So this is it the final chapter. Thanks so much for all the support you guys have given me throughout all of this. I have enjoy a lot writing this fanfic, my first one. It has meant so much to me all the positive reviews I've gotten so far and it made me realize that I really love writing. Maybe later on I will be writing a One shot of Regina and Robin's future after this fic. But also this one has to do a bit with the other one I am writing A reminder from the future but from the point of view of Regina's and Robin's daughter Raven. Thank you so much once more for everything. I hope that this finale is enjoyable and goes with your expectations. I had no beta through the whole series so beware of that fact. I love you all so so much for everything.

First encounters, Second Chances.

"Second chance is always powerful to absorb the pressure of the present."

Final Chapter

"A pure arrow?" The question came from Emma. "Wouldn't be light magic be enough?" Regina rolled her eyes at the savior before answering her question.

"Miss Swan. We will need more than light magic to defeat Rasputin. Although light magic is the strongest of all it wouldn't be enough to go against the source of all evil." Emma quirked a brow still not understanding. Regina sighed heavily clearly frustrated.

"But why an arrow?" Emma took sat on a chair waiting for Regina's explanation. Regina looked at Robin with loving eyes.

"Because is the weapon of choice for Robin." Regina winked at Robin. "Since I am the one who is going to create the arrow the person I trust the most in this world is the only one capable on using it. Something about true love and soulmate thing." Regina smiled. "There must exist a bond of trust for a person to use something that is pure light magic."

Robin was taken aback in a good sense by Regina's words. He knew well she trusted him but what surprised him is the way she freely admit it to everyone in the room. An overpowering sense of love took over him he didn't believe he could love her even more but he does.

"I am grateful for the trust milady. I won't let you down." Robin said with a smile on his face.

"I know." Regina said.

"Okay I think is time we get ready for the last battle." Charming said. Everyone hummed in agreement and began to move around making battle strategies around Robin and Regina.

"Your Majesty I will need you to accompany me so we can start creating the arrow." Gold said standing up. "I'll be waiting in the back of the shop." With that he move letting Robin and Regina alone.

"So you surprised me once more." Regina tilt her head.

"What do you mean?" she asked. Robin caress her cheek with his thumb and she lean to the touch.

"I mean you opening up to everyone to express your full trust in me. I have to say that made me love you even more and I didn't think that was even possible." Regina raises her hand to mirror Robin's actions.

"You have inspired in me to be a bit more open with my emotions at least the ones concerning you. I did mean it though, I trust you with my life Robin just like I trusted you with my heart." Robin hugged Regina tight.

"I trust you with everything I have Regina." Regina breaths in Robin's scent that calms her completely.

"I adore you." She steps back. "I should go Gold is waiting for me." She walks away.

"Wait." Robin grabs her by the wrist and kisses her. "Good luck." She smiles and kisses Robin once more before disappearing to the back of the shop.

"You should call the thief as well. Forgot the little detail that we will need the blood of the both of you." Gold said. Regina sat down beside him.

"I know but first I have to ask you something." Regina began to fidget with her fingers. Gold looked at her waiting for her question. "Do you think that this will hurt…" Regina took a deep breath before continuing. "The baby?" Gold eyes open like saucers.

"Congratulations your majesty. I take it that the thief doesn't know it yet." Regina rolled her eyes to her former teacher.

"He's name is Robin and no he doesn't know yet. I wanted to be sure first before telling him. If he knew I was pregnant and this would affect my pregnancy he won't allow it." Regina clapped her hands together. Gold took a deep breath.

" Regina I am not sure of the consequences but you must know that creating something so pure will drain you of a lot of energy…" Gold's words trailed off but Regina understood the underline of his words.

"So I don't tell him." Regina stood up and walked to the front of the shop. Robin was talking to Elsa and Jefferson when she called for him.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked. Regina gave him a slight smile.

"I need your help with something." Robin oblige and follow Regina. When they reached Gold he already had everything ready for their task.

"I need a sample of your blood." Was all Gold said Robin looked at Regina and in her eyes he could see it was necessary.

