Started As Nothing

Chapter 1

Derek had warned him away, warned him away from Lexie Grey. The annoying intern who was infatuated with O'Malley. Derek had told him not to sleep with her because her sister – who hated her – wanted to be a good sister and decided that she was fragile. When Derek warned him told him not to sleep with Lexie, it became all he could think about. Every time she was in service, he saw her in the hospital he would be thinking about her.

He like everyone else thought she was fragile especially with the plasters lining her arms. But then he saw the other interns with the same plasters in the same fashion and when he looked closer, when they were hanging him charts or putting in IV's he could see prick marks on there arms – just like a IV needle.

So then he followed them down to the basement and saw them practicing on each other. He looked in and the interns saw him and he walked off. Then he corned Lexie and ordered her to stop what she was doing.

"I'm not doing anything!"

"You're cutting your arms open. You're putting IV's in your arms. It's dangerous and it's stupid," answered Mark.

"How'd you know about?" asked Lexie.

"I heard about the plasters on your arm. Then I saw them on the other interns and then I watched and saw IV marks and then I followed one of them to the basement and I saw your fellow interns performing procedures on each other. I didn't see you. Then they saw me and I left," answered Mark. "It needs to stop. It needs to stop now and I'm going to the chief."

"I haven't practice for weeks the stitches in my arms just aren't healing," answered Lexie. "I'll come with you to the chief."

"That could damage your career," said Mark.

"It was my fault," answered Lexie. "Actually it wasn't they started it themselves and then I got pulled in. Cristina wouldn't teach me and I told them I wanted no part in it but then she wouldn't teach me and she shouted at me because I hadn't put a chest tube in a patient because she hadn't taught me how to. Then I got kicked of Hunt's case because of it. Then I went to join in and I did IV's on the others and sutures and then I said we should shut it down and walked out," answered Lexie. "So whatever they are doing now I don't know about it."

"I am going to go to the chief and you are going to meet me in the skills lab tonight and I will teach you," answered Mark. "If I page you, you will come and I will teach you. If your not being taught you go to your resident and she doesn't listen you go to some else. Which would have been Bailey. But you got frustrated with the system. So you will go to the skills lab now and I will go the chief."

"I want to come with you to the chief," answered Lexie. "I know it's stupid but I have to."

"Your fellow interns will hate you," answered Mark.

"Eh I don't like them that much anyway," answered Lexie.

"Then let's go," answered Mark.

"Dr Sloan, Dr Grey do you need a consult?" asked Dr Webber, as he invited them to step into his office.

"No," answered Mark.

"The interns fell that our residents are not teaching us. But as a result of it they started doing procedures on each other in the basement. They have been practicing putting IV line into each other and suturing and doing god knows what else. I saw them and wanted no part in it but then my resident wouldn't teach me so I jumped in on the practicing on each other thing. Then everyone thought I was cutting myself so I stopped because I realized it was stupid and now I'm basically turning myself and the others and I'm rambling so I'll shut up now," answered Lexie.

"Dr Sloan your part in this?" asked the chief.

"I heard about plasters, I saw plasters on every intern then I saw IV marks and then I followed on of the interns to the basement and saw them practicing and then they saw me and I walked away and found the only intern who wasn't in that basement. Sir we have twenty five interns this year and twenty four of them were in that basement and at the moment about ten of them are watching us right now," answered Mark.

"Send them in," said the chief.

"If you need me sir or Doctor Grey I will be teaching her in the skills lab," answered Mark. "And if Derek asks why I'm teaching her please tell him you said I had to because otherwise he'll punch my face in."

The chief nodded and Mark and Lexie left and headed to the skills lab.

"Why will Derek punch you in the face?" asked Lexie.

"Meredith is worried about you because everyone thought you were cutting yourself. So Meredith told Derek to warn me away from you because if I slept with you and that was it then it would break you. Grey was trying to do be a good sister," answered Mark.

"She hates me she doesn't get to tell people who I can and can't sleep with," answered Lexie.

"I know I'm just telling you and I was warned it was about a month ago," answered Mark. "I never thought about you until Derek mentioned it until Derek mentioned you were the annoying intern who is in love with O'Malley. That is how I saw you until Derek told me not to sleep with you but that doesn't matter because you need to learn so I am going to be your teacher."

Lexie nodded.

Derek wasn't happy about Mark teaching Lexie and when it came to the interns being punished Lexie didn't get as punished as bad as they did. She wasn't allowed in the OR for two weeks while the other interns weren't allowed in the OR for over a month and the ones who had decided to try and take out Sadie's appendix while Mark and Lexie were talking to the chief. They were on probation.

That is how Lexie and Mark started – as friends.

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Gabriella Somerfield