OOOOh my Gandhi it's been a while, sorry about that. If your still reading this story thanks for sticking with it! Sorry for any of the mistakes you see I'll try to fix them later.

Disclaimer: Nope.

It had been about a week and a half before we settle on a day for everyone to come "study" together. When in reality I was just trying to set up Mori with Reiko. It felt forced, but hey, I wasn't Cupid. Mitsukuni wanted it to happen, so I was going to assist him the best I could. When I really thought about it, I had never actually seen Mori with a girl before. Come to think of it, had he ever had a girlfriend? Was there ever a time when he wasn't with Mitsukuni? Of course, now I could say they did spend time apart, but what did he do when he was by himself? Was he lonely?

I furrowed my brow as I began to think more about him to myself. Never in all my time of knowing Mori had I ever thought about him so much. Perhaps this is why Mitsukuni wanted to set Mori up with Reiko so badly. Maybe he felt guilty for leaving his cousin all the time.

Great now I was feeling bad too.

"You seem to be thinking pretty hard there, Kris." I looked up at Haruhi from my place on her bedroom floor. My feet were propped up against the wall as my back was flat on the floor. "What's on your mind?"

I sighed. "Mori."

She slowly raised her brow at my answer. "Mori...?"

"Yep." I said.

" there something you should tell me...or Honey sempai?" She asked slowly.

I blinked, realizing how that actually sounded. "No, no, not like that. I was just thinking about how we're going to set up him and Reiko."

"Oh, well we're having that study group today, right?" I nodded. "Don't worry about it too much if it's meant to be then it will work out."

I raised my brow with a small smirk. "Well look at you Ms. life guidance giver. They should call you Haruhi: life guidance giver."

"That sounds stupid." She said with a dry tone. Though she was smiling slightly.

I shrugged as I sat up with my back against the wall. "I don't know, I'm a little out of it today...speaking of people that are out of is Tamaki's quest for your hand in marriage?"

"He's not trying to marry me!" Haruhi yelled before realizing how loud she was. She blushed slightly. "We haven't talked about it. I don't want to bring it up to him right now, okay?"

"That's fine, I guess." I said, brushing my hair out of my face with a frown. I was starting to get irritated with it.

"And Kris, that wasn't subtle at all." She said.

"I'm not that great at being smooth. I just wanted to know if you and Tamaki were 'okay'." I said finger quoting okay.

She shrugged. "We're fine..."

"Well if you need to talk about anything I'm here." I said with a smile. I turned to move, but my hair was caught behind my back. "You know what, I've been thinking about it, but now is the time. I'm going to cut my hair off."

Haruhi blinked at me. "Really?"

"Yes! I don't know how I dealt with it for this long? Why have I been torturing myself?" I mumbled.

"For Honey sempai?" Haruhi offered. "Are you sure you want to do that? I'm kind of use to you having long hair now."

I pulled the demons attached to my head forward and glared at it. "I'm sure. I know Mitsukuni likes it, but I think I need a change." I stood to my feet and stretched my legs. I yawned and raised myself to the top of my toes. "Ak!" I said as I hit my head on the light hanging from the ceiling. "Man, Haruhi I forgot how small your house was."

"Your tall, Kris, don't blame it on the house." Haruhi said casually.

"I'm in a weird mood today, so I'll blame everything on you." I countered, playfully.

"Your not being a very good guest." She said. "I could kick you out right now."

"Ah ah ah." I said waggling my finger at her. "Do that and I'll tell your dad Tamaki is going to elope with you."

"You wouldn't do that." Haruhi said with narrowed eyes, making me smirk. "It doesn't matter. It's not true, anyway."

"Or is it?" I said with a childish smile. We stared at each other for a moment before I broke for the door. "Ranka! Haruhi is ouff-" Said girl threw a pillow at my feet and I tripped to the floor bringing her along with me.

"Ah!" She yelped.

I winced as I closed my eyes with the impact. "Ow...sorry, Haruhi." I opened my eyes to see that Haruhi had fallen on top of me. It was actually a pretty funny sight.

"What is going on in here..." We both turned to Ranka who stood in front of the door with a blank expression.

"'s not what it looks like." Haruhi trailed off.

"I see..." Ranka said with a hand on his chin. He looked at me and then back to his daughter. "Haruhi, I know you love Kris, but she's in a committed relationship."

Haruhi's looked between me and her father. "Dad I just fell..."

"No, no, Haruhi. Your dad is right, your my best friend, but that's all we can be, I'm sorry." I said with a nod.

