Chapter 20

A big brother.

8 and a half months later, Ceit was rushed into hospital. James had asked Lewis and Laura to be with Jamie whilst Ceit was in hospital and he would call when they knew what was happening.

Ceit was in fact, in labour with their second child, the first one born in their marriage- "the first of many" James had hoped aloud when they told Robbie Lewis and Laura the good news. Jamie had been very excited and as the months of Ceit's pregnancy progressed he enjoyed sitting with Ceit and feeling his little sibling's heartbeat and kicks. Ceit knee he would be the perfect big brother.

Half an hour was all it took after Ceit's 4 hour labour for her to have their child. A girl weighing 6lb and 4oz. She was born on the 25th of February, four months before Jamie's 10th birthday. They named her:

"Caroline Laura Hathaway." James said proudly when Lewis, Laura and Jamie arrived. Jamie was hugging his mum whilst lying partly on her bed. Laura sat beside her with Lewis and they both cooed over the little bundle in James' arms. She opened her eyes and they were revealed to be blue, like James' and she had a thick head of red ringlets like her mother.

Laura and Lewis were asked to be her godparents and Jamie's, as he wanted some too- he'd never and any- and they willingly accepted. Laura cried a little at her goddaughter's name, named after herself so Jamie has told her.

Laura handed Jamie his sister and she and Ceit showed him how to hold her and he did so with the greatest amount of care and diligence.

"You'll be a good big brother to little Carrie, won't you Jamie?" Ceit asked her son in Gaelic - James translating for Lewis and Laura.

"The best." He whispered to his sister and kissed her forehead, tenderly. Ceit knew he would be and she also knew she had all she wanted, her husband and true love, her two beautiful children and the best group of friends she could ask for. She and James were both happy to let their past lives become their present and future. Until death did they part.

"I love you." James mouthed at her.

"I love you too." She mouthed back, both Jamie and baby Carrie snuggled up to her on the hospital bed. The future looked bright and that was all she could ask for. She smiled happy with her lot.