" If you are going to be the one I trust to use the arrow the spell should have a sample of both of our blood. Don't worry it is just a little nothing more." Regina explained. "But you have to give it willingly otherwise it won't work." Gold offered him a dagger and Robin accepted it. He drew a slight gash on the palm of his hand and pressed it hard making drops of blood fall in to a vial. Regina did follow to do the same and once they were done Gold told them it would take a while before the spell took place.

"I will call you when everything is ready Regina. You should take care of any affair that need your attention because after the arrow is created there won't be much time." Regina understood the message Gold was trying to send between the lines. So she took Robin's hand and heal it before leaving Gold alone. Robin noticed a strange look on Regina face and he had to ask.

" Is everything is alright?" he asked concerned latch into his words.

"Everything is fine." She lied. " Once this is finally over we can begin planning our wedding." Regina took Robin's hand and began to walk to Elsa and Jefferson that were about to leave Gold's shop.

"Where are you going?" Regina asked.

"We are going to see Grace. I want her to meet Elsa." Elsa blushed and it didn't went unnoticed by anyone.

" I am sure Grace is going to love you. She is a lovely girl unlike her father." Jefferson threw a stern look to Regina but all he managed is make her laugh.

"Well Your Majesty I think we should get going if we want to make it in time for the last battle." Regina arch a brow.

"You make it sound like we are in a X-Men movie. That aside you are right. I hope you have a wonderful time with Grace." Elsa smiled at Regina. "Wait, where is Anna?" Elsa's smile grew even bigger.

"She is with Kristoff walking through town. I told her to arrive at Granny's since is the safest place right now." Regina nodded.

"Good. Then run along you got things to do." With that Jefferson and Elsa turned around and exited the shop. Robin took Regina's hands.

"What should we do in the mean time?" He asked. She pondered for a while but when nothing came to mind she asked, " What do you have in mind?" He kissed her forehead 'ummm' he began to hum. "I don't have a clue. But as long as we are together I'll do anything." Regina winked at him "I have a few ideas." She kissed Robin intensely and they disappears in white smoke. They appeared in front of Regina's bed "If we are going to pass the time together better be enjoying ourselves." She said and without any other words Robin began kissing her

After a while of kissing Regina Robin stopped to look at her in the eyes. He saw there a pain he couldn't quite decipher. "What's wrong? And this is the third time I ask Regina. Tell me the truth." Regina swallow the lump in her throat but finally decided to tell him something. " I don't know if I should tell you this." Robin cradled her face with his hands, " haven't you learned by now that you can tell me everything?" Regina looked down but Robin forced her to looked at him in the eyes, "please, Regina." He begged. She took a deep breath and just decided to blurt it all out, "I am pregnant." Robin eyes opened wide he was at lost for words. She looked at him with fear, 'maybe having a child with the great and terrible Evil Queen was too much for him' She thought. "Robin?" she called but when he just tugged her to him and hugged so tight all her worries went away, "You are… happy?" she asked. "Are you kidding me Regina? I am over the moon. I get to have a child with the woman that has stolen my heart, the woman that I love with every fiber of my being. Of course I am happy, you made me the happiest man alive." A tear of joy rolled down Regina's cheek and Robin kissed it away. That moment was just perfect. " This is just as exciting as the moment you said yes to be my wife perhaps even more." Robin said excitedly. Seeing him like that made Regina happy, not only because of the fact she going to be a mother but also because he desired this as much as she did. But Gold's words struck into her head and made her expression of happiness go away. It didn't go unnoticed by Robin. "Is there something else you are not telling me?" Regina shook her head. "No. I am just thinking on how to tell the boys, if they are going to accept having another little brother." Robin tilt his head, "little sister." Regina cocked her head to the side "How can you be so sure?" Robin smirked at her, "Well your majesty I got a gift of knowing this things." Robin moved closer to Regina to kiss her on the cheek. "Ummm" she hummed, "I hope you are right then. A little girl with your eyes will be the most adorable thing ever." She said Robin cradle her face "A little girl that looks like you will make me happier, since you are the most beautiful woman in the world and the only woman in this planet that could make me fall in love is our daughter." Regina's heart swelled with undying love for this man. She couldn't help it anymore and gave him the biggest smile she could mustered. " I love you Robin with all my heart." She finally said Robin closed the distance between them, "I love you Regina." She said into her mouth and began to kiss her.