Said girl looked down at me and frowned. "Your really not helping right now."

"I know I can't string you along anymore, I just-" A pillow was shoved in my face.

"I'm making breakfast soon dad, so stop saying weird things." She said, as I flailed underneath her. When did Haruhi get so strong?

When Ranka left, she pulled the pillow from my face and I gasped for air. "Geez, Haruhi. I know your taking this hard, but you don't have to kill me over it."

"Aw, shut up Kris." Haruhi said. "Now my dad is going to think strange things."

"He does that already." I stated honestly.

"And he's going to bring them up to Kyoya." She added.

I paused for a moment. "I doubt that actually matters. You know that they gossip like teenage girls with a secret. This means nothing." Haruhi stood up. "Your not going to help me?"

"You know how to work your legs." She said with a flat tone.

"Oh, don't be like that. Your the one who tripped me." I reasoned. She ignored me and walked out of the room. I sighed and pulled myself to my feet and brushed my hair from my face. I decided that I really was going to cut my hair. Well, not me, my aunt more specifically. I don't know how to do my own hair.

I walked out into the front of the house as I watched Haruhi go over to the kitchen. "Do you want any help."

"No thanks." She said, rummaging through her fridge.

I shrugged. "If your sure, I was actually going to head back to my place." She glanced up at me.

"You don't want to stay for breakfast?" She asked with a raised brow.

"No, I'm not really hungry and I've decided that I need my hair cut like pronto." I stated.

"Alright, well I guess I'll just set up for two then." She said with a hand on her chin.

"I'll see you later then. We're all meeting at the public library at two." I reminded her.

"Yeah okay." Haruhi said sounding more distracted now. I took it as a sign that I should probably head on out. As I walked back through, Ranka walked in front of me.

"Oh, are you leaving?" He asked. I nodded. "Did Haruhi's forwardness drive you away?"

"I heard that." She said.

I laughed a bit. "Yeah, we just had a big fight. Turns out she only wants me for my body." I said dramatically. "I don't know if I can ever look at her the same way again." I dodged a plastic spoon that was thrown in my direction. "You see, she so angry about it!" I tried my hardest to keep the act up, but I was starting to snort.

"Go home, Kris." Haruhi said with a deadpan expression.

"Don't worry Haruhi, I'll always love you, but I can't return the same feeling you have for me." I dodged a another spoon and grabbed my shoes as I jogged out of the door. I stood out side and let out a laugh that I'm sure Haruhi could hear, but now she couldn't throw any objects at me.

I let out a sigh and walked bare foot back to my aunts apartment. Unlocking the door, I stepped back into my house and looked around. I surprised to see that aunt Mina was actually alive at this time in the morning. She was sitting on the couch watching T.V. "Hey Auntie." I said.

She turned to me with her usual dull expression and nodded "Hey."

"I'm surprised to see you up so early." I said, sitting down next to her.

She shrugged. "I felt like getting up."

I nodded my head. "Right...well I need a favor."

Auntie turned to me with a suspicious expression. "What is it?"

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's noting bad, I was just wondering if you could cut my hair?" I asked.

She raised her left eyebrow. "Why?"

"It's getting on my nerves and I've decided that I want a change." She stared at me for a moment and it was starting to get a bit uncomfortable.

"Okay." She stated easily.

"Thank you so much Auntie." I said with a grateful smile.


"But?" I repeated.

"I've noticed something last week that you'll need to explain." She said.

I paled a bit. "Explain?" My already raspy voice cracked.

"Yes, explain."

*One awkward conversation and a hair cut later*

I was blushing furiously as I sat in a hair. Aunt Mina was doing some finishing touches on my ends. It turns out that she had spotted some blotches on my color bone and suspected something was up. I ended up confessing everything, it was the most embarrassing moment of my life (so far).

"I see." Is all she said.

"You don't...have anything else you want to say?" I asked, unsure of what the mood of the situation was. She was quiet for a moment. It felt like hours, despite it only being a few seconds.

"Kris, I'm your aunt, not your mom." She said, brush my waves down. "I wasn't there for the most of your life, but over the past year...I've watched you grow. So I'm not going to criticize you for you've done."

"Really?" I said.

She nodded. "Yes, I think your growing up, so your going to do grown up things." She stated simply. I blushed at the way she said it.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"But I just want you to know, I don't want to catch you doing anything." She said with a serious expression. "This is still my house and I don't want to be scared for life."

My mouth gaped open as my face went completely red. "I-I.."

