Disclaimer: I don't own How To Train Your Dragon! All credit goes to Dreamworks for making such a fantasic movie!

Avalon heard birds tweeting around her. The cold and crisp air tickled what was tickling on the bare skin that could be seen. There was no heat to this air, that she knew. But why couldn't she see anything?

Avalon's eyes finally opened and she blinked a few times before rubbing the blur from her eyes as the dull morning light in the sky shined in her eyes. Avalon sucked in the cool crisp air and sat up before rubbing her sore neck.

It was then she realized she was in a cove. Avalon's head spun from side to side as she saw stone walls surrounding her and trees on the tops of the walls. Where was she?

"Ugh... Must've fallen..." For some reason, she doesn't remember how she got here. Avalon's head began to throb as she stood up and cracked her back carefully.

Then, she panicked.

"My stuff!" She shouted and ran to the side where she saw her bags. Avalon looked inside the bags and saw... Everything was in there and nothing was broken. Not even her tripod and tablet. It was very much confusing. And the worst part, now she was going to be late for school.

"My mom is gonna kill me." Avalon muttered and walked to the side of the cove, running her fingertips along the stone walls around her, wondering how in the world she was getting out of this.

But she couldn't help but admire the scenery as she shivered slightly. And just as she looked up, something cold struck her face.

Avalon stared at the skies as snow began to fall from the storm clouds. Avalon giggled to herself as the snow began making a white blanket on the ground. But then she panicked and picked up her equipment, rushing to the little cave and crawling inside, shivering.

The last thing she needs is for her things to have water damage.

Avalon put her equipment down and sat down on the ground on the inside of the cave, exhaling and rubbing her forehead. "Can't go anywhere until it stops snowing."

Just as she began to settle into the dark cave, she heard a cooing sound. Avalon froze and felt that she wasn't alone... Avalon turned her head slightly, and saw a green figure in the shadows...

Just as she was wondering what it was, it crawled out. The creature was green with an orange underbelly and a long tail, with two stubby little wings. It was small and had spikes running down its spine. It was then that it opened its mouth and showed Avalon its rows of very dull teeth. Just then, she screamed and fell over as the creature jumped at her and onto her chest.

It began to gnaw on her nose with its dull teeth and use its dull claws to leave thin scratch marks on her chest through her shirt. She let out a loud growl of pain as she grabbed it by its midsection and lifted it off her face.

"What the hell are you?" She shouted out as the creature squawked and it made her drop it.

The little thing grabbed a hold of her pantleg and began to climb up it and on her backside and up her back. She let out another shout of fright and fell backwards out of the cave. Her heart was beating faster than ever as it crawled up in between her legs and rubbed against her inner calf.

Avalon was trying her best to identify the creature in front of her but it didn't match anything in her mind... She kept thinking, and thinking, and thinking... Until suddenly- "On the screens was a picture of a dragon's skeleton. It had a pretty small body, because of it's small wings, and a little head."

Avalon gasped at the memory and stared at the creature again. "No way..."

The dragon chirped again and jumped forward on her stomach and tried to bite her face again. This time, Avalon screamed. But much, much louder.

The high pitched shrill of terror was enough to make birds fly off and the stone walls to shake.


Off in the distance of the forests was a young man in leather bound armor. He had shaggy chocolate brown hair and a little scar on the left of his chin. And with striking green eyes that could make any girl melt at his feet. And with one real leg, but one made from wood and metal, of his own design.

And next to him was a great, shiny black beast with large wings and a long tail with fins at the end. One was a real tailfin, the other artificial, wires and strings attached to a metal stirrup that hooked up to a saddle on its back above its wings but before its short neck.

The young man's name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and the beast next to him was named Toothless.

Hiccup looked towards his loyal companion and gave him a smile. "Good flying there, bud. But next time... Try and avoid the trees." He remarked before picking a leaf from his hair. Toothless gave a snort of approval towards him and purred as he scratched the beast behind his ears.

A few minutes went by like this, just staring off towards the skies as it snowed on the both of them.

Just as Hiccup was about to speak again, something made him shut his mouth. He heard a very loud scream off in the distance. He stared up at the skies before looking at Toothless who's ears perked up at the shriek.

"Let's go, bud! Someone's in trouble." Hiccup jumped into the saddle without a second thought, his prosthetic leg attaching to the metal stirrup. He opened up the artificial red tailfin and the dragon took to the skies, following the loud noise.

As it turns out, it was at the cove, where they had become friends. The two landed just outside of the cove, Hiccup jumping off the saddle and heading for the edge of the cove. He looked down and suddenly saw a girl.

Her hair was in a high ponytail, with pink streaks, which fascinated him greatly. She wore tight pants and a tight black shirt as she stood on top of a boulder with a stick. And she was holding it against... A terrible terror?

Hiccup stared as the little dragon tried to get to her again but she swung the stick at it. "Get back! Back off, hell spawn! You are not real!" She shouted, taking a defensive stance. The terrible terror let out a soft coo and tried to get to her again, only this time, he flew up and pounced on her, knocking the stick from her hands.