The kiss was soft, languid and full of promise. They could feel in every part of their bodies the love that could emanate from the other. An over powering sensation that was taking over any coherent thought they were having. As the time passed and the kiss progressed they felt the need to explore even more of each other. Being together was an adventure that neither of them got bored of having. Every touch, every caress made them aware of the burning feeling that grew inside of them. With closed eyes and breathing in every spark that their kiss created they stumble on the bed. Breaking the kiss. Robin sat down on the bed and Regina straddle him pinning him down and ready to make true any desire Robin could have building up inside of him. Regina bit her lower lip while moving her hands to the end of Robin's shirt tugging it up and removing it completely. Her hands ran across his bare chest admiring his well form muscle and the heat that his body created making her burn even more for him. Robin mirrored Regina's move unbuttoning her silky top until it expose her black lace bra (he could never get enough of that sight. He ghostly moves the tip of his finger across her belly and up to her neck. Regina crawls on top of him and begins to trail kisses from his shoulder blades, to his neck, across his jaw and all the way to his mouth. Robin has his hand one on her hip and the other the back of the neck. The kiss get intense the moment Regina parted her lips and their tongues began so duel for survival and dominance. They heat of the moment over took them and all went blank.

After making love for what it feel like a life time Regina and Robin took a breath. Holding each other tangled together. Regina across Robin's chest, her home her safe heaven. The amount of happiness and promise in that very room made her realize that every event good and bad were leading to that exact moment. She has done a lot of things in her lifetime, she has suffered and caused suffering, She had loved and was loved, is loved. Robin was her rock her salvation. The one that believe in her, the one that could see passed all the dead weight around her, Her soulmate.

" Robin?" she asked. He was tracing patterns in her back. She always found it so soothing. He hum and she continue to talked. "Who knew a thief was going to be my happy ending." Robin chuckled at that. He positioned himself so she could see her directly in the eyes, his next words are going to be really important.

"Not a happy ending Regina. You said it once before, we are going to have happy beginning for the rest of our lives. True love isn't a happy ending, because true love doesn't really end and I know with all my heart that you and I are beyond forever." Robin kissed the top of her head. Before Regina could say anything else the phone rang and they both knew it was time. Before Regina got out of bed Robin grab her by the wait pulling her closer to him. "I have to ask… is this going to affect the baby?" Regina heart began to beat heart in her chest to the point she could almost heart it in her ears. Regina shook her head, "Not at all, It is light magic after all." Regina took a deep breath because she knew that might as well be a lie but she couldn't let him stop her, as much as it pained her his safety and their children was first. Regina gave Robin a quick kiss and stood up revealing her naked form for Robin to appreaciate. She looked back and wink before moving to the bathroom. Robin threw himself back on the bed thinking about Regina's words. He really didn't believe them. He shook himself internally, not proud of not believing her and began to get dress. The moment he was finished Regina got out of the bathroom. She smelled like apples and cherries and all he wanted was to take her again and never leave the bed but they were needed elsewhere, what a shame.

" Ready?" she asked stretching her hand to Robin.

" Always." He respond, Regina sends him a small soft smile and transport them to Granny's.

Everyone was waiting for their arrival and the moment they appeared Gold, Emma, Snow, David, Jefferson and Elsa went to them. Ruby was trying to gathered everyone inside with the help of Anna and Kristoff. Being successful Ruby went to the group urging one of them to raise the protection spell once more. Before Emma started chanting Regina had to ask. " Where are the boys?" Emma nodded inside and Regina released a breath she didn't notice she was holding. Regina gave her the okay to continue with the spell.

"Your majesty a word?" that came from Gold. Regina move to go to him but Robin stopped.

"Regina you weren't lying earlier right?" Regina contemplated telling him the truth but they were so close to defeating Rasputin and have tranquility that she didn't say anything. She kissed him and made him released the grip.

