Author's Note: This story was written in answer to a prompt by TheGoodShipDramione. It's going to be an angsty one folks so turn back now if that isn't your thing.

Name (of challenge): Not A Heroic Hermione - Rather A Desperate One

Name of challenger (as in your name): TheGoodShipDramione

Due date (if applicable): None

Pairings/characters: Hermione at the very least, would want it to turn either Dramione or Snamione. Possibly someone else if you think you can change me?

Summary: The Final Battle has ended, and Hermione either feels grief at Ron's death or that there is no escape as everyone expects her and Ron to marry. She's walking along the Stone Bridge; rubble and bodies scattered around her; contemplating suicide by jumping. She's standing on the edge, toes curled and pointed towards the canyon below. She's poised to jump, teetering forward, when someone pulls her back.

Hermione screamed as she saw Ron fall. Time seemed to slow as she cast a cutting curse at the Death Eater in front of her. She ran towards him, sending curses towards any who stood in her way. Mrs. Weasley reached him before her and knelt on the ground, her hands covered in dirt and blood, cradling Ron's head in her lap as she sobbed.

"My poor boy. My baby boy."

Blood soaked the front of his shirt and the ground under it. Hermione fell to her knees next to them and raised her wand.

"Vulnera sanentur. Vulnera sanentur. Vulnera sanentur. VULNERA SANENTUR."

"It's no use." Hermione raised her head at Mrs. Weasley's words. "He's gone."

Hermione looked at his pale face and held his hand gently in hers. It was cold, so cold.

"I'm so sorry," she murmured not knowing what else to say. Her heart felt like his hand: cold and numb. "Who was it," she asked.

"What," Mrs. Weasley responded dazedly.

"Who. Was. It," Hermione gritted out feeling the ice in her heart turn to white hot rage.

"I don't know. I- I didn't see. I didn't know until I heard you scream."

Hermione fought the rest of the battle like an enraged beast. She was deadly, precise, and unforgiving. When Voldemort came before them with Harry's dead body she felt as if her heart was breaking a second time.

"Not Harry, please not Harry," she whispered brokenly.

In the aftermath of the battle, the survivors were numb. They had won, but at too great a cost. The Great Hall was filled with the bodies of the dead, enemies and allies alike. Friends and families huddled around loved ones.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the bright hair of the Weasley family. Harry's dark head stood out amongst them. Ginny was tucked into his side, sobbing into his shoulder. Hermione walked towards them slowly and they parted to let her into the middle of their circle. She collapsed beside Ron's body, barely registering Fred lying still next to him. She felt someone kneel next to her and put an arm around her. Harry. Tears ran down his face exposing pale skin under dirt. He reached a hand up towards her face to wipe a tear away. She hadn't even realized she was crying. They knelt together remembering the boy they had both loved and lost. Their friend and brother.

After what seemed like a millenium had passed, Harry stood and offered her a hand. When she ignored him, he grabbed her wrist and forcefully pulled her up. She stared at him expressionlessly until he began to drag her out of the Great Hall, at which point she screamed.

"No! You can't! I have to stay! He needs me! Ron! Ron!" She was hysterical.

"Shh Hermione shh." Harry wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed. Everyone stared as the normally calm and collected Hermione Granger fell apart. "We'll be back for him. There's one last thing we need to take care of. One last task, ok?" He held her chin and tilted it up until her brown eyes met his green ones. "It's going to be ok. The Weasleys probably want some time alone anyway." They both looked back at the family, neither commenting on the unspoken knowledge that a couple hours ago they had considered themselves members of that family, or that that status seemed to have changed.

When Hermione seemed to have calmed, he slipped his hand into hers and led her outside. Neither of them spoke a word until they reached the stone bridge. Harry pulled a wand out of his pocket. It wasn't his holly wand, but rather a dark brown one with distinct knobs along it that she recognized as Dumbledore's.

"Harry, what-"

"This is the Elder Wand." He reached into his other pocket and pulled out the broken pieces of his wand. "Reparo." His wand was quickly fixed, the parts rejoining into a cohesive whole. He looked at Hermione for a moment before putting his wand back in his pocket and snapping the Elder Wand in two. He quickly pitched it over the edge of the bridge then turned and fixed Hermione with a challenging stare as if expecting her to protest.

Somewhere in her mind it registered that Harry had just destroyed an incredibly powerful, old, not to mention valuable, magical artifact, but she couldn't seem to bring herself to care. All she felt was the same icy numbness that had first filled her when she held Ron's hand on the battlefield.

"Is that all," she quietly asked.

"Yes that's all." Harry turned to go back to the Great Hall but paused when he realized Hermione wasn't following him. "Hermione?"

"Go ahead, Harry. I just need a moment." His gaze flicked towards the edge of the bridge. He studied his expression before nodding slowly.

