The Different Kinds of Kisses

disclaimer; I don't own Naruto

" Sakura, you need to calm down." spoke Tsunade, as she approached the nine year old girl.

" No! Stay back, I don't wanna die yet!" screamed Sakura, as she sprinted out of the room.

Tsunade sighed in irritation. Honestly it was just a shot! Why did she have to get so worked up about it?

How the hell is she ever going to be a medic, if she can't get a shot, like normal kids her age do?' she couldn't help, but wonder, as she walked over to the desk and pulled out a sake jug, she kept hidden. ' No need to fret, she'll be back.'

Tsunade took a large gulp, before sighing, she and Dan were never having kids.


Sakura was dashing through the streets. Twisting and weaving her way through, she needed to get out of the open area and fast. She knew her Aunt Tsunade had informed everyone that today was her shot day and that they should be on the look out for her, in case she escaped.

' Why do I need a stupid shot anyway? I'm perfectly healthy and happy, without a giant needle poking my arm.' she thought childishly.

" So, you did decide to run after all, chibi-chan." stated an amused teen voice.

Startled, Sakura tripped over her own two feet, which only caused the teen to laugh.

Red from embarrassment, Sakura ignored the teen and blended into the crowd.

' There's no way I'm gonna let you catch me, nii-chan!' Sakura exclaimed, as she dove under a fruit stand to hide.

It wouldn't be safe to stay out in the open, now that she had been spotted, so she couldn't make it to the training field woods, like planned. She lifted the flap on the stand to try to see, if any of her family would be around to take her back.

" Who are you looking for?" questioned a voice in her ear, causing Sakura to jump in surprise.

Given the fact that she was under a table, she only succeeded in hitting her head.

" Ouch!" ' Why do I always get hurt, when I get surprised?' she thought bitterly, as annoyed tears gathered in the corner of her eyes.

" That's what you get for trying to skip out on your shot." sang the boy from before.

" Leave me alone, Nawaki-niisan!" glared Sakura

" Aw, but you're so cute, when you're mad." he grinned.

" I'm not getting that shot."

" Why not?"

" Because it'll hurt."

" Being a ninja will hurt."

" Not as bad, as the shot."

Nawaki sighed. Kid logic was so weird. How could getting a kunai stuck in your arm be better than a needle? He thought for a moment, before coming up with an idea.

" Fine, don't get a shot." he said and watched as Sakura nodded her head in confirmation, that she won't, before continuing." But you better kiss your ninja career good-bye."

" Eh?"

" Only ninja, who get all their examinations and shots, are able to graduate from the academy."

" What?" ' But, If I don't graduate from the academy, I can never make my dreams come true and will lose to Kushina.'

For several months now, Sakura has believed Kushina to be her arch rival in both combat and love. Though, the poor Uzumaki is not aware of it herself. Sakura could already imagine what would happen, if she didn't graduate.


" Sakura-chan, I'm sorry you have to hear this, however we can no longer remain friends." said Minato.

" What? Why?" questioned a teary Sakura.

" Because you can't even become a ninja, like we said we would. If you're will to give up on your career, I'm willing to give up on you. Besides, I've met someone else."

All of a sudden Kushina popped up and linked arms with Minato.

" Let's go, Minato. We have a mission together.'

Sakura felt something stab her.

" Then, afterwards we can celebrate, with date."

Another stab.

" What are we celebrating, Kushina?"

" Me graduating from the academy, after I got all my shots completed."

" Are you okay?" he asked worried, while Sakura was turning as white as a ghost, from bleeding out of the stab wounds.

" Of course, dattebane! Only a complete baby would be too scared to get their shots."

That last remark, killed Sakura and sent her, kicking and screaming to her death.

" Did you hear something?" asked Minato.

" Nope!" smiled Kushina.


" NOOO~! I'D RATHER DIE BY THE NEEDLE!" wailed Sakura, as she ran off towards the hospital.

Nawaki blinked. ' What in the world was that?'

" Hey! What are you doing under my stand, brat!"

'Uh oh.'


" Aunt Tsunade! Aunt Tsunade!" shouted Sakura, as she burst into the room.

" Finally, you're here. Who dragged you back?" asked the blonde.

" No one, now give me the shot."

" No one? Then what made you return?" Tsunade questioned, as she got the needle ready. Her niece hated shots more than spicy foods, which said a lot.

" Uzumaki stealing my m- I mean her taking away something important to me."

'Sure, he's not officially my man, but he's definitely closer to me than her. There's no way, I'm gonna lose Minato.'

She was so distracted by her thoughts, that she didn't notice the needle go in her arm, but she did feel, when the medicine was injected into her body.

" Ow~" she mumbled, as Tsunade stuck the bandage on. It really did hurt, but the thought of losing Minato was much worse

" Now, if you go across the hall, you can get a sticker and lollipop. Also, someone is waiting for you."

Sakura just nodded, while holding her arm, below where she got her shot.

As she entered the room, she spotted the lady at the desk and lifted up her sleeve, to show she received her shot. Which was rewarded, with a gold star sticker and a watermelon lollipop.

" Nice job, Sakura-chan." spoke a voice from behind her.

Sakura whipped her head around at the familiar voice. " Minato! What are you doing here?"

" Well, I was looking for you, to train with, when I ran into Nawaki. He told me to check the hospital, since you would be receiving your shot today."

" Oh."

" Yep. Though, I'm surprised. I thought you would have run away or something." he commented, as they walked down the hall.

" Pffsh. Me? Run? Now way."

Sakura swore she heard her aunt snort, somewhere in the distance.

" Does your arm hurt?" Minato questioned, looking at her her.

" Well, it does sting a bit..." she mumbled honestly.

Minato reached forward and lifted up her sleeve, before placing a kiss on the band-aid.

" Don't worry, it'll pass."

Sakura beamed.

" Kay!"

This idea popped into my head and I wanted to get it down, before I forgot.

Thanks for reading and please review.