Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I'm super psyched for A Game of Winter which I have finally started! I started it like two days ago and wrote 15 pages. So yeah, it's going well. I didn't know how the plot was going to go, but I'm getting some great ideas! I feel like after having watched season one of Agents of Shield, all the seasons of Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Avengers Assemble AND started reading comics (I have like 20 now...) I have a really good grasp on the whole Marvel universe. It's helping me get a little more daring with the plots. There is just so much to the universe that Marvel has created. It's so fun to explore.

A Game of War is completed and posted now and Agent Tolvar has three chapters. My best friend (blackinkonbluelines) has started posting a Bucky fan fiction which you should definitely check out! I've read the whole thing, and it's really good! She gets into that nitty gritty detail that we don't see in the first Cap movie about Bucky's imprisonment and subsequent experimentation that Zola puts him through. It is called Bleak December and you can find it under my favorite stories. She is an amazing author!

Also I have posted a new poll asking which fan fiction project you would like to see from me first: another Steve fan fiction with a different plot and OC or a Loki and OC story. You can vote on my profile. This will be a spring project.

Thank you again for all the favorites and follows and comments. It means so much to me! I still can't believe how well received my Avengers stories have been. You guys are the best! :)

Epilogue – July 15th, 2012

Currently tracking location…

Last time Fabian Wagner had been here he had been bearing better news. Now as he took the lift down to the bottom floor of the facility, he felt his gut twisting with anxiety. There had been nothing he could do. Zemo hadn't met him at the agreed upon meeting place, and so Wagner assumed that something bad had happened, the plan had somehow failed, and now he was to be the bearer of bad tidings. The Baron didn't like bad news. He was a man of science, of discovery and had an unlimited amount of patience for what he did, but he had no patience for failures.

The elevator halted and the doors slid open with a ding that sounded somewhat final to him. He walked into what could only be described as a laboratory with test tubes and beakers and technology he had no head for. Modern science was always something the Baron insisted was mankind's greatest gift to people like him. You could do so much more nowadays. Reach that much further into the depths of science. The Baron didn't believe in impossibilities. Wagner never liked science. He liked solid, understandable things like treasure and money. Those he could understand.

Along one wall of the lab was a row of glass rooms that served as cells for the Baron's experiments. Most of the experiments were moaning on the ground, their faces gaunt and hair falling out in clumps. The Baron's body count made Hitler look like a saint and all in the name of science. Wagner hurried on, hating the lab more and more by the minute.

The Baron was looking over some notes when Wagner approached but he straightened himself and turned to face Wagner. He was dressed impeccably as always, hair shorn neatly. Military straightness to his shoulders. "My dear Herr Wagner. I was so glad to hear of your escape from SHIELD. I do hope they didn't rough you up too much."

The words sounded genuine, but Wagner knew it was a front. The Baron didn't care about people like him. He was just a pawn to be sacrificed. "I am sorry that Zemo didn't make it. Clearly the Captain was a greater enemy than we expected."

"Clearly. Tell me about this girl though. The one who has the powers. I am very interested in her."

"She was injected with the Tolvars' Superhero Serum. The only living recipient of it. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. She reached into my mind, and it was like she could see my memories, my thoughts. I have no doubt she played a hand in Zemo's downfall."

"Very interesting." The Baron tapped his fingers on the counter behind him. "And what memories and thoughts did she see?"

Wagner felt a surge of panic, realizing he had said the wrong thing. "Nothing of you, I can assure you! I hid that well. She saw nothing that could give you away."

"Good, very good. That could have been disastrous."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"With Zemo gone, that leaves it in my hands to continue his work. I wonder if you might be interested in helping me with my work?"

Though Wagner felt a sense of foreboding, he nodded. "Of course Baron. Anything to help."

"Good, good. The Captain is about to learn what happens when he meddles with us. As for you, there's an empty cell that needs filling. I'm afraid one of my patients…left us this morning. He will be buried with the rest. You, however, would make a fine replacement."

Wagner felt horror fill his being as the Baron took a step toward him. "No, please! I did everything I could!"

"If that was true then Zemo would be here with us and not with SHIELD."

Wagner scrambled to get away, but two surly guards came up behind him and grabbed him, pulling him away.

"Goodbye Fabian," the Baron said. A smile tweaked the edges of his lips, and his monocle glinted in the fluorescent lights as he turned away.

End of Story Two

Aspen and Steve's story continues in A Game of Winter.

Coming soon.