"The spell is completed. I need you to concentrated all your energy on it so the arrow can be created. You are well aware of the implications right? " Regina nodded. "Very well. I took the liberty of creating a bow as well but don't worry it didn't required much." He called to Robin and he came. "This is the bow you are gonna use." Gold handed the bow to Robin. "you can keep it afterwards, it was made from the arrow you hit me with." Gold smirked and Robin was taken aback. " You kept that arrow all this years?" Gold turned to see Belle that was approaching. "OH dearie, I keep the things I know that are going to be important in the long run. And your arrow was/ is quite important. It won't brake like the other one you have because it's enchanted." Robin nodded in understanding. "Now that everything is clear shall we begin?"

Gold question got answer but by someone that wasn't in front of him.

"Yes shall we. I've been dying to kill someone people." Zelena's eyes open wickedly wide.

Regina move forward but not to close. " You don't have to do this. I gave you an option but you didn't take doesn't mean it isn't still standing." Regina said. Zelena huffed at her sisters words. "No thanks sis. I am not in the mood of being killed by Rumpel's hand again." Regina gasped and look at Gold. "I knew you killed her you twisted little imp." Regina had a fireball in her hand and when she was about to throw to Gold Robin's voice pierce through the air warning of Zelena's attack. Regina didn't have much time to react and she was flying through the air. When Zelena was about to attack Robin Gold threw a fireball her way. "Go and check that Regina is okay."Gold said, Robin oblige and ran to her. "You don't have my dagger dearie and since you are attacking me I can gladly kill you." Gold said but before he could throw another attack Zelena had an invisible hand wrap around Belle's neck. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Or do you want your precious Belle to suffered?" Zelena cackled. Gold made the fireball disappear. "Good, Doll." Zelena said she threw Belle back and Gold went to her. While he was distracted Zelena walked towards Regina and Robin that were on the floor. "Well sis I think is time to erase your existence." With a wicked grin Zelena raised her hand to attack but Daniel's voice made her stop. "Do you think because you are Rasputin son I won't attacked you? You are sadly mistaken." A loud voice broke through Zelena's intentions.

"You will not attack Daniel and that is final." Rasputin appeared in dark smoke in front of her. Zelena sighed frustrated because he was cutting her fun short.

"Fine but I still get to kill my sister." Zelena directed her gaze to Regina and Robin that were standing up while the two villains were talking. "Well sis. I guess this is good bye then." She tried to plunge her hand through Regina's chest but was stopped in mid tracks when the dark one raised his hand to freeze her. Gold sent her a look urging her to start canalizing her energy towards the potion Regina still held in her hands. Regina quickly oblige and start gathering energy. Rasputin notices the sudden change in the air, the remnants of light magic that was beginning to form. Before he could do anything Elsa put a protective shield around Robin and Regina and Emma freezes Rasputin in place.

"Daniel don't let them separate us. We can be a family again." He said is voice seemed sincere but Daniel knew that could be a lie. Daniel approaches his father and gives him a sad smile, "You never knew how to be a father, how do you expect me to believe that we could be a family when you don't know how to love?" Daniel raises his hand to touch his father cheek, "I am sorry but you want to harm the people I truly can call family. I love you father I will always but this world would be better off without your dark magic."Daniel lowers his hand to Rasputin neck level and snatches the pendant from his neck. "I'll make sure this goes to safe hands." Daniel stands back to where he was standing, where Marian was.

Suddenly there is a burst of energy at Regina's direction the arrow was finally created and she gave it to Robin. He pointed it out to Rasputin and with flick of his fingers let it lose going across his heart. The purity of the arrow disperses through his whole body like holy water against demons. All the dark magic he has ever cast disappears with him. Liberating Marian and Zelena of the magic that he had inflicted in them, the corruption inside their souls.

Everyone cheer at the victory. It felt lighter to breath, the sun shone bright on top of everyone and for the first time in a long time the actually believe that peace would last long. Robin turned around to see Regina she smile at him but in a matter of seconds everything went black, the last thing she saw was a Raven.

