WEIRDO BLABBS: Well, after a long break from Fairy Tail, I am now writing another GraLu, as promised. Thank you for all those who have supported me all the way here and so here I come with another FanFic with (I hope) a different flavor. I don't know how long this will be but I can somehow say that it won't be that long.

I hope you enjoy. This is Weirdo and this is Going, Going, Gone!

SUMMARY: How much are you willing to do for the one girl you never thought you would love and never thought would love you?

DISCLAIMER: But alas, I don't own it, do I?

In retrospect, everything makes sense.

Where do I begin? I guess it would be strange to start at the end but humor me in this. It's just that, the way she looked then before we parted ways was the one that is eternally preserved in my memory.

As I let go of her hand, and the balloons we released rose up, up, up into the sky, the girl beside me laid her head on my shoulder.

"Going... Going... Gone...!" she whispered and she breathed in deeply. She said those lines as she always had: with so much happiness and so much hope.

I looked at her from the corner of my eyes and smiled sadly at the thought of goodbye. Her blonde hair, her brown eyes, her pale lips and her joyous smile brought so much warmth in the coldness of my heart.

"What did you wish for this time?" I asked.

She chuckled a bit and her full weight was laid on my side. "Three more minutes..."

I gritted my teeth, letting a sad smile adorn my face. I knew what was going next; and, out of impulse, I leaned over her to kiss her: our first and last.

Her hand reached up to my face slowly. And as the sun set on the most perfect day of all, she left me... without even saying goodbye.

Ah, but telling you how we broke up wouldn't make any sense if I didn't tell you the whole story, right?

Well, then...

Here we go.

WEIRDO BLABBS (AGAIN): Yeah, just like that… :3

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

Please support my collab fanfiction with WolfieAnne, The Last Celestial Mage, and maybe my other FT fanfictions: Another Shot at Love, Good Taste, Massage?, Girls and Shopping and Starstruck!. My other (slightly) active fanfictions: Kuroko no Basuke RanDrabbles.

If you are interested in my other works not stated above, please go to my FanFiction profile: /~weirdoblabber