"If you're not back in ten minutes I'm going to come find you," he finally said. Then he turned on his heel and sprinted away.

When she could no longer see him, Hermione let out a deep breath. They had won but the cost had been too high. She had thought that after years of pain, tears, and struggles they would have a happy ending. But now Ron was gone. Both her families were gone. Her place in the Weasley family had died along with Ron. She had told Harry she would be able to retrieve the memories of her parents in order to prevent him from feeling guilty but she knew it was nearly impossible to do so. That left her alone. All alone, cold, and numb. She climbed up onto the ledge of the bridge wondering if she could still feel fear. She felt a slight thrill but otherwise, nothing. Looking down, she felt her gut wrench as she realized the grass was stained dark red with blood. So many dead and gone, surely they wouldn't miss one more. She inched closer to the edge, her toes hanging off the side. A slight breeze nudged her and she swayed back and forth between safety and danger. She closed her eyes and prepared to fall.

"What the fuck, Granger!"

Two strong hands grabbed her waist and pulled her backwards. She realized she was lying on top of someone who held her tightly to their chest. She slowly opened her eyes to see two furious grey ones staring back at her. It was Malfoy. He shoved her off him and scrambled to his feet.

"After all this. After seven fucking years of fighting and all the lives lost today you were just going to- to- jump?" He spat the last word out like a curse. Hermione calmly sat on the ground looking up at him. She folded her hands in her lap and took her time choosing her words.

"I wouldn't say I was going to jump. I was preparing to fall though I was leaving it up to fate which way I would fall," she replied referring to the wind.

"Of all the stupid, Gryffindor- come with me. Now." He grabbed her wrist attempting to haul her to her feet. When she refused to stand up, he sighed and lifted her up in his arms before walking back to the castle at a brisk pace. Hermione stared off into the distance in front of her, refusing to make eye contact with him. She thought back to the stone bridge and the feel of the cold stone beneath her fingers. She was so caught up she didn't realize Draco had brought her back to the Great Hall.

"Hermione," Harry called in a pained voice.

"She's fine," Draco replied "Well physically at least. What were you thinking letting her go on the bridge all alone, Potter? Do you have any idea what she was about to do?" His silky tones cut through the silence of the Hall like a knife as everyone watched the exchange.

"I didn't think she'd... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Thank you, Draco." Draco regarded Harry silently observing his disheveled appearance and dazed expression. "I'll take her. Hermione?"

Hermione turned her head towards Harry and focused on him with a blank expression. Harry had his arms out to pick her up but she made no move to help him. Draco cursed mentally before he spoke.

"I can... I can watch her for a while if you want, Potter." Harry's eyes shot to him and examined him with suspicion. "You probably have things to do, yeah?" His gaze flicked towards the Weasley family. "I'll sit with her until you're ready. We'll be right over there." He pointed towards a spot along the walls that was furthest from the bodies but still well within Harry's line of sight in the Weasley's circle.

"Ok," Harry agreed uncertainly, "thanks, Malfoy. Your parents are looking for you by the way. You should probably go find them first."

"Right, thanks." Draco scanned the crowd for blond heads. He was drawn to a pair in the far corner before realizing it was the Lovegoods. He continued scanning until he spotted his mother and father along the wall. "Mother," he called. His mother's head shot up at the sound of his voice and she raced towards him, his father following her at a more sedate pace.

"Oh, Draco," she whispered, stopping short at the sight of him.

"Hello Mother." He smiled at her.

"You're alright? Do you need healing," she asked as she examined a cut on his cheek.

"I'm fine. I just need to watch someone for Potter for a bit."

Narcissa looked down at the girl lying quietly in Draco's arms. Her eyes widened in recognition.

"Hermione Granger," she breathed, "Are you okay, dear," she asked her. Hermione gave no signs that she had heard her. Narcissa looked at Draco in confusion, but he simply shrugged and shook his head.

"It might be best if you and Father return to the Manor. I'll meet you there once I'm done here," Draco said spying his father closing in on them. Narcissa's eyes flicked down to the still form of Hermione Granger before she gave a quick nod. She kissed him on the cheek and held him close, Hermione pressed between them.

"You have your emergency portkey," she whispered in his ear urgently, "just in case?" Draco nodded and she pecked him on the cheek again before hurrying to intercept his father. He waited until both of them left before taking up his designated post along the wall with Hermione. He noticed Harry watching him and gave him a nod which Harry returned. When Harry turned back around towards the Weasleys, Draco slid down the wall in exhaustion, settled Hermione in his lap, and prepared to wait.

Author's Note: I have more planned for this so expect another chapter soon-ish. Reviews are always welcome whether supportive or critical. If you have any requests regarding the story line feel free to let me know since I'm open to ideas and suggestions.