The Spirit of the Uzumakis

hey every one i have come up with another story like i said on my profile i would do a Naruto fanfiction so this it note i will never ever not in a million years in my life will i ever put Sakura in his harem she is a fucking fan girl and always bashed Naruto's head in trying to be nice

so lets get started now disclaimer i dont own Naruto if i did id make him a bad ass ninja who could crush someone with out even looking at him or her (note i am going to make that happen in this story XD)

chapter 1 the last Male Uzumaki

There in the ruins of Uzushiogakure stood a young boy the age of 16 with red hair and 6 whisker marks on his face three on each side that boys name is Naruto Uzumaki the last male uzumaki in the whole world. Aka he is a fucking gold mine of power and potential

Walking through the streets of the ruined city around the rubble looking at everything until he reached a large building partially destroyed but still intact the kage's tower walking up to it he sighed and looked up at the building. Walking in he looked like he was not paying attention to anything and only listing to his headphones (what I want to add head phones to make him bad ass) what he was listening to no one knows and no one will.

At the roof of the tower he looked down at a corpse of Uzushiogakure's leader whoever he was Naruto only looked down at him as if reading him then bending down and taking off the skeletons headband the head band of Uzushiogakure then tided it to his arm and jumped down like he did it every day. Nearing to the ground the wind started to spin to act as a cushion and slowed him down. Once on the ground he started to walk away from his ancestor's home and carrying the symbol for the legacy of the uzumakis to show that the spirit of the Uzumakis live on in this world


The civil war had raged on for 2 years already tearing the country apart due to Yagura stating the blood line purge killing anyone who had a bloodline of any sort this of course led to civil war between the two groups.

Mei Terumi was the leader of the rebellion and currently fighting to save it with her ability to use two blood lines she was the strongest there but she was fighting a losing battle only a platoon of 25 shinobi versus an army of 250 shinobi so they were hard pressed and most likely had no hope what so ever to make it out alive.

Until a ray of hope came or more like tornado of hope came and touched the ground "what the" the blood line rebellion leader said as she looked at the tornado touch the ground to reveal a person who was dressed in all black and had a katana at his side. The katana was pitch black and had no guard and it handle was covered in white ribbon tattered but covered it still and had a ring at the end for the hilt of the sword. The person was dressed in black and had a hood on and silver arm guards on his arm he was like a shadow or ghost just standing there but drawled her attention was the fact that the tornado was surrounding him as if it was shield


Once Naruto landed in the field of shinobis an army of them were there ready to charge at what was behind him

'by the looks of things they are ready to kill all at least jonin level and about 250 and about 25 behined me one of them are kage levels and judging by the head bands I'm in kiri the army of 250 are all normal the ones behind me are bloodline user? Sigh this is the civil war I heard of I best help them after all I need a work out' Naruto thought as he looked at the army with a glance of uncaring and drew his blade "I will give a 5 second to run so you all best start running" Naruto said as he rested his hand on his blade and held up 5 fingers

5 the kiri army laughed at him

4the rebels pitied him for about to die

3 Mei looked at the person dressed in black with interest

2the kiri army laughed then started to compose themselves

1 one finger was left then the kiri army charged

0 Naruto grabbed his blade and took it only an inch out of the sheathe showing a little of the blade then put it back with a click that resounded across the whole entire land. A spray of blood littered the whole field the kiri shinobi army was nothing but a pile of corpse on the ground shocking the rebels at the sight of one man kill 250 jonin shinobi as if he did it every day.

Standing there in front of the rebels Mei was shocked this random person did something she could not do the strongest in the rebellion. in a blur standing next to Mei was the said man that did it at the same height standing there Mei didn't dare to turn around but listened to what that person said knowing that fighting him would be suicide "Apologies for your village's sin against my people then you may receive help from them" the person said as he vanished the voice was frightening to the bone like the shinigami and was as if he was not alive. Mei thought about it and thought how preposterous it was to believe ghost until she felt something in her hand something metal worn out and damaged and had a cloth to it and it as well was worn out and old. She looked at what was in her hand and retook her statement about ghost not being real because if what was in her hand was real then she just saw one slaughter 250 shinobi

In her hand was an uzushiogakure headband the same village that was destroyed by the hidden villages of kumo, kiri, and iwa.