The girl shrieked as she hit the ground behind the boulder and the terror licked away at her face and gnawed on her nose again.

"Agh! Get off of me!" She shouted before pushing it off and running towards the pile of fabric objects and picking up a sort of stick like object with three edges. "Get. Back." She growled again. This time, the terror let out a soft whimper and backed away from her, its wings falling towards the ground and looking down, a sorrowful expression on its face.

The little dragon was only trying to make friends, and this girl was fighting against it.

Hiccup chuckled to himself as he slid on his helmet, pulling down the front of the mask and made his way down the cove's walls. He finally made it to the ground and began to make his way around the walls of the cove and finally snuck behind this mystery girl, slowly approaching her.

He thought he could talk to her without her noticing him, but he was wrong. She turned around immediately and swung the wooden thing at his head. It struck Hiccup on the side of his helmeted skull, making him fall over and onto his side.

He groaned loudly and his hand went to the side of his helmet where there was now a dent

The girl realized what she had done and dropped the weapon before gasping and kneeling down. "Oh, my goodness! I am so-" She was cut off with a loud roar and suddenly was pounced on. Toothless loomed over the girl that was now on her back and held down by his giant paws and claws.

His teeth bared as he glared into her eyes. The girl stared up at the dragon, her heart thudding and her head pounding... No words left her mouth. Only soft and short pants. Sweat ran down her temples and she twisted under his hold.

Just as Toothless let out a hiss, his lips flaring up and exposing more of his teeth, he smelt something... It was blood. The girl has been wounded already.

He sniffed slightly and knew the blood was coming from her neck. He pressed his nose to the crook of her neck and sniffed gently. And that's when she snapped. The girl let out a loud, high pitched shriek and managed to move his paw enough before jumping up and running from the two of them.

But she tumbled in the snow and slipped, falling down on the ground. But she continued to try and get away, crawling away from the great beast and the young man, into the caves and curling up in the fetal position, shivering, not from the cold, but from fear.

Hiccup rose from the ground and continued to rub his head as Toothless snarled and made his way towards the cave, ready to attack the girl again. "No, Toothless, stop!" Hiccup said, jumping in front of Toothless and holding out his hands. "It was an accident... She was scared..." He said to the dragon who hissed and finally backed away.

Hiccup walked inside the cave slowly and heard her soft sobbing as he got closer and closer. She was muttering to herself as she shivered in fear.

"Its just a dream... Its only a dream... It can't be real... Its not real." It made Hiccup a little uneasy as he saw her shiver in fear.

"Hey..." Hiccup kneeled down to her and placed his hand on her back, making her scream and jump up, backing away from him.

"Hey, its okay!" Hiccup said to her. But she didn't like that he was trying to get closer to her so she ran passed him and into the light.

"I don't want to hurt you!" He promised her. She didn't stop running until she fell again, staring up as Hiccup groaned before removing his helmet. That's when the girl stopped shivering in fear.

She looked up at him and gave him a strange look. "Mr. Haddens?" She spoke softly.

Hiccup gave her a quizzical look. "Haddens? No, my last name is Haddock." He kneeled down and held out his hand. "Hiccup 'Horrendous' Haddock." He said with a small laugh. She stared at his hand before sliding hers inside. "Haddock... Right."

He helped her up to her feet and then heard a loud hiss. Toothless got closer and closer to the girl and it made her turn Hiccup around and hide behind him, shivering in fear. "Make it go away!" Was all she said, holding onto his shoulders in defense. "Toothless, calm down... She didn't mean it." Hiccup said.

The dragon backed away but still glared at her.

"That isn't... A dragon..." The girl whimpered. "It's a dragon." Hiccup responded.

"But, that's impossible! There's no such thing!"

"Dragons have been around for hundreds of years. Where have you been?" Hiccup said, laughing at her lack of knowledge. She pushed him away from her and ran to the pile of stuff, that must have belonged to her. But shouted out as the little terror from earlier jumped out of one of the things, carrying a shiny silver box.

"Hey!" The terror chortled and ran away with the thing in its mouth. "Gimme that!" The girl began to chase the terror around, seeing it spread its wings and fly around the cove.

"This is not funny, that's a month's work! Drop it!" She hissed as she jumped and grabbed the terror by the tail and climbed on it, holding the little thing in between her legs as she pried its mouth open and took the device back.

"You don't touch. My camera!" She jumped up and ran back to her stuff, putting the thing back inside and picking up her bags, sliding all three of them on her shoulder.

"OK... How do I get out of here?" She looked around.

"I think I can help with that." Hiccup suggested. The girl turned around, her ponytail whipping her in the face as she did so.

All she did was smirk at him. "And... I suppose you would want something in return?" Hiccup laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe two things."

"And what would that be?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, I'd like an apology for hitting me in the head."

"Right... Uh, sorry. You startled me, that was uncalled for." Finally, Toothless began to stop growling at this and he stepped forward slightly towards the girl.

"And... I'd settle for your name." Hiccup said, smiling at her. The girl couldn't help but smile back.

"Avalon. My name is Avalon."