"Are we clear?" She asked, tilting her head. I gave a flustered nod. "Good, I'm done." She gave one last snip of her scissors and turned me around. I examined myself in he bathroom mirror. My hair was now just below my ears and my bangs were right above my eyes. I smiled in approval.

"Thank you so much, Auntie. I owe you one." I said. She shrugged.

"Just don't let me catch you having sex-"

"Okay okay." I mumbled with a blush and a grimace. This was one moment that I wanted to lock away in the farthest part of my brain and never bring up to anyone, ever. I glanced to the clock. It was almost 1 o'clock. I was suppose to get to the public library at about 1:30, so I'd better start getting ready now. No one could decide on where we actually wanted to meet up so I suggested the library. After all, that's where people studied to begin with.

I sighed and stood up out of the chair to stretch, leaving the bathroom and headed back into my own. I glanced over to Bubbles. "Hey Bubbles." My adorable spider stared up at me. "Did you have a good night? I slept alright. Today is a pretty big day. I have to set up one of my friends with my sister's host."


"Yeah, I know. I'm not sure how this is going to work out either, but Mitsukuni said he wanted this. So I guess that means I have to help him."

Bubbles moved to the other side of the tank.

"Thanks Bubbles, you always know what to say. Good talk." I said, turning to my closet and talking out a blue t-shirt and shorts. It was fairly hot today so I didn't want to over cloth myself. When I put my clothes on I picked up my phone, wallet, and summer assignments before stepping out of my door. "Wish me luck." I said to my spider before walking out of my room. I walked past aunt Mina.

"I'll clean up when I get home." I announced. "See you later."

"Bye." She said shortly, before walking into the kitchen.

I slipped on my sandals, grabbed the house keys and closed the door behind me. I stepped over to Haruhi's door and as if on cue she came out a moment later. She had on a cute purple dress, with a plain white t-shirt on underneath.

"Aw, did you get dressed up for me?" I teased. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, shut up. Because of you, my dad has been making comments all morning." She mumbled with a frown.

I snorted. "Like what?"

"It will be okay, Haruhi. You'll get over her." I laughed out loud this time. "Quit it. I think your weirdness, has finally gotten to him."

"My weirdness?" I repeated with a raised brow. "I am not a fault in the slightest. Everyone else is infecting me. I just might have passed it on to him."

"...your right, dad was weird to begin with. If anything, I think Tamaki has infected you the most." She stated.

I smirked. "Have Tamaki on the brain, do you?"

She frowned. "And the twins."

"Which ones? My sisters or the Hitachiins?"


"Well you can't really blame me. There all infectious people. "

"No, I'm having an off day, so I think I'll blame everything on you." She said repeating what I said earlier.

My lips quirked up. "Oh, Haruhi! How could you? I though we had a good thing going here or were you only in it for our physical interaction."

She shook her head. "Let's just get this pretend study time over with."

"Oh you know you want to go, if not to study, but for someone-I mean something else." I said trotting beside her with my arms behind my back. She narrowed her eyes at me and I whistled innocently.


"Yes, Haruhi?"

"Your getting on my nerves today. I just want you to know that."

"I'm sorry."

"No your not."

"...yeah, your right."

*At the library*

Luckily for us, the library was only a few blocks away. I'm glad we decided to pick a local one or we would have been walking for a long time. When we got there the Hitachiin twins were waiting on the steps. We walked up to them and when they saw me they stared in shock.

"You cut your hair?" They said.

"Yep." I said simply.

"But it was so long." Hikaru said.

"Why cut it all off?" Kaoru asked.

I shrugged. "To be honest, I don't really know what to do with long hair... and I need a change."

"A change?" Kaoru repeated. I nodded.

"Does Honey sempai know?" Hikaru asked.

"No, I actually just go it done about two hours ago. So it will be a surprise to everyone." I said.

"Yeah, it is." They said. I raised my brow.

"Oh come on guys, it's just hair." Haruhi said. "It's not like it won't grow back."

"Does it look bad or something?" I asked, starting to feel self-conscious. Kaoru seem to notice this and he shook his head.

"No, it reminds me of when we first met." He stated. His brother agreed.

"Yeah, when you were all shy and stuttered a lot." Hikaru said with a smirk.

"Oh and the blushing, but you still do that pretty often." Kaoru added. I frowned at them and opened my mouth to retort, but was interrupted by someone coming up behind me.