Robin catched her before she went crashing into the hard ground. He called for frantically but not hearing any response made him yelled for help. Gold wrapped Zelena in a invisible and went to Regina.

"Rumple what the hell happened?" Robin voice was at the verge of breaking. Gold examine Regina.

"I think that the sudden released of energy at once made her really weak and when her body trying to get energy back into her body she must have absorb the dark part of Rasputin that were scattered into the air. Not adding that her pregnancy was at risk and that can make things worse for her." Gold explanation made Robin shivered. He was afraid of losing Regina, losing her when they just promised each other to be together forever. Without thinking Robin took Regina in his arms and took her to the mansion. When he got to the house he gently put her down on the bed and kneels besides her clutching her hand to his chest. Elsa went to kneel besides him.

"She will be okay. I know she will fight to stay here with you. She just found you and I know that her love for you will be strong enough to save her." Robin didn't looked at her, he only had eyes to the beautiful woman that looked so peaceful in her bed. Gold entered the room. He asked Robin to give him a second with Regina. He doubts first on letting Regina's side but Elsa convince him otherwise.

"Ah Regina. You gotta fight." Gold began casting a preservation spell on Regina.

Darkness. That is all she could see. No sense of direction no way to turned without seeing more darkness all around. Regina began to called for Robin but was met with silence. She began to walk and walk never stopping she began to feel dread inside of her. Finally she gave on walking and plunged into the floor, tears falling and her hands covering her face. She was like that for a few minutes before she felt a touch on her hands and a sweet voice broke through her sobs.

"Why are you crying?" The voice was of a little girl. Regina looked up to see the most beautiful girl she could see. She was brunette, short hair, porcelain skin and the deepest blue eyes she has ever seen, they reminded her of Robin. When Regina didn't answer the girl continue, "Are you lost?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice. Regina washed away her tears and began examining the little girl face. Regina felt a sudden flutter in her heart and at the pit of her stomach. She realize she hasn't answer the little girl question.

"Yes I am lost I can't seem to find my way back." Regina answered one of her question. The little girl took one of Regina's hands.

"You didn't tell me why were you crying." Regina open her eyes wide. She was hoping that she didn't notice her skipping that certain question. But before she the opportunity to answer the girl continue talking. "You can't find you way back because you don't really want to return." Regina opened her mouth but close it again. Was that really what she wanted? She analyze the situation and knew exactly why. "No tell me. Why were you crying?" Regina took a deep breath before answering the girl question.

"I am afraid that I lost something really valuable to me." The girl tilts her head and examines Regina's face and said, "How can you be so sure? Did you check if you have it?" Regina scrunched her brows thinking on her words. "I.." Regina didn't know what to tell her. The girl sat in front of Regina waiting for her answer. "No I haven't." The girl takes Regina's other hand, "Did you lose hope?" The questions surprises Regina 'this girl is to wise for such a young age' she thought. "I never been good having hope, this is all new to me." The girl smiled to her, "I can tell that much." The girl stood up and stretch her hand encouraging Regina to stand up when she did all that was darkness changed. She was standing at the foot of her bed looking at her still self with Robin, Henry and Roland at her side. All that Regina could hear was Robin calling for her, telling her to come back to him. "You were crying because you thought you lost me but I'm still here." Regina head jerked to the little girl way. She scrunched down to her level. "What did you say?" The girl smile and cupped Regina's face. "Mommy I am fine." The girl kissed Regina's cheek "You will see me grow. I will receive all your love. But you have to wake up and face Daddy. You didn't tell him I could get hurt even thought it was to protect him and my brothers. He might be a little mad but he loves you with everything I know I am the product of a soulmates true love." Regina hugged the little girl tight kissing her on top of her head. "Now go and be happy mommy I will be waiting for you, I love you." The girl kiss Regina's forehead. The girl began to fade but before she did Regina asked what her name was. The girl smiled and said "You already know it." When the girl disappear completely. Regina took a deep breath and wished with everything to return to Robin.

