A/N: I am so happy that I still have followers for this story! Thank you all of you for reviewing the last chapter! I too am glad that I'm back at it. I missed this story, but I just couldn't get a plot going in my head! Anyways, here is chapter 16. The next chapter is going to probably be posted on a different site. Some of it might end up here, but due to FFN rules, most if not all of it will not be allowed. I will put a link in the next chapter's spot of where to go to find it!

A Chance To Change Fate

Chapter 16: Misunderstanding

As the days passed Sesshomaru could feel the agitation growing among many of his subjects. Every kiss that he indulged in caused tempers to flare brighter and he was sure that soon an attempt would be made on Kagome's or even Rin's life. While he was mildly concerned on that aspect, he knew that Kagome could and would be able to handle any situation thrown her way.

His thoughts and speculations on what might befall his daughter and his alpha female caused him to miss one vital possibly. He never imagined that any of the demons or demonesses in his Palace could possibly be so bold as to approach him instead.

As he slid shut his bedroom door an uninvited scent hit his nose. Slowly, he turned around to glance at the confident demoness that was letting herself in through the outside doors of his room. He clinched his teeth, angry at the demoness' invasion of his personal sanctuary. The thought of killing her ran through his mind for a moment until he realized that such an act would upset his alpha female.

"What are you doing in this Sesshomaru's quarters," he questioned, noticing in distaste that she had shut the other doors and was making her way further into his personal space.

A sultry grin spread across her red painted lips as she crossed her arms and drew his eyes to the thin almost transparent white yakata she wore, "I came to give you what she can't. It's obvious," her eyes darted down to his swollen erection bulging against his hakama, "that she can't appease you in the way that you need to be."

He swallowed a growl and commanded, "leave."

She tried desperately not to let her upset show as he ignored her and gathered his sleeping hakama as if she wasn't even there, "that human woman can't give you what I can! She is disrespecting you by asking for human affections and not even allowing you, your right to have her warm your bed!"

Setting the item of clothing he had fetched on the bed he turned around to find the demoness almost plastered to his person, "she is not a bed warmer," his voice was deep threatening growl, "she is my alpha bitch and you will respect her regardless on if I bring her to my bed or not."

"I'm not asking for her title," the demoness said softly, her hands coming up to help him untie his top, opening it to expose his chest.

He snatched her hands quickly in his, squeezing him hard, "you will refrain from touching this Sesshomaru's person."

She opened her mouth to respond, but was stopped at the sound of the hall door opening. A sharp intake of breath drew both of their attention. The priestess in question stood just outside the room. Her blue eyes were wide in shock and a light pink blush of mortification blossomed across her cheeks.

Sesshomaru dropped the demoness' hands and made a move to step around her. His sudden shift in position seemed to snatch Kagome right out of her stooper.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, her voice wavering and her eyes suddenly moist.

She shut the door quickly and jogged the small space to her room. She shut her door and leaned against it for a moment, her heart pounding unpleasantly in her chest. Biting her bottom lip she told herself not to cry, and made her way over to her spot on her bed.

"Mama," Shippo asked softly, easily smelling her upset.

"It's okay, Shippo," she laid down next to him and ran her fingers through his hair for comfort.

"Is papa coming soon," Rin asked gently.

"Not tonight Rin," Kagome whispered in a tight choked voice, "you'll see him tomorrow."

"Okay, mama," Rin snuggled closer to her brother.

She tried desperately to push away her sadness so that her son would fall asleep. His tiny nose twitched every couple of seconds drawing in her scent repeatedly trying to note any changes. She gave a small sigh in relief when the two children finally nodded off.

However, her relief was short lived when the thoughts of what she had walked in on surged forward in her mind. He stood so close to her, his face mere inches from her's. From the way she was dressed, how he looked to be being undressed and her hands held in his there was no mistaking what they had been about to partake in.

She had hoped that he would want to do that with her. He kissed her all the time and greedily welcomed any kiss she would give him, almost as if he couldn't get enough. Sometimes, they would get heated and his hands would explore parts of her body he usually only touched during bathing, and she could almost always feel his erection against her stomach.

He made her feel absolutely amazing. Just a simple touch of his skin against her's and her body felt as if it would combust. She wanted him, and she had thought that maybe he had wanted her to. Suddenly, her conversation with him in the forest around Edo seemed to fade away and all her insecurities reasserted themselves.

She gulped back a sob as tears finally began dripping down her temples. This was her fault. She had told him if another female caught his fancy that she wouldn't hold him back. She had given him this, and she had to accept it. But, coming to terms with the fact that the demon she loved didn't even want her, in any way, hurt.

It didn't matter, she tried to tell herself. She was here to support him and make him happy by whatever means necessary. If that meant being only a friend to him for her entire life, then that was the path she chose to walk. And she would do it, for him, even if it broke her heart a million times over in the end.

Her tears only increased as time passed and she realized that he wouldn't be joining their family in their bed. Instead he was, probably wrapped up in the loving embrace of the beautiful demoness, in his bed. In this knowledge she allowed herself to finally mourn the loss of Sesshomaru's love.


The next morning dawned, bringing with it a very angry demon lord. The night had been long and cold. After Kagome had left his room he had physically removed the demoness from the chambers, and changed into his sleeping hakama. Right as he had been about to open Kagome's bedroom door he had heard her tell Rin that he would not be joining them that evening.

Fearing that his appearance would upset her after such a declaration he turned back to his room. His bed was large and empty, and only felt emptier when the scent of Kagome's sadness and tears permeated the air. He laid awake the entire night listening to her soft suppressed sobs that continued even after she fell asleep.

