on the roof of the main building of the cannery, and it was pretty awesome, well, was until I heard the sirens of the cops, "ah crap, better make my escape, and I know just where to sneak off to," my plan was to sneak off the rooftop by going through the skylight that was near the billboard, sneak through the building, and head on home, sounds simple if you aren't getting tailed by a cop, which happens a bit if you're the son of a well known tagger.

I managed to get into the building through the skylight, which means phase one of my brilliant plan is done, now for stage two of my plan, "Heh, so far so good, now to find the way out," I couldn't go through the front door, the police are going to be there, so I need to go out the back door entrance, and I have to go through a gauntlet of jumps and climbs, a gauntlet I've been through before.

"Hey! Open up the door right now, this is the police!", just my luck, the cops catch on quick to my plans, but no matter, I'll be gone before they even notice it, "Alright, alright, I'm coming officer and-Jake? What the heck are you doing here?", I sighed in frustration, it was Phil, the new manager of the cannery after Betty passed away, "Really not the time Phil, I need to get out of here fast," I didn't tell him of what I was doing before I got in here, I didn't want him getting worried of my actions either, "Okay, I'll stall him, but you better be out of here and back home, you hear me?", I nodded in response, I didn't stick around long enough and try to sneak out when the cop is in the building, I needed to get out fast.

(Back of the Building)

After getting out the cannery through the back door, stage two was done, now for the hard part, getting through the gauntlet of parkour as I like to call it, "Oh boy, hopefully I learned enough freerunning to get past this," my freerunning skills aren't as good as my father's, but they're average, "Okay Jake, deep breath, and let's do this," I got my running start as I jumped from one pole from the next of the ruined pier, I still don't know the story of how that happened, but whatever, "woah, woah, phew close one," I was an inch away from falling into the water, and I'm not ready for a bath just yet.

After finally getting through the obstacle course, I was at the longhouse, "Heh, that wasn't so bad, now, time to set up an alibi, god knows I need one before I head home," I was just about to head into the building until I was stopped by my brother, who just so happened to be a cop, "hey, Rick, how's it going big bro? Ehehe," I got real nervous real quick, my brother is always strict on what I do, I never get to do anything fun while I'm with him.

"Good grief Jake, you have any idea how embarrassed I am arresting my own brother, time and time again?", there he goes again, he's going to start some kind of speech about how I should change my actions, "Yeah well, tough luck bro, I have talents that I need to show to the world," I was then responded with Rick face-palming, "Talents?! What talents, all you do is tag billboards and anything that you think of, that is not talent, it's mischief," and there goes Rick starting a speech again, he's always boring, "Spare me the lecture Rick, let's just go home, mom and dad are probably worried about us," Rick nodded in agreement, luckily Rick got his driver's licsence, Rick is a year older than me, so he's my big brother, and also he's a big pain when it comes to me tagging stuff.

(Rick's POV)

I swear, I hate being related to Jake, I may be his brother, but even I have to deal with his crap, and I have been for four years straight, but he is my younger brother, and I have to look after him, but even I have to agree that his artistic skills as a tagger impress even me, "Look man, I really don't know why you just bring me down once I tag even the smallest of things, it's who I am, don't try to change that," Jakob was lecturing me for the first time, I saw this coming though, "I'm not telling you to change the way you are, I'm just saying that you need to find something better to do than besides tagging stuff, it's getting old," I noticed that Jake basically copied that last part quietly, I shook my head in response as we drove up to our house, our mother and father were waiting outside as well, oh boy.

"I see that you have gotten yourself in trouble again Jake," our father said before chuckling a bit, "reminds me of the time I was your age, and I can tell that you tagged the billboard on the top of the fish cannery, yeah I did that once, when your uncle Reggie was still around," that's the one topic we don't talk about much, the topic about our uncle Reggie, who died in Seattle during the D.U.P. occupation, the one that our father, Delsin Rowe, ended, "Huh, I guess your personality rubbed off on my dad," Jake stated, our father was a tagger sixteen years ago, and he is also a Conduit, a human who have the power to manipulate a certain element, our father got the smoke ability at first, but then he met Fetch and Eugene, Fetch had the ability to control neon while Eugene had the ability to control video, and then came the time he got the concrete power from Augustine, the ex-D.U.P. president.

After the events in Seattle, our father discovered the origins of the conduits, as well as a Conduit hero named Cole Macgrath, also known as the 'Demon of New Marais', he was a conduit that controlled electricity, and he mastered it pretty easily, it is still unknown of how the Conduits came back after those events in New Marais, but they came back for a reason.

(Jake's POV)

During dinner, me and my dad were discussing about conduit powers, as well as certain conduits that can tap into another power, just by making physical contact with what is called a 'prime' conduit, someone who gets their powers naturally, "I think I can understand of why you're teaching me on the topic of certain kinds of conduits dad, it's because you weren't a conduit until you met Hank," Hank was the smoke power Conduit that my father met, when all the Conduits were considered Bio-terrorists, which is very insulting, "Yeah, if I hadn't met him, I wouldn't be the most awesome hero alive," I chuckled a bit, he was right, he was an awesome hero, only one odd alias he had was 'The Smoker', which was a bit ridiculous, but he did control smoke through most of his journey.

"Also tell me, what ever happened to that old vest you wore that had the two crows on it with the star in the middle?", I asked my father this because he did have a vest that symbolized of who he was, "Oh yeah that, well I guess if you want, I could give it to you," this got me excited, wearing that vest could get people to know that I'm not some punk kid, that would definitely get me a date, "Really? Thanks dad!", my dad walked out of the room for a moment and came out with a vest, "Here it is, wear it with pride Jake, wearing this vest means you're representing the Rowe family, and also, make sure to stay out of trouble," we paused for a moment before bursting out laughing, staying out of trouble isn't both mine or my father's strong suit.

"You two are definitely father and son, you guys have the same personality," my mother has always been the one that knew my father the most, I mean, she did 'give' him her neon powers, "Jake has a bit too much of your personality dad, I wonder what will happen if he finds his power?", there goes buzz kill Rick again, he always has some way to kill the mood, but he did have a point on the power topic, me and him aren't even sure who's going to get a power, and who isn't, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Krika: And there is chapter one of my inFamous story.

Jake: Let's hope this goes well.

Rick: I just hope you don't get a destructive power Jake.

Jake: Oh come on! Why are you still 'buzz kill Rick'?

Rick: I'm just saying.

Krika: Calm down you two, anyway, review and don't flame!

Delsin: Or I will use my smoke powers on you!