Disclaimer: I do not own the Legend of Zelda or any of the games or characters in the Franchise.

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The Legend of Zelda: Sheik's Quest

Chapter 1: A Man Named Sheik

Orange tinted everything as the sun set and shadows started to invade the day. Shopkeepers were shutting down for the day and people were heading home to start making dinner. Sitting crouched in the shadows, a young man watched as a group of soldiers clanked past below him.

"Spread out in pairs and track down those filthy assassins!" bellowed a large, potbellied commander. "Remember, they're dangerous and possibly in disguise. Keep on the lookout for a tall man with blond hair and red eyes and a man of average height with blond hair and brown eyes. Until they're found, the city will be on lockdown!"

The soldiers did as they were told, clanking down the city streets of Castle town. When the last soldier was out of sight, Sheik jumped down from the rooftop he had been hiding on and into an alley. He gave a sigh. When did my mission go so wrong? he wondered to himself. This was supposed to be a simple delivery mission and now I have the whole city guard after me.

The young man contemplated his next course of action and knew that if he wanted he could probably easily sneak out of the town. He rejected that idea though. There was a real assassin on the loose. As a Sheikah and loyal servant to the crown of Hyrule he needed to find and stop the real assassin, his sense of duty wouldn't allow any other option. Of course, this meant that first he needed to avoid the city guard, they probably wouldn't be in the mood to listen to him if he told them he had been framed.

As Sheik was trying to think of a suitable disguise, he noticed some clothes hanging on a balcony to dry, not yet taken in for the day. An idea popped into his head, and making sure no one was near enough to see him, leapt onto the balcony. He sized up the clothes, guessing that they should be fine for his needs. His only pair of clothes, his Sheikah outfit, stood out way too much, and even going into a store to buy clothes would be too suspicious. Sheik took out enough rupees to pay for the clothes twice over and deposited them on the balcony. With a promise to return them when he was done, he grabbed the clothes and fled the balcony, back into the alley.

Sheik probed around with his finely tuned magic senses and ducked into an empty, probably abandoned building. The young man looked down and regarded the clothes in his hands. A plain white blouse, a pale blue skirt, a pale blue shawl, a pale blue bandanna and a pair of boots. Checking one last time with both his physical and magical senses and finding the area as secure as it would ever be, he released the spell on himself.

Sheik felt his body shift as his spell was lifted. His shoulders lost their broadness and his whole frame softened. His eye level lowered very slightly as he shrunk. The halfway point of the spell was reached as his eyes turned blue and he lost the familiar dangling feeling between her legs. A new gap opened up between her legs and Sheik felt a pair of small breasts form on her chest. Her hips widened and she gained body features she recognized as being considered "feminine".

Her skintight Sheikah outfit was now uncomfortable on her due to the changes in her body. Removing all of her gear and clothes, including the sword strapped to her back, she admired her female body, the first time in seven years. After touching, pinching and otherwise examining every part of herself she could, she started to dress. Sheik tightened her loin cloth, wrapped some bandages around her chest and put on the blouse and skirt. She admired the feel of the cloth as it fell loosely around her body. Wrapping the shawl around her shoulders and putting on the new boots she was starting to get used to the feel and movements of her new body. Unwrapping her hair from the braid she usually kept it in, she let it fall down her back. She wrapped the bandanna around her head, stopping her hair from falling into her face.

This will take some getting used to, thought Sheik, but as a Seikah I can't let that stop me. I need to find the real assassin and clear my name. Determined, Sheik packed up her clothes, weapons and gear into her backpack. She regarded her sword for a moment, and wrapped it up in some ragged blankets lying nearby. If I'm to succeed, I can't be caught. Hiding out here would be suspicious, I need to find somewhere else to stay.

Tuning into her inner senses, Sheik made sure once more that no one was around before exiting the building. She casually walked out of the alley onto a main street where people were bustling about, distracted by their own affairs and trying to hurry home before night set. Sheik was careful not to look too on guard, probing around with her magical senses instead of her physical ones. A few blocks later she spied an inn that looked promising. Walking inside, she saw a red headed young woman behind a counter. At Sheiks entrance, a bell on the door rang and the woman looked up, a smile on her face.

"Welcome to the Stock Pot Inn!" greeted the woman. "Do you have a reservation?"

"No, I do not," replied Sheik. "Do you have any vacancies?"

"You're in luck," said the woman looking down at a notebook on the counter. "We have two rooms open on the second floor, are you on your own?"

"Yes, I am."

"Any preferences in room? One is right over the market street and the other is farther back."

"I'll take the one farther back," replied Sheik.

"What brings you into town?" asked the woman cheerfully, entering information into the notebook while doing so.

"I'm a travelling musician," said Sheik, using the first thing to come to mind.

"Oh! What instrument?"

"The harp."

"How neat! You should join the other residents during our complementary breakfasts and dinners and play for us!" exclaimed the woman. She seemed to have everything sorted out by that time and looked back up at Sheik. "Name?

Sheik had to think for a moment, knowing her real name could be a tip off, she settled on using her birth name.

"My name is Zelda," she replied.