Regina body trembled under Robin's hand. She began to shake uncontrollably and Robin was afraid that something back could happy. "Henry call Gold NOW." He demanded. Henry oblige and went running downstairs. "Daddy was happening to Gina?" Roland asked. Robin saw the distress on the boy face and couldn't bring himself to even give him a comforting answer. Robin elevates Regina's body so he could site against the headboard. Regina's back was pressed completely against Robin's chest. She was shaking non-stop and Robin was afraid to lose her now even more. At that moment Gold entered the room and immediately took the place where Robin once was seated. Gold dispelled the preservation spell he put on Regina which was preventing her to fully wake up. The moment he did Regina took a deep intake of air that had her patting for a while. From the door emerged Snow, Elsa, Emma, David, Jefferson and everyone else and immediately relief went across their faces when Regina's eyes fluttered open. She started to look around.

"ROBIN." She cried out. He hugged her from behind began telling her comforting words to her ear.

"I'm here my love. I am here at your side." Regina closes her eyes for a few minutes trying to control her breathing completely. When she did she opened them again and was greeted with Henry and Roland's faces.

"My little prince and my knight." She said opening her arm to hugged them both to which both of them oblige.

"I think we should give them their privacy." Gold said. Snow wanted to go to Regina but Gold was right they needed to talk.

"Boys would you mind going outside for a minute, I need to talk to your mother for a moment." They looked at Robin questionlly. "I promised it won't take long."

"Okay." Henry breathes out. "Come Roland let's play at my room."

The door shut closed and before Robin had any chance of talking Regina beat him to it.

"I'm so sorry Robin." Robin was taking a back with her words. Regina turns around completely and now she found herself sitting in front of him. "I should have told the implications and I didn't I was afraid that you would stop me and I needed to protect you and our children and I couldn't wake up because I was afraid of your reaction, I was lost. Then the most beautiful little girl helped understand why I was feeling so lost and then she told she was our daughter which It couldn't be denied because she had your deep blue eyes." Regina took a breath after saying all those words at once.

"Regina breathe sweetie. I don't like your keeping things from me, I do understand why you did it but we are together and we should always be open and honest with each other. I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest when I saw you almost lifeless. I don't want to feel that ever again." Regina cupped Robin's face a tear falling down.

"I promise you I will never hold anything back." Robin kissed her.

"So… we are having a girl. What name are we giving her?" Regina winked at Robin.

Five years later

There was a light breeze. The sweet sound of birds chirping filled the air. The bright sun glimmering over the skin. The deep green of the trees with little droplets of water made the whole view shine. Leaves crunching roughly beneath the soft footfalls. A sweet smell coming from the flowers all around and a little girl running free like the wind all around.

"Careful Raven don't run or you are going to fall." Regina yelled cheerfully.

"Let her be Regina she is a wild and free just like her mother." He kisses Regina gently on the cheek.

"Wild? Whatever you say sweetie. By the way where are the boys?" Regina asked looking around.

Robin scoots closer to Regina. "They are probably around shooting some arrows and practicing with their swords. Ever since we worked out the portal between Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest they have been really eager learners." As in on cue the two boys appeared.

"Mom." Both boys yelled in perfect sync. Hearing her boys always made her happy.

"Where have the both of you been?" Regina asked. The boys eyes lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree.

"We were at the Enchanted Forest. David was showing us a lot of amazing places. We should go there for the next picnic." Roland said enthusiastically. Henry just mirrored Roland enthusiasm.

"Well why we don't go through our current one so we can plan the next one." Robin said. "Raven sweetie come is time to eat." The little girl came as fast as her legs let her.

"Mommy I brought you some flowers." Raven said with the sweetest of voice. Regina motion Raven to seat at her lap and Raven did it gladly. She kissed the top of her head and breath it in her flower scent with lavender.

Everyone began to eat and once they were done Roland, Henry and Raven went to play at the flower field.

"So what do you think about our lives your majesty?" Regina looked at him with loving eyes.

"It's just perfect. I love you my Outlaw."

"and I love you my Queen."

Thanks for everything guys. I hope you enjoyed the story.