1. Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Peter was exhausted from the battle he had with some random crooks he didn't want to name. Combining that with the homework he was struggling to finish, being Spider-Man was becoming more difficult lately. As much as he wanted to continue finishing his work, he was also tired. So he decided to curl up in the coziest corner he could find in one of the rooms from the tri-carrier and fall asleep there, in his suit. He managed to get through fifteen minutes of sleep, but that was cut short due to a weird tickly feeling on his arm.

"Hehe, Saaaammm~ I swear that if you're- GAHHH!" Blinking wearily at the arm resting his head, he yelped as he found a pair of thin antennas and spindly legs crawling all over him. Shaking his arm furiously, the thing flew in mid-air, but it landed on the cold metal ground without a scratch. Now fully awake, Peter stared at the foreign organism on the ground.

It was a cockroach.

If the COCKROACH could speak, it would go like, "Sup bro."

Peter shivered; sure, he had seen a few cockroaches during a field trip to a science museum, but never expected to find himself face-to-face with a real one up close.

"Please tell me it didn't come from the lab." He found himself groaning in his head. Since that… insect was disrupting his beauty sleep, he decided to get rid of it. They were household pests, but he and Aunt May never had those things in the house (especially for the occasional fly and spider), so he wasn't sure how to kill a cockroach (though he had a feeling that they might be harder to kill than they looked). And then as if on cue, Angel!Spidey and Devil!Spidey popped in.

Angel!Spidey: Don't hurt it! Think of how innocent it looks!

Devil!Spidey: Innocent? HA! You're a spider! Web it! Kill it! EAT ITTTTTTTTT! It's only a bug; c'mon, how hard could it be?

Peter hated to admit it, but his chibi devil self's idea probably wasn't a bad idea. But he's SO not eating it! That's gross! Luckily for him, he was still wearing his red and blue uniform (except the mask), so his webshooters were still attached on each wrist. He shot out a web that encased the cockroach, preventing it from escaping. It kept running at the intricate patterned walls, but they just bounced it back.

"Phew. That was close." The brunette sighed in relief. Or at least, until he saw the cockroach again.


Peter almost shrieked at this impossible event. "How is that scientifically impossible?!" He exclaimed. Cockroaches are supposed to be trapped on a spider's web! But this one was nibbling it like a pretzel stick. And it was escaping. Now baffled and confused at the unusual phenomenon, Peter quickly evacuated the room, hoping to ask one of the S.H.I.E.L.D scientists on how to get rid of it…..

..And maybe catch up on more sleep.