A/N: I knew there was always going to be a tiny little teaser at the end of this. Hope you like it!


Sam tried not to look directly at Jack. He was giving her a look which could only described as smouldering. She shuffled her papers and looked over at Daniel as he began to speak, making a mental note to bring it up with Jack later.

'So, what was that look about?'

'What look?' he ground out between massive bites of pizza.

'The look at the conference table this afternoon.'

He smirked to himself and took his time chewing, making her wait. Once he'd swallowed his food he reached for his beer.

'Jack.' she sighed exasperated.

He took a long swig, his eyes meeting hers.


'Tell me what that look was about right now.'

'Alright, alright.' he said laughing. 'We have a pretty good sex life, don't we?'

'Well, yeah.'

'And I was trapped on the base in that damned loop for who knows how long.'

'So, you were smirking about the fact we'd had sex on the base?'

'Not just on the base.' he said with a grin and took another bite of his pizza.

'Jack!' she exclaimed, wanting to know the whole story.

He chuckled, quickly swallowing the cheesy dough mixture before speaking. 'During the loops, Daniel had this great idea. Every time the loop reset it was as if nothing happened.'

'Oh God. What the hell did you do?!.' she growled in a warning tone.

'Hey!' he said holding his hands up. 'Sure they were my ideas, but you went through with it too! Mostly.'

She eyed him warily. 'What do you mean 'mostly'?'

'Well... the conference room table was your idea, but only after you shot down my idea to have sex on Hammond's desk.'

Sam stared at him in complete shock. 'You've got to be kidding.'

'Nope.' he said taking another swig of his beer. He picked up another slice, preparing to take a bite before adding, 'We also did it on 12 alien planets. God, I was happy when we reset after 628. There was sand everywhere.'