"Let's head back to HQ I have an idea on how to win this war" Mei said as she clutched the head band in her hand and pocketed it.


"Dammit why do I have to be paired with the banshee and emo duck butt out of all the people I had to be paired with them I'm not the dead last I scored just as the emo" Naruko Uzumaki (sorry couldn't find any other name besides that one) a young girl with long red hair and a somewhat developed body for a 13 year old yelled with frustration as she sat on top of hokage monument she looked at the village that she had now sworn to protect "I might as well get use to them but still I had to be paired with a howler monkey and an emo who just wants to marry me for power sigh but I sworn to protect the king of the village and become the hokage on his grave so I can't brake that promise." She then got up and looked at the sun set and thought of how many time she watched it with him and made her smile but those days were gone and he was never coming back because the dead don't come back. She then took out a tanto and looked at it. It was beautiful in many ways but the beauty of it didn't make take it out but the memories before she knew it some tears fell on the blade "Naruto-nii-sama I miss you" she said as she looked at the blade it was the last gift she received from her brother. After a minute she put the blade away and walked to the woods to her house that her brother made.

At night

Mizuki was running for his life as he had stolen the forbidden scroll he was about make it home free until he was stopped by Iruka. "stop Mizuki" Iruka yelled to Mizuki "as if I am goin-" mizuki didn't get to finish as he was sent flying into a tree and the scroll landed on the ground unrolling to the earliest entry "okay who the fucking hell screams in the middle of the night when they know that people are sleeping" Naruko yelled as she landed on the ground dressed in black under shirt and black pants with a black short coat with silver arm guard with red swirls on them she had been peacefully sleeping and dreaming of her brother and her seeing each other again until it was rudely awaken by Mizuki's yell so naturally she was piss when she landed she noticed the scroll had a storage seal and the entry was on the same date her brother died and the entry was from the third hokage she placed her hand on the seal then in a poof of smoke a black collapsible fuma shuriken appeared with five blades. At one look you could see different colored carvings but the notice able thing was the symbol on each blade the blade that had green carvings had the symbol for wind the blade with red carvings had the symbol for fire the blade with purple carvings was lightning the blade with blue carvings had the symbol for water the blade with brown carvings had the symbol for earth and each blade had one symbol that she would never forget the Uzumaki swirl. "T-T-this is my brother's why it is in the scroll of sealing" Naruko asked as she was shocked her brother was a master a forging and this was one of his greatest creations the element shuriken. She grabbed it and it transformed into one handed blade that was twice the thickness of her arm yet she felt as if she was holding a twig in her hand. 'nii-sama's shuriken this was supposed to go to his vault not in this scroll why is it here grh I'm going to have to talk to jiji again' Naruko then clutched the blade

The third was watching this and started to sweat 'oh shit she found out that I had one of her brother's weapons I'm a dead man now.

"Well Mizuki you currently have one of my brother's weapons in a scroll you are carrying this would normally mean the death penalty but you are going to meet my brothers weapon say hello to Genso shuriken ha my brother's prized shuriken now burn Genso shuriken ha: fire style: arc slash!" she yelled as an arc of fire came out of the red glowing blade once it hit Iruka he fainted from the burn that he received "Hey Iruka take him I&T" she then vanished in a shunshin to appear in front of the hokage "old man we are going to talk about this in a week so have your explanation by then" Naruko said in a cold voice one that ment do it or you lose your balls. The man wisely nodded before watching her vanish in a fire shunshin.

The old kage sighed "Naruto I am sorry but I think I hurt your sister quit a lot right now so please guid me to get back on her good side" the old hokage said as he looked at a photo of a younger Naruko about 4 and young boy 7 years old with a jonin vest on smiling that boy had red hair and 6 whisker marks on his face.

That boy was Naruto Uzumaki most skilled prodigy ever in konoha's history reaching jonin at 7 and to die an ANBU captain at the same age crippling Orochimaru taking his right arm and defeating the edo tensen of Hanzo of the salamander and the first and second hokage alone and getting his team back safe. He was a legend amongst the younger generation

he once said legends don't die live on in the stories that they made with their skills

there we go and like in my other story i made i made the main hero fucking awesome