His demon side paced wildly in his mind demanding that he take care of her and comfort her. The constant growls and howls in his mind made him angry and by the time the sun had rose over the horizon his resolve not to kill the female that had invaded his room was almost completely worn away.

Not wanting to upset Kagome again, he decided that no matter how angry he was he couldn't kill anyone. That did not stop him however from trodding over Jaken several times the moment the imp came into view. After the very brief display, and feeling his pulsing youki, all of his servants and subjects began avoiding him immediately.

His anger dwindled slightly when he realized that Kagome, too, was avoiding him. She didn't show up from her usual morning lessons, bath time had been just him and the children along with breakfast. Around mid-morning, she once again didn't show up to help him with his paperwork and when he left to find her, her scent seemed to simply vanish.

He knew she hadn't left the palace, the guards would have alerted him the moment they were requested to open the gates, yet it did nothing to stave off the rising panic. His search ended momentarily for lunch and picked up afterwards when he found Tora sitting patiently in the hallway.

"Where is she," he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"In the dojo, my lord."

His eyes narrowed on her, before he turned and made his way to said place. Tora had not lied to him, she was there sparring with one of the members of his guard. At his entrance his guard immediately backed away from her and bowed to him. Kagome's back tensed but she remained perfectly still.

"You are dismissed."

The guard bowed a second time before quickly fleeing the room through the open door. Silence settled around them like snowflakes on a cold winter morning. He gently shut the door before moving forward towards his female.

"Why are you avoiding me," he demanded, his panic gone, once again replaced with anger.

"Please," she whimpered, "I just need some time."

"Time. Why?"

She sucked in a shuttering breath when she felt him come up behind her. His chest pressed softly against her back, his hands gently curving themselves over her hips.

"Because, I love you," she told him softly, "and knowing… what I know… it's hard and it hurts. I want you to be happy. But, I just need some time to get used to it."

"Why does it hurt," he asked her, his anger replaced with confusion.

"I know I said that if you wanted to bring a different female into your bed you could, it doesn't mean that I actually wanted you to," she admitted, "I had hoped… I thought that it would be… but it doesn't matter," she bit her lips as her tears started again stinging her already abused eyes, "I just want you happy. So, I need time to be okay with this so I can maybe be happy too."

He gently applied pressure with his hands and turned her to face him. Her bright blue eyes were puffy and red, her cheeks were blotchy and covered in old and new tear stains. Her sadness was so thick in her scent it was almost suffocating.

"You thought that it would be," he prompted, curious how that sentence was meant to end.

"It doesn't…"

He cut her off, "answer me," his voice was low, almost pleading.

"Me," she whispered so quietly he wasn't sure he had heard her correctly until her face flushed bright red and her scent filled with embarrassment.

She wanted him to take her to his bed? His heart beat faster, his body warming in a way he had never felt before. She wanted to give herself to him, fully. She was willing to truly submit to her role as Alpha Bitch. His breathing hitched as he realized he had been holding himself back for nothing, she was his, completely and utterly.

In his joy he pressed his lips hard against hers, noticing quite quickly that she wasn't participating as she usually did. He pulled back, his eyes boring directly into her confused ones.

"I did not bed that demoness."


"I was telling her to leave, she wanted me," he told her seriously.

"Then why didn't you come to bed?"

"You told Rin that I would not. I believed that you didn't want me to."

"Oh," she breathed, shocked.

"I told you, I've made my choice Kagome."

"I just…"

"It's you," he told her, before catching her lips in a searing kiss.

She seemed to melt against him. Her hands gently rubbing his shoulders, her fingers tickling the back of his neck. He pulled her hard against him as his tongue snaked out to encourage her to deepen their kiss. She moaned softly, opening her mouth eagerly for him.

Her arousal spiked higher and higher as his erection hardened against her stomach. An urge that she had felt before, but always denied due to being in a public place, overcame her.

She pulled apart from him slightly, her voice soft and breathless, "Sesshomaru."

"Hn," he hummed throatily, wanting desperately to reclaim her lips.

"Will you," she trailed off at the feel of his hot tongue against her neck, her whole body shuddered in delight.

"What do you wish of me," he stopped for a moment, wanting her to complete her thought.

"Pick me up," she finished her trailed off sentence with a bright blush on her cheeks.

He gave her a curious and yet confused look. She wrapped her arms more securely around his neck and lifted one of her legs up. His hand easily wrapped under her thigh, and only when her weight suddenly bared down on him and her other leg started it's assent did he understand.

Eagerly, he grabbed her other thigh and easily lifted her up. Neither of them could stop their moans as her legs wrapped around his waist and his erection pressed itself against the heat of her womanhood. Lost in the feeling, he once more claimed her lips as he rocked his hips, rubbing himself pleasantly against her.

She moaned loudly, the sound escaping their mouths to echo in the large dojo. His knees nearly buckled, between the smell of her arousal, the heat of her against the part of him that needed it most and the sound of utter approval in her vocal expressions.

All of his worried nagging about not taking her unless he knew for sure if he loved her, flew from his mind. He pulled his lips from her's and quickly began carrying her out of the dojo. She let out a soft squeak of surprise when they exited the building.

"Sesshomaru, where are we going," she asked, suddenly nervous with their position now they were in direct viewing of his subjects.

He whispered into her ear, using his grips on her thighs to pull her tighter against him to remind her of his erection, "my room."

Her hands splayed across his back pulled him tighter against her as a shiver danced down her spine and another soft moan spilled from her lips. He groaned, gritting his teeth at the desperation he was feeling. He had to have her. He needed her now, not later. Any and all consequences be damned.