
This scene was all too familiar. The leaves turning over in the breeze from the coming storm. The chill that ran through her even though the heat of summer clung to her skin. How could she be back here again? How could this be happening again? It was an illusion, a trick of the mind; she was trapped in a genjutsu. Yes, that must be it.

And yet even in the fading light, she could see everything so clearly. The young girl lying in the dirt of the forest floor. Her hair covered her face as she blankly stared to the sky above. Pale, cracked lips parted slightly with shallow, ragged breathe escaped her throat.

Sada lowered her eyes before finally looking away. It was too much to take. She knew who it was even with the girls face obscured. It was her. Even though it had been over eight years, Sada remembered. Tears stinging her eyes, she hesitantly took a step forward.

It was starting again. She could feel it. The heat, faint at first, slowly was crawling from the base of her neck, spreading throughout her body. Fingertips tingled, muscles ached and tensed and toes curled. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her fist until her knuckles were white, taking in a deep breath. She knew calling out for help would be useless; no one could save her. Not from this. She knew she had to control it, no matter how much it hurt, no matter the cost.

She felt weak, feeble of mind and frail of body. The thought of causing pain to those she called comrades, to those she held close to her heart. It made her sick. And all because she couldn't control the strain of the mark.

"Did you think you could run from me?" A voice slithered out from the darkening forest. It held fast, constricting and compressing until for sure she thought she'd be crushed from the phantom voice. Sada held herself, unable to budge."Do you think you are safe from me?"

Her eyes widened. She grasped her neck. The pain came instantaneously.

It shot straight down her spine, air left her lungs and her legs buckled, sending her to her knees. She dug her fingers into the dirt, arching her back as a scream broke from her lips. Sweat ran down her face, mixing with tears and dripped from her chin. Sada hunched over, collapsing onto her side. Body quivering and short of breath, she squeezed her eyes shut.

And then she felt him there. He was formless, shapeless. Just a name for a moment. Forever watching and callously laughing, echoing through her mind. She knew she had to get away, get far away from there; she wouldn't be able to fight him not like this. She wasn't strong enough.

Even with her eyes closed she saw him emerge from the shadows. His ashen skin illuminated in the dying light, black hair swaying in the dry wind. He came towards her with a menacing smirk, tearing away at his molten flesh, revealing those piercing yellow eyes.

Her cerulean gaze met his and terror swept over her. She had to get away. She couldn't let him near her. Sada struggled to get to her feet but couldn't find the strength. He was coming for her, walking steadily, his pace even – straight towards her. His lips were motionless but she could hear him say her name over and over and over… He just had that same sneer on his face.

She just wanted him to stop! Just stop – no more, she couldn't take it. She closed her eyes once more as another cry scratched her throat and…and…


"Sada! Look at me." He urgently called out. "Sada, please wake up!" Takashi grasped her shoulders and shook her, trying to wake her trashing form.

Moonlight flooded the room and it bathed both of them in a silver glow, bringing her back to reality. Everything came into focus again. Her eyes instantly shot open, seeing him hover over top of her and staring at her with a troubled look. She was there in bed – their bed with the covers threw about and pillows tossed aside. Her heartbeat slowed and she quickly met Takashi's gaze, tears stinging and threatening to come even if she wanted them to or not.

Takashi placed his hands on either side of her face and rested his forehead to hers; strands of his dark hair fell on her cheek. "You had a nightmare again," he told her softly. He felt her body tremble under his touch. He studied her face, his fingers lightly brushing across her cheek, caressing and comforting her.

All Sada could do was nod. She felt if she spoke, her voice would betray her. She felt if she spoke, Takashi would find out just how frightened she was and that last thing she wanted right now was to worry him even more. She grasped both of his wrists and closed her eyes, letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. She didn't have to see Takashi's face to know he was staring at her, waiting for her to tell him everything but she wouldn't. She didn't want to put that burden on him.

"It's okay," he told her finally, kissing her quietly. "I'm here, Sada."

Here is the updated preface. I changed a bit on it. But if anyone is confused about why I'm updating and redoing some of this, its because of the errors. I know I can't fix everything, some things are just bound to be over looked but the story line is staying the same. Just adding things here and there. So don't worry too much. Haha. I wanted to change the dream sequence, I thought it could have been better. Hopefully it is!