"Hello everyone!" We turned to see Tamaki and Kyoya walking up together. I glanced to Haruhi, who fidgeted a bit. Perhaps she was nervous or embarrassed to be around the blond after being confessed to. Well she needed to get over that, I wanted them to get together already. Tamaki glanced at her and apparently he felt the same so he turned his attention towards me. I blinked when he was suddenly to inches from my face.

I moved to back up, but he held my shoulders in place. "Tamaki...what are you doin'..."

"You cut it." I assumed he meant my hair.

"Yesss..." He paused for a moment before smiling so bright, it was uncomfortable to look at.

"It's so nostalgic. It's like when we first met." He said.

"You mean when you slammed her against the wall and threatened her life?" The twins asked.

Tamaki sputtered. "W-What no - I mean...NO! The happy times, when I took her in as my sister!"

I furrowed my brow. "Oh, did threaten me..."

"You should be ashamed in yourself boss." Kaoru said.

"Violence against a female." Hikaru said with a shake in his head with mocking disappointment.

"Weren't you two apart of that?" Haruhi asked. They made no comment.

"Well it was a mistake! I didn't mean to, you believe me right?!" Tamaki said with puppy dog eyes.

"'s been over a year and I'm pretty sure you said sorry." I reasoned. He still didn't look convinced. I internally rolled my eyes. "Besides, you've done millions of nice things for me that could out do a saint. Like you said, I'm your sister, so that automatically means I have to forgive you."

Then came the over dramatic tears. "Kriisssss!" He said hugging me to him. I rolled my eyes, patting his back.

"There, there."

"Wow what is happening here?" Ana said as she got out of a car that just pulled up. It looked like it belong to Rin, which I'm sure it did. Stephanie, Reiko and Rin all got out of the limo zine. "Why is the drama queen crying?"

"We were reminiscing on old memories." Hikaru said.

"Like?" Rin asked walking up next to him.

"Oh you know, domestic violence and abuse." Kaoru said casually.

"Is that not the same thing?" Stephanie asked.

"Naw, naw, naw, domestic violence is abuse in the home. Where as abuse it's self can happen anywhere." Ana explained.

"Your pretty well informed." Rin said.

"But abuse could be a wide range, of different things." Reiko added. Ana raised her brow.

"What like substance abuse?"

"Why are we even making this a conversational topic?" Kyoya asked.

"That's what I was wondering." Haruhi mumbled.

"Well there's a lot of us here right now. Who are we missing, little blondie and the big guy?" Ana asked.

"Yeah, Mituskuni and Mori." I said, pushing Tamaki off me. Not even ten seconds later another limo rides up with Mori and Mitsukuni getting out of it.

"Sorry were late you guys! We got lost." The blonde said with a giggle.

"It's fine we all just got here ourselves." I answered. Mitsukuni turned to me and his smile changed into an expression I couldn't understand. I started to feel nervous when he didn't say anything at all. Maybe it really did look bad. It was awkwardly quiet until Rin spoke.

"Oh Kris, you hair is gone." She said. I nodded. "When did you cut it?"

"Today?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.

"That's how you cut it in tenth grade." Stephanie added.

"Oh yeah! Remember all those freshmen girls who had a crush on you?" Ana asked.

"They did?" I asked with a raised brow.

"But we had to bust there bubble and tell them you were a girl." She continued. "They thought you were one of those cute silent Mori over here. Is that right Reiko?" My mouth fell open. She did not just do that? I know I told her about our plan, but that was the most unsubtle thing she's ever done.

The said girl stood there quiet for a moment. "Um...yes..." Her whole face turned red. They both stood there looking awkward and stiff.

"Well then..." Kaoru said.

"Let's go inside." Hikaru finished

We all walked inside and I looked around for where we all could sit. There was so many of us so I didn't know where we could go as a group.

"This is a public library?" The twins asked.

"It's different than I thought it would be." Mituskuni commented.

"Hm." Mori agreed.

"Yes, I thought the same, Kyoya, Kris and I came here for our first project last year. Didn't we?" Tamaki said with a smile.

"Yeah, we did." I smiled back. "It was so awkward, I barely talked the entire time."

"Well, I'm assuming that we will need to be seated somewhere that has enough space for us." Kyoya said.

I nodded. "Yeah...but I'm not exactly sure where, I've only been here a few times."

"There's a multi-purpose room in the back, but we need a key." Haruhi said.

"The front desk is over...Kagura?" I asked with a raised brow. We all turned to the tall boy with a dimpled smile on his face. He walked up to me with hands in his pockets.

"Kris my man, what are you doing here, with such a big crowd." He said looking us all over.

"I'd like to ask you the same question. I didn't know you came to public libraries." I said.

"Oh, well I've been volunteering." He continued. "There's youth programs and I'm siding with an experienced teacher."

"You like kids?" I asked.

He nodded with a wider smile. "Yeah, I got an offer a little after the summer started. I thought it would be more real with kids from families I didn't know."

"Wow, you know what you want to do already..." I said more to myself. Apparently he saw my disposition and put a comforting hand on my head.

"Aw, don't sweat it. You've got time to figure it out." He said, rubbing my hair before he blinked. "You cut your hair...and your friend is wearing a dress."

"No she's I- mean he's not!" Tamaki panicked, standing in front of her.

Haruhi sighed. "It's fine, you can't hide what he can clearly see. I'm a girl." She stated.

Kagura nodded slowly. "That makes sense, for the longest time I just thought you were a really cute guy." He said bluntly. Everyone stared at him.

"So...your Bi?" Hikaru asked.

He shrugged glancing to me. "Well, the first time I saw Kris' face I thought 'man, that guy is hot'." That...wasn't really an answer. "Now don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but the host club guys are pretty hot."

"Wow, honesty has never looked so good." Ana said. "The Yaoi fan in me is pretty happy right now."

"We shouldn't say things like that out loud." Stephanie muttered.

"But I won't step over any boundaries though." Kagura said. "Right Mazaki?"

Rin nodded. "Uh...yeah."

"Um, I'm actually a girl too..." I said meekly.

"Oh...that would make more since." He mumbled. We all stood there quietly looking at each other.

"If you would be so kind, can you direct us to the multi-purpose room." Kyoya said calmly.

"Yeah, I just came from there's still unlocked." Kagura scratched his head and we followed behind him. Everyone walked inside and I waited outside the door.

"Kagura?" I called. He leaned in since I was whispering. "Please don't tell anyone I'm a girl - oh Haruhi's kind of a secret."

He looked me over for a moment. "I won't. Now I wish I would have known. I wouldn't have walked by you with my towel barely on my body."

"It's okay." I said. "Do you still think I should be captain now that you know. I mean, we have an all male team and then there's me..."

"Kris, your gender means nothing in this sense...either way I still believe you deserve to be captain." He said seriously.

My chest swelled with happiness. "Thank you."

He grinned. "Your welcome. Oh, and tell your boyfriend I didn't mean any harm with my comments."

I rubbed my arms uncomfortably. "Right..." He patted my shoulder.

"See ya later." He said walking down the next isle of books. My shoulders slumped a bit before I walked into the room. I decided to slip in beside Mitsukuni.

"So what's the plan?" I whispered. "Do we get them to talk or what?...Mitsukuni?" I turned to see him looking at me with a tilt in his head. " it my hair, you don't like it do you?"

He shook his head. "It's not that. It's the opposite actually."

"Really? Then why were you looking at me like that outside." I whispered so the others could hear.

"Well, I knew you would get embarrassed if I said what I was thinking out loud." He stated bluntly. "Plus I didn't really want anyone else to hear either."

"So...what is it?"

"You like you did when we first met." He said with a flowery smile.

"Everyone has been saying that." I said, though I smiled as well.

He leaned closer. "It made me want to jump you."

No one has been saying that.

I almost fell out of my chair as he started to giggle. "What's wrong, Kristy?" Stephanie asked and I noticed that she was placed next to Kyoya.

"N-Nothing," She didn't seem to believe that. "So! Um...I don't think everyone here has been properly acquainted."

"What are you talking about? Of course everyone has-" Rin elbowed Ana in her side. "Ohhh."

I drew a palm to my face. "Mori did you know that Reiko here is studying to be a mortician."

"Hm, really." He said, giving me a faceless expression, but I knew what it meant. He was on to me.

"Yep, and Mori is going to college to be a history major."

"That sounds fascinating." She said, leaning forward. "Do you-"

"Kris, can I see you in the hall." Mori said. They all looked at him in surprise and I paled.

"Uh...I have a few things I need help with"

"Your good at science." He retorted.

Dang it.

"Well, history..."

"I'll help you with it."

"No, no you-" He didn't give me time to answer as he took the back of my shirt and dragged me out. Once the door was closed, I looked up at Mori uncomfortably. "You need to speak to me?"

"I know what your doing."

"...what am I doing exactly?"


"Mori." He stared at me until I wasn't sure if I still wanted to be standing here.

"Okay, okay. Look it wasn't my idea alright. Mitsukuni wanted you to talk to Reiko and see where it went from there." I confessed.

"I don't need a girlfriend." He stated.

"Mori...I'm not saying you do. Your cousin just assumes that your lonely." I reasoned. "I'm not saying go out with her, because believe it or not she really likes you. I can't blame her for that, your a great maybe just talk to her, please?" I tilted my head with my lip out in a begging manor.

"...okay." He said. I grinned at him and hugged his side.

"Thank you!...I also really do need help with my history." I said honestly.

We walked back in and I pleased to see Mori actually listening to Reiko even if he wasn't interested in her. I sat down beside Mitsukuni with a smile.

"So, what happen?" He whispered.

I sighed. "I had to tell him, but the good news is he's gonna talk to her."

"Aw, so he doesn't like her?" He asked with a disappointed expression.

"Mitsukuni, he's not going to like her right away. I don't think that's how it works." I muttered back, taking out my science book,

"I liked you right away." He said with a pout.

I blinked. "You did?"

He nodded his head. "You had a cute stutter and blushed all the time. I thought it was adorable."

My cheeks reddened a bit. "Oh..."

"So when did you start to like me?" He asked leaning forward to see my face.

"I don't think this is the place for this..." I whispered.

"Can you tell me, pretty please?" He asked.

"...well I think it was about...two or three weeks after I school started school here." I said honestly.

"Oh..." He sounded disappointed again.

"Well, I always thought you were cute, but didn't really know I liked you until then." I continued.

"Oh." He said more cheerfully with a smile this time. I turned to pick up a piece of paper when he suddenly kiss my cheek. He smiled at me and I looked to see Haruhi looking at me with a knowing smile.

"I saw that." She said. I glared at her when it brought everyone's attention to us.

"Saw what?" Tamaki asked. Oh she was doing this on purpose to get back at me for teasing her earlier. Well it wasn't going to work.

"Haruhi I know your still committed to me, but we can only be friends I'm sorry."

"What!" Tamaki yelled.

"Be quiet you moron this is a library." Kyoya scolded.

"Kris is only joking." Haruhi said.

"No, it's true and the tragic part is she attacked me earlier today." I said trying to bite down the laugh that was gurgling up.

"It was an accident. I fell." She said.

"You can't hide the truth, Haruhi."

"Someone should help her through these hard times of grief." Stephanie said with a nod and I was surprise that she was actually playing along. She smirked.

"Oh, Tamaki your good at comforting sweet girls." Ana added leaning back in her seat. "Isn't that right?" She asked Kaoru

"Oh yeah, boss can do that." He agreed and they grinned at each other.

"Why do you all keep doing this?" Tamaki asked with a red face.

"Doing what?" I asked innocently.

"Mama." He pleaded to Kyoya. I raised my brow at him.

He lifted his glasses. "I have no part in this." I didn't really expect him to join in the fun, but I still smirked.

He wasn't doing anything to stop it either.


To be honest, no actual studying was done in the time that we were there. Most of it was spent teasing Tamaki and Haruhi. I picked up my books and stuffed them into my book bag. As I walked over to the door the smaller brunette grabbed my arm.

"I will get you for this. I just want you to know that." She said simply. The calm expression on her face kind of scared me.


"It's too late for that." She said walking past me. I gulped and walked out of the room glancing over to Mori and Reiko who were actually talking to each other. I smiled. This was the only reason we set this up today so I'm glad at least one thing was being accomplished.

"So do you want me to take you home?" I turned to Mitsukuni.

"No, it's right around the corner so I'll be fine." I said, looking at the dimly lit sky. It would be dark soon. "Plus, I think it would be awkward."

"Why is that?" He asked, tilting his head.

"My aunt made me tell her everything and we had the talk." I explained.


"Yeah, so I'll call you later." I said, waving over to him. When I saw Haruhi already walking home I jogged up beside her.

"Go away." She said, her tone was dry.

"Oh come on we were only playing." I reasoned. "Besides I live next to, so I can only stay at a limited distance."

"You want to bet?"

"No, not really." I said. "Besides, everyone was just teasing."

"You were bullying." She said with a frown.

"People don't bully there friends." She glared at me. "Fine...I'll be quiet."

We walked in silence until we got home and I stopped a few feet in front of our apartment complex. Haruhi raised her brow at me. "What's wrong?"

"...why is Nekozawa with my aunt